Andreas Glaeser                                          

© Andreas Glaeser, 2009-2010
Selected publications
Here is a selected list of publications together with links to downloadable chapters, chapter drafts and papers (in bold and caps)


Political Epistemics: The Secret Police, The Opposition and the End of East German Socialism. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2011. Here is a pointer to sample chapters: the PREFACE and PART SUMMARIES  (providing an overview over the book) as well as the INTRODUCTION (providing the basic theoretical framework).

Divided in Unity: Identity, Germany and the Berlin Police. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
          INTRODUCTION, CHAPTER 1 (article version)


An Ontology for the Ethnographic Study of Social Processes: Extending the Extended Case Method, in Social Analysis 49.3, 2005. (Reprinted in Handleman, Don and Evens, T.M.S. 2006. The Manchester School. New York: Berghahn, pp. 64-93. HERE

Collective Intentionality, Belonging and the Production of State Paranoia: Stasi in the Late GDR”, in Shryock, Andrew, ed., 2004, Off Stage/On Display: Intimacies and Ethnographies in the Age of Public Culture. Stanford: Stanford University Press. HERE

Power/Knowledge Failure: Epistemic Practices and Ideologies in the Secret Police of Former East Germany” in, Social Analysis, vol. 47.1, 2003. HERE

Why Germany Remains Divided” in Sander Gilman and Todd Herzog (eds.) The New Germany in a New Europe. London: Routledge, 2000. HERE

Talks and speeches:

How About Becoming a Poet?" The Aims of Education Address 2005, The University of Chicago. To be published in the series "Occasional Papers on Higher Education," The College of the University of Chicago, 2005, HERE