John Levi Martin




Here are links to programs that I have written for data analysis.  All are old-fashioned, command line interface programs, compiled for a Windows or MS-DOS operating system. Below this will be code for specific analyses.


FEMA (Field Effects:  Measures and Analyses) is the original FORTRAN program for the field measures discussed in Martin et al (2016).  More useful and well documented R-code is now found on Adam Slez's github.

DAMN (Dyadic Analysis of Multiple Networks) fits the QAP routines described in Martin (1999)--link to this paper for a description-- the latent status models described in Martin (1998), and now p* models.  (for acknowledgements, information about NEW most recent version and fixes, follow this link.)

ELLA (Every-gal-and-guy’s Latent Lattice Analyser):  This program, which incorporates the CLOSURE routine of Ed Haertel and the MLLSA of Clifford Clogg, fits the lattice models used in Wiley and Martin (1999) and Martin and Wiley (2000).

CONK (CONtingency table Konversion) manipulates contingency tables for ELLA.

BETA—This program fits the Extended Beta Binomial Item Response Theory Models described in Wiley, Martin, Herschkorn and Bond.

TIDE (Telephone Interview and Data Entry program) isn't really public, but if you need a flexible if ugly data entry or CATI tool for very complex data structures, maybe we can work something out.  The documentation is here.

Okay, here is some code for articles. 

First, we have the R-code for the sequence analyses of Martin and Murphy (2018).  You'll probably be able to guess whose code is whose. 

Then, the code to make the cute examples in "See it with Figures" (2019).

And here is a link to the code for Thinking Through Statistics.



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