Robert Shimer's Data


Anyone is free to download the data and use it in his/her own research, as long as he/she includes the following statement: “This data was constructed by Robert Shimer.  For additional details, please see his webpage,


My slides are available here.


This page displays the data used during my plenary talk at the Midwest Macro Meetings, May 21, 2005.   I offer it in two formats, depending on whether you want to reconstruct the data and see the source code or simply look at the results. 



Main results (for details on the methodology, see Reassessing the Ins and Outs of Unemployment.)

All data are quarterly.  1951 is the first quarter of 1951, 1951.25 is the second quarter, etc.


Job Finding Rate

Separation Rate

Unemployment Rate

Vacancy-Unemployment Ratio

Output per Worker

Compensation per Worker



Original Data and Source Codes

The original data and source codes are compressed in .zip files.  Uncompress the files and look at the readme for more instructions.  The source code is written in Mathematica.  You will need this commercial program to replicate the results; however, the source code should be readable using the free Mathematica viewer, Mathreader. 


Job Finding and Separation Rates.  Unemployment and Vacancy (Help-Wanted Advertising) Rates. 

Output per Worker and Compensation per Worker.



The data collection was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants 9709881, 0079345, and 0351352. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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Last revised: May 23, 2005.
©Robert Shimer, 2005