
Soviet Everyday Life

Course Outline
Spring 2011

TuTh 4:00-5:45
Oakes 106

William Nickell
103 Cowell
Office Hours: Wed 11:00-1:00
and by appointment

    March 29: Conceptualizing private space & daily life
    March 31: Reading spaces
    Alexander Genis: from Red Bread: “America From A to Y” (Especially Bar, Bathroom, Garage, Restaurant, University), “Brodsky in New York,” “Red Bread”
    Michel de Certeau – “Spatial Stories” (
    The Practice of Everyday Life, 115-130)

    Optional Reference Reading:
    de Certeau “A Common Place: Ordinary Language” (1-14), “Popular Cultures: Ordinary Language” (15-28)
    Stephen C. Hutchings, “Narrative and the Everyday: Myth, Image, Sign, Icon, Life” (Russian
    modernism: the transfiguration of the everyday,
    13-44) Crowley & Reid – “Sites of Everyday Life in the Eastern Bloc” (Socialist Spaces, 1-22)

      Apr. 5: Bolshevik domestic policy vs. Utopian ideals of the 1920s
      From Stites: Revolutionary Dreams (Ch. 9-10, pp. 190-222) Zamyatin: “The Cave”
      Apr. 7: Creating Social(ist) Space: Melnikov and Miliutin
      F. Starr, “Bearings in a New World (1917-1921),” “Architecture and Daily Life (1926-1928)” (Melnikov: Solo Architect in a Mass Society, 107-147, 240-258)
      Miliutin, Sotsgorod
      View in class
      : scenes from Dziga Vertov’s Man with a Movie Camera

      Optional Reference Reading:
      F. Starr, “Architecture Against Death” (Melnikov: Solo Architect in a Mass Society, 31-53)
      Sergei Oushakine, “The Flexible and the Pliant: Disturbed Organisms of Modernity” (
      , Vol. 19, No. 3, 392-428).
      Milka Bliznakov – “Soviet Housing in the Experimental Years, 1918-1933” (
      Russian Housing in
      the Modern Age
      , 85-148)
        Apr. 12: Literature and byt;
        Mayakovsky, selected poems Bulgakov, “Moscow in the 1920s”
        Zoshchenko, “The Crisis” (
        Nervous People, 137-140)
        Apr. 14: Socialist Puritanism
        Aleksandra Kollontai, “Vasilissa Malygina”

        Optional Reference Reading:
        Naiman “Revolutionary Anorexia” (Sex in Public, 208-249)
        Arvatov: “Everyday Life and the Culture of the Thing” (sendout)

        Film: Abram Room, Bed and Sofa (1929)

          Apr. 19: Television (or in interior / exterior / anterior)
          Victor Buchli, “Khruschev, Modernism, and the Fight against Petit-bourgeois Consciousness in
          the Soviet Home” (
          Journal of Design History 10 (1997): 161-176)
          Kristin Roth-Ey, “Finding a Home for Television in the USSR, 1950-1970” (
          Slavic Review 66:2, 278-306)
          View: Footage of “The Kitchen Debate”
          Apr. 21: Apartment and Dacha
          Vera Dunham, “The Big Deal” (In Stalin’s Time, 3-23) Katherine Eaton, “Housing” (Daily Life in the Soviet Union, 153-174)
          Stephen Lovell, “Soviet Exurbia: Dachas in Postwar Russia” (Socialist Spaces: 105-119)

          Optional Reference Reading:
          Vladimir Paperny, “Men, Women & the Living Space” (Russian Housing in the Modern Age,
          Randi Cox, “All This Can Be Yours! Soviet Commercial Advertising and the Social Construction
          of Space, 1928-1956 (
          The Landscape of Stalinism, 125-162)
          Susan Reid, “Destalinization and Taste, 1953-1963 (
          Journal of Design History 10:2 (1997): 177-

            Apr. 26: Mothers and Fathers
            Natalya Baranskaya, “A Week Like Any Other”
            Elizabeth Wood “Daily Life and Gender Transformation” (
            The Baba and the Comrade, 194-214)
            Deborah Field, “Mothers and Fathers and the Problem of Selfishness in the Khrushchev Period”
            Women in the Khrushchev Era, 96-113)
            Apr. 28: Children
            Catriona Kelly, “Future Race: Regulating the Everyday Life of Children in Early Soviet Russia”
            Everyday Life in Early Soviet Russia, 256-281)
            Susan Reid, “Khruschev’s Children’s Paradise: The Pioneer Palace, Moscow 1958-1962” (
            , 141-179)

            Optional Reference Reading:
            Francine du Plessix Gray, “Masters & Johnson in Leningrad,” “Maya,” “Why They Dress Up”
            Barbara Holland, “’A Woman’s Right to Choose’ in the Soviet Union” (Home, School, and
            Leisure in the Soviet Union
            , 55-69)
            Deborah Field, “Sexual Morality, Abortion, and the Limits of Intervention” (
            Private Life and
            Communist Morality in Khrushchev’s Russia
            , 51-65)

