Leonardo Bursztyn
Published and forthcoming papers
Identifying the Effect of Election Closeness on Voter Turnout:
Evidence from Swiss Referenda
(with Davide Cantoni, Patricia Funk, Felix Schönenberger, and Noam Yuchtman)Journal of the European Economic Association, 22(2), 876-914 (2024)
The Immigrant Next Door
(with Thomas Chaney, Tarek Hassan, and Aakaash Rao)American Economic Review, 114(2), 348-384 (2024)
Opinions as Facts
(with Aakaash Rao, Christopher Roth, and David Yanagizawa-Drott)Review of Economic Studies, 90(4), 1832-1864 (2023)
Justifying Dissent
(with Georgy Egorov, Ingar Haaland, Aakaash Rao, and Christopher Roth)Quarterly Journal of Economics, 138(3), 1403-1451 (2023)
Scapegoating During Crises
(with Georgy Egorov, Ingar Haaland, Aakaash Rao, and Chris Roth)American Economic Association Papers and Proceedings, 112, 151-55 (2022)
Killer Incentives: Rivalry, Performance and Risk-Taking Among
German Fighter Pilots, 1939-45
(with Philipp Ager, Lukas Leucht, and Hans-Joachim Voth)Review of Economic Studies, 89(4), 2257-2292, (2022) [Lead article]
Replication files
Misperceptions about Others
(with David Y. Yang)Annual Review of Economics, 14, 425-452 (2022)
Persistent Political Engagement: Social Interactions and the
Dynamics of Protest Movements
(with Davide Cantoni, David Y. Yang, Noam Yuchtman, and Y. Jane Zhang)American Economic Review: Insights, 3(2): 233-250 (2021)
Replication files
From Extreme to Mainstream: The Erosion of Social Norms
(with Georgy Egorov and Stefano Fiorin)American Economic Review, 110(11): 3522-3548 (2020)
Replication files
Misperceived Social Norms: Women Working Outside the Home in
Saudi Arabia
(with Alessandra González and David Yanagizawa-Drott)American Economic Review, 110(10): 2997-3029 (2020) [Lead article]
Replication files
Political Identity: Experimental Evidence on Anti-Americanism
in Pakistan
(with Michael Callen, Bruno Ferman, Saad Gulzar, Ali Hasanain, and Noam Yuchtman)Journal of the European Economic Association, 18(5): 2532-2560 (2020)
Replication files
Moral Incentives in Credit Card Debt Repayment: Evidence from a
Field Experiment
(with Stefano Fiorin, Daniel Gottlieb, and Martin Kanz)Journal of Political Economy, 127(4): 1641-1683 (2019)
Replication files
Cool to Be Smart or Smart to Be Cool? Understanding Peer
Pressure in Education
(with Georgy Egorov and Robert Jensen)Review of Economic Studies, 86(4): 1487-1526 (2019)
Replication files
Status Goods: Experimental Evidence from Platinum Credit Cards
(with Bruno Ferman, Stefano Fiorin, Martin Kanz, and Gautam Rao)Quarterly Journal of Economics, 133(3): 1561-1595 (2018)
Replication files
’Acting Wife:’ Marriage Market Incentives and Labor Market
(with Thomas Fujiwara and Amanda Pallais)American Economic Review, 107(11): 3288-3319 (2017)
Replication files
Social Image and Economic Behavior in the Field: Identifying,
Understanding and Shaping Social Pressure
(with Robert Jensen)Annual Review of Economics, 9: 131-153 (2017)
Poverty and the Political Economy of Public Education Spending:
Evidence from Brazil
Journal of the European Economic Association, 14(5): 1101-1128 (2016)
Supplemental Appendix, Replication files
A Tear in the Iron Curtain: The Impact of Western Television on
Consumption Behavior
(with Davide Cantoni)
Review of Economics and Statistics, 98(1): 25-41 (2016)
Supplemental Appendix, Replication files
How Does Peer Pressure Affect Educational Investments?
(with Robert Jensen)
Quarterly Journal of Economics, 130(3): 1329-1367 (2015)
Supplemental Appendix, Replication files
Understanding Mechanisms Underlying Peer Effects: Evidence from
a Field Experiment on Financial Decisions
(with Florian Ederer, Bruno Ferman, and Noam Yuchtman)
Econometrica, 82(4): 1273-1301 (2014)
Supplemental Appendix, Replication files
The Schooling Decision: Family Preferences,
Intergenerational Conflict, and Moral Hazard in the
Brazilian Favelas
(with Lucas C. Coffman)Journal of Political Economy, 120(3): 359-397 (2012) [Lead article]
Supplemental Appendix, Replication files
The Environment and Directed Technical Change
(with Daron Acemoglu, Philippe Aghion, and David Hemous)American Economic Review, 102(1): 131–166 (2012)
Supplemental Appendix, Replication files
Other publications
Preserving the Environment
(with Philippe Aghion and Peter Howitt)
In Aghion, P. and P. Howitt, The Economics of Growth, MIT Press (2008)
Working papers
When Product Markets Become Collective Traps: The Case of Social Media
(with Benjamin Handel, Rafael Jiménez-Durán and Chris Roth)Conditionally Accepted - American Economic Review
How Are Gender Norms Perceived?
(with Alexander W. Cappelen, Bertil Tungodden, Alessandra Voena, and David Yanagizawa-Drott) -
In Their Shoes: Empathy Through Information
(with with Marianne Andries, Thomas Chaney, Milena Djourelova and Alex Imas) -
Social Media and Xenophobia: Evidence from Russia
(with Georgy Egorov, Ruben Enikolopov, and Maria Petrova) -
Polarization and Public Policy: Political Adverse Selection under Obamacare
(with Jonathan Kolstad, Aakaash Rao, Pietro Tebaldi, and Noam Yuchtman)