
Barbara Maria Stafford

Published Articles



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1972-79 *

1980-89 *

1990-94 *

(* Indicates articles suggested as being among her 12 most significant)




"Medusa, or the Physiognomy of the Earth: Humbert de Superville's Cosmological Aesthetics," Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, 35 (1972), 308-338.

"Les deux edifices': The New Areopagus and a Spiritual Trophy, Hubert de Superville's Vision of Utopia," Art Quarterly, 35 (Spring 1972), 49-73.

"Mummies, Herms, and Colossi: Easter Island and the Origin of Sculpture," Art Quarterly, 36 (Summer-Autumn 1973), 31-55.

"Rude Sublime: Taste for Nature's Colossi in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries," Gazette des Beaux-Arts.

"Arena of Virtue and Temple of Immortality: An Early Nineteenth Century Museum Project," Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, 35 ( March 1976), 21-34.

* "Toward Romantic Landscape Perception: Illustrated Travel Accounts and the Rise of ' Singularity' as an Aesthetic Category," Art Quarterly, 1,.N. S. (Autumn 1977), 89-124.

* "Beauty of the Invisible: Winckelmann and the Aesthetics of Imperceptibility," Zeitschrift fur Kunstgeschiechte, Sonderdurck XLIII (1980), 65-78.

"Les meterores de Girodet," La Revue de l'Art, XLVI (1979), 46-51.


"Science as Fine Art: Another Look at Boullée's Cenotaph for Newton," Studies in Eighteenth Century Culture, Vol. XI, 1980, 241-278.

"Endymion's Moonbath: Art and Science in Girodet's Early Masterpiece," Leonardo, XV (Summer 1982), 193-198.

"Ballooning and the Taste for Discovery," in The Balloon, A Bicentennial Exhibition, University of Minnesota Art Museum, 1983.

"Characters in Stones, Marks on Paper: Enlightenment Discourse Concerning Natural and Artificial Taches," Art Journal, 44 (Winter 1984), 233-240.

* "From Brilliant Ideas to Fitful Thoughts: Conjecturing the Unseen in Late Eighteenth-Century Art," Zeitschrift fur Kunstgeschichte, 48 ( Fall 1985), 329-364.

"Vagaries of the Mind: The Birthmark as Mental Tattoo," The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions Video Library, 1986.

"Peculiar Marks: Lavater and the Countenance of Blemished Thought," Art Journal, 46 ( Fall 1987 ), 185-192.

* "Illiterate Monuments: The Ruin as Dialect and Broken Classic," The Age of Johnson, I (1987), 1-33.

"The Eighteenth Century: Towards an Interdisciplinary Model, " Art Bulletin, 70 ( March 1988 ), 6-24. (Article commissioned for the " State of-the Field" series)

"Picturing the Invisible: Kenneth Snelson's Portrait of an Atom," Kenneth Snelson. The Nature of Structure, New York Academy of Sciences, California Museum of Science and Industry, and National Academy of Sciences (1989-1990), 51-57.

"One Face of Beauty, One Face of Health: The Hidden Aesthetic of Medical Practice," with John LaPuma, M.D. and David L. Schiedermayer, M.D., Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 14 (1989), 213-230.


"Magnifications: The Eighteenth-Century Fortunes of a Primitive and Universal 'Imagistic'" Scritti in ricordo di Giovanni Previtali, II, Prospecttiva, 57-60 ( April 1989-October 1990), 308-315.

* "Fantastic Images: From Unenlightening to Enlightening Appearances' Meant to be Seen in the Dark," Aesthetic Illusion, Frederick Burwick and Walter Pape (Berlin: De Gruyter, 1990), 158-179.

"Les idees 'inees': La conception winckelmannienne de la creation," Winckelmann, ed. by Edouard Pommier (Paris: Reunion de musées nationaux, 1991), 137-160.

* "Voyeur or Observer? Enlightenment Thought on the Dilemmas of Display, " Configurations, I (no. 1, 1992), 93-126.

"The Art of Conjuring, or How the Romantic Virtuoso learned from the Enlightened Charlatan," Art Journal, 52 (Summer 1992).

"Present Image, Past Text, Post Body: Educating the Late Modern Citizen," Guest Editorial, Semiotica, 91 (Fall 192), 195-198.

"Presuming Images and Consuming Words: The Visualization of Knowledge from the Enlightenment to Postmodernism, " Consumption and the World of Goods, John Brewer and Roy Porter (London: Routledge, 1993), 462-477.

"Images of Ambiguity: Eighteenth-Century Microscopy and the Neither/Nor, " Visions of Empire: Voyages, Botany and Representations of Nature, Center for Seventeenth Century Studies, University of California, LA (Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 1993).

"Instructive Games: Apparatus and the Experimental Aesthetics of Imposture," Reflecting Senses, Perception and Appearance in Literature Culture, and the Arts, ed. by Walter Pape and Frederick Burwick.

"The Eighteenth-Century at the End of Modernity: towards the Re-Enlightenment," in The Past Prologue, edited by Carla Hay (New York: AMS Press, Inc. 1994).

"Making Images Real: Toward a Pragmatic Aesthetics and an Applied Interdisciplinary," The J. Paul Getty Trust Newsletter (Spring 1994).

1995 - 2003

Articles from 1995 - 2003 are listed at


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