            Film: Vladimir Menshov, Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears (1980)

              May 3: The apartment as place of terror & privilege
              Joseph Brodsky, “In a Room and a Half” (Less Than One, 447-501)
              May 5: The Kitchen
              Susan Reid, “The Khrushchev Kitchen: Domesticating the Scientific-Technological Revolution”
              Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 40, No. 2, 289-316)

              Optional Reference Reading:
              Gerasimova – “Public Privacy in the Soviet Communal Apartment” (Soviet Spaces, 207-230)
              Susan Reid“Cold War in the Kitchen: Gender and the Se-Stalinization of Consumer Taste in the
              Soviet Union under Khrushchev” (
              Slavic Review, Vol. 61, No. 2, 211-252).

                May 10: The Bookshelf
                Klaus Mehnert, “Too Many Russians Chasing Too Few Books” (The Russians and Their
                Favorite Books
                , 13-30)
                Jenny Brine, “Reading as a Leisure Pursuit in the USSR” (Home, School, and Leisure in the Soviet
                , 239-269)
                May 12: Dissident life and literature
                Vladimir Voinovich, Ivankiad Listen: Interview with Vyacheslav Igrunov

                Optional Reference Reading:
                Aleksei Yurchak, “Living Vnye: Deterritorialized Milieus” (Everything Was Forever, Until it Was
                No More
                , 126-157)
                Lev Rubinshtein, “Communal Fiction” (in
                Strange Soviet Practices)

                Film – Bela Tarr, Prefab People (1982)
                  May 17: The Society of Nature Andrei Platonov, “Among Animals and Plants”
                  May 19: Living outside the apartment
                  Venadikt Erofeev, Moscow-Petushki

                  Optional Reference Reading:
                  Nancy Ries, “Our Fairy Tale Life: The Narrative Construction of Russia, Women, and Men”
                  Russian Talk, 42-82)
                  Blair Ruble, “From Khrushcheby to Korobki” (
                  Russian Housing in the Modern Age, 232-270)
                    May 24: Ilya Kabakov
                    Ilya Kabakov, Ten Characters
                    May 26: Kabakov (cont.)

                    Kabakov “On Emptiness” (
                    Re-Entering the Sign, 91-98)
                    Kabakov, Tupitsyn, “About Installation” (
                    Art Journal, Vol. 58, No. 4 (Winter 1999), 66-73.)

                    Optional Reference Reading:
                    Boris Groys and Ilya Kabakov (Interview)
                    Boym, “On Diasporic Intimacy: Ilya Kabakov’s Installations and Immigrant Homes.” (
                    , Vol. 24, No. 2, Intimacy. (Winter, 1998), pp. 498-524)
                      May 31: Post-Soviet Nostalgia and Revision
                      Svetlana Boym, “Everyday Culture” (Russian Culture at the Crossroads, 157-184)
                      Boym, “From the Toilet to the Museum: Memory and Metamorphosis of Soviet Trash”
                      Consuming Russia, 383-396)
                      Theresa Sabonis-Chafee, “Communism as Kitsch: Soviet Symbols in Post-Soviet Russia”
                      Consuming Russia, 362-382)
                      Irina Paperno, “Personal Accounts of the Soviet Experience”
                      June 2: Soviet/Russian Post-Modernity
                      Mikhail Epstein, “The Origins of Russian Post-Modernism” (Re-Entering the Sign, 25-47)
                      Anna Krylova, “Saying Lenin and Meaning Party’: Subversion and Laughter in Late Soviet
                      Society” (
                      Consuming Russia, 243-265).

                      Optional Reference Reading:
                      Jochen Hellbeck, “Working, Struggling, Becoming: Stalin-Era Autobiographical Texts.”
                      Russian Review, 60:3, 340-359).
                      Mark Allen Svede, “Curtains: Décor for the End of Empire” (
                      Socialist Spaces, 231-248)
                      Svetlana Boym, selections from Common Places
                      Condee & Padunov, “The ABC of Russian Consumer Culture” (
                      Soviet Hieroglyphics, 130-172)

                      Required Texts (available at Literary Guillotine):
                      Alexander Genis – Red Bread (ISBN-13: 978-5717200509)
                      Kollontai – Love of Worker Bees (ISBN-13: 978-0897330015)
                      Venedikt Erofeev -
                      Moscow to the End of the Line (ISBN-13: 978-0810112001)
                      Kabakov –
                      The Man Who Flew Into Space from His Apartment (ISBN-13: 978-1846380044)
                      Socialist Spaces
                      (Crowley & Reid, eds.) ISBN-13: 978-1859735336

                      One of the following:

                        All work for the course should be completed and turned in at my office by 4:00 p.m. on June 9.