The University of Chicago
Department of Pediatrics, Section of Hematology/Oncology
900 East 57th Street, KCBD 5121
Chicago, IL 60637-1234
Office: (773) 702-5960
Fax: (773) 834-1329
Email: xyang2 at


(a) Current:

1. R01 HD111938-01; NIH/NLM. PI: Moskowitz, Ivan Paul. My role: key person.

Title: "A heterochronic model for birth defects in Down Syndrome ".

Project period: 04/01/2023 – 03/31/2028.

(b) Past:

1. R21LM012619; NIH/NLM. My role: PD/PI.

Title: "Differential enhancer transcription identifies cis-regulatory elements for disease ".

Project period: 09/04/2017-08/31/2019.

2. R01HL092153; NIH. PI: Moskowitz, Ivan Paul. My role: co-investigator.

Title: "Genetic and Molecular Analysis of Congenital Heart Disease.".

Project period: 07/01/2014-06/31/2019.

3. R21 CA167305 NIH/NCI. PD/PI: X. Yang.

Title: "Modeling MicroRNA-Target Functional Networks for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Prognosis".

Project period: 07/01/2013-06/31/2015.

4. Southeast University Foundation XJ0711279. My role: PD/PI.

Title: "Statistical Analysis of Clinical Gene Expression Data".

Total direct costs: RMB 20,000. Annual salary recovery or effort: 40%. Project period: 01/01/2007-11/30/2009.

5. National Natural Science Foundation of China 60971099. My role: PD/PI.

Title: "Reverse Engineering of Leukemia Phenotype Associated MicroRNA Regulation and Gene Expression Network".

Total direct costs: RMB 240,000. Project period: 01/01/2010-12/31/2012.

6. Hyundai Hope on Wheels. My role: Bioinformaticist; PI.

Title: "Gene Regulatory Networks in Therapy-Related AML: Identifying Novel Targets for Therapeutic Intervention".

Total direct costs: $100,000. Annual salary recovery or effort: 20%. Project period: 10/01/2011-09/30/2013.


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