Curriculum Vitae
Victor A. Friedman
Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities
Department of Linguistics & Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures•University of Chicago•Chicago, IL 60637
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Born: Chicago, IL, 18 October 1949
Home Address: 5538 South Blackstone Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637
Home Phone/Fax: 773-955-1376
Ph.D University of Chicago. Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures and Department of Linguistics (The first dual Ph.D. in the Divisions). June 1975
Dissertation: The Grammatical Categories of the Macedonian Indicative: A Study in Syntax, Semantics, and Structure (defense passed with Distinction)

M.A. University of Chicago. Slavic Languages and Literatures. June 1971

B.A. Reed College, Portland, OR. Russian Language and Literature. 1966-1970
Thesis: Gusli-Samogudy: A Study of Form and Content in the Russian Magic Tale. (received grade of AA, equivalent of highest honors)


University of Skopje, Yugoslavia. Fourth and Fifth Annual Seminars for Macedonian Language, Literature and Culture. Summers 1971, 1972

Audit Portland State University, Portland, OR. Intensive Serbo-Croatian. Summer 1970

Certificate Leningrad State University, USSR. CIEE Russian Language Program. Summer 1969

EMPLOYMENT: University of Chicago
  Andrew W. Mellon Professor in the Humanities (2000-present), Professor, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures (Chairman 1997-2000 and 2001-04), Department of Linguistics, Department of Anthropology (associate appointment), and the College 1993-present
Director, Center for East European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (CEERES) 2005-2015
  University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
  Professor Department of Slavic Languages 1984-93 (Chairman 1987-93)
Associate Professor Department of Slavic Languages 1979-84
Assistant Professor Department of Slavic Languages 1975-79
CONTRACT/GUEST: University of the Aegean, Mytilene, Greece
  Lecturer/Presenter, Summer School: Language Gender, and Sexuality: Discourses of precarious citizenship in precarious times, the Balkan experience (LAGESEC), July 2013
  University of Chicago Alumni Association
  Lecturer, tour of the Dalmatian Coast, June 2013
  Center for Research on Linguistic Diversity, LaTrobe University, Australia
  Honorary Vicitor, February - April 2013
  Slavic Research Center, University of Hokkaido
  Visiting Scholar, October 2010
  Australian Macedonian Human Rights Committee
  Invited guest, March 2010
  Research Center for Areal Linguistics, Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences
  Visiting Fellow, September 2008 - June 2009, October - December 2012
  University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  Moderator, Balkan Studies Training Workshop for Junior Scholars, June 2007
  Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty
  Guest Professor, May 2007, May 2008
  Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig
  Visiting Fellow, September 2006
  Research Center for Linguistic Typology, LaTrobe University, Australia
  Visiting Fellow, August - November 2004
  University of Prishtina
  Guest Professor, May 2002
  University of Helsinki
  Visiting Scholar, November 2000
  National University of Malaysia
  Visiting Scholar, October 2000
  Kyoto University
  Visiting Scholar, October 1999
  Central European University-Budapest
  Professor, Summer Course lecturing on Romani Language, Identity, and Standardization, July 1999, July 2001, July 2000
  University of Skopje-Institute for Sociological, Political, and Juridical Research
  Professor & Section Organizer, International Summer School "The Bright Side of the Balkans: Mutuality in a Common Future," Section 1: The Roots of Common Balkan Identity The Roots of Mutuality, June 1999
  Cornell University
  Professor, LSA Linguistics Institute, Topics in Balkan Linguistics, July-August 1997
  United Nations
  Senior Political and Policy Analyst, Analysis and Assessment Unit, Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (O/SRSG), United Nations Protection Forces (UNPROFOR), June-August, 1994

Courses: Linguistics Courses: Language Contact; Language, Power, and Identity in Southeastern Europe; Introduction to Slavic Linguistics; South Slavic Linguistics; Balkan Linguistics; Comparative East South Slavic Linguistics; Structure of Albanian; History of Albanian; Albanian Dialectology; Bulgarian for Slavists; Structure of Lak; History of Macedonian; Structure of Macedonian; Romani Linguistics; History of Russian; Structure of Russian; Perspectives on Language in the Humanities; Language Courses:Albanian (three levels); Bulgarian; Georgian; Lak; Macedonian (three levels); Old Church Slavonic; Russian; Romani; Turkish. Reading Courses:; History of BCS; Structure of BCS; Macedonian Literature; Bulgarian Literature; Advanced Old Church Slavonic; A. Konstantinov's Do Čikago i nazad; Croatian Language and Nationalism; Balkan History from the Early Middle Ages to the Present.



  1. The Relative Clauses in Slavic (with Zbigniew Gołąb). The Chicago Which Hunt. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 1972. 30-46.
  2. Za nekoi osobenosti na makedonskiot glagol od glednata točka na generativnata semantika (Macedonian: On some characteristics of the Macedonian verb from the viewpoint of generative semantics). Makedonski jazik, Vol. 25, 1974. 205-210.
  3. Macedonian Language and Nationalism During the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries. Balkanistica, Vol. 2, 1975. 83-98. Reprinted in Macedonian Review, Vol. 16, No. 3, 1976. 280-292.
  4. Dialectal Synchrony and Diachronic Syntax: The Macedonian Perfect. Papers from the Parasession on Diachronic Syntax. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 1976. 96-104.
  5. Structural and Generative Approaches to an Analysis of the Macedonian Preterite. Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. 20, No. 4, 1976. 460-464.
  6. The Question of a Bulgarian Indefinite Article. Bulgaria: Past and Present. Columbus: American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies. 1976. 334-340.
  7. Peasant and National Culture in Southeastern Europe: A Comment. Balkanistica, Vol. 3, 1976. 59-62.
  8. The Morphology of Case in Southeast Serbian Dialects. Folia Slavica, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1977. 76-88.
  9. A Problem in Grammatical Invariance. The CLS Book of Squibs. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 1977. 42-43.
  10. Dostoevsky on the Meaning of Humanity. Maledicta, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1977. 40.
  11. Macedonian Toponomastics: Popular Etymologies and Etymological Popularities. Maledicta, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1977. 41.
  12. On Christian-Moslem Relations in the Balkans. Maledicta, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1977. 42. (Reprinted in Opus Maledictorum: A Book of Bad Words, ed. by Reinhold Aman. New York: Marlowe & Co. 1996. 4.).
  13. Latent Accusative Tendencies in the Skopje Dialect. Maledicta, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1977. 68-73.
  14. Turco-Slavica. Maledicta, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1977. 185-188.
  15. The Zaporozhian Letter to the Turkish Sultan: Historical Commentary and Linguistic Analysis. Slavica Hierosolymitana, Vol. 2. Jerusalem: Magnes. 1978. 25-138.
  16. On the Semantic and Morphological Influence of Turkish on Balkan Slavic. Papers from the Fourteenth Regional Meeting: Chicago Linguistic Society. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 1978. 108-118.
  17. Influence vs. Convergence in Areal Phenomena. The Southeast Conference on Linguistics Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 1, 1979. 1-8.
  18. Toward a Typology of Status: Georgian and Other Non-Slavic Languages of the Soviet Union. The Elements: A Parasession on Linguistic Units and Levels. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 1979. 339-350.
  19. Verbal Categories in the Languages of the Balkans (Report). The American Philosophical Society Yearbook 1979. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society. 1979.331.
  20. Elementary Russian Obscenity. Maledicta, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1979. 197-204. (Reprinted in Opus Maledictorum: A Book of Bad Words, ed. by Reinhold Aman. New York: Marlowe & Co. 1996. 89-96. ).
  21. The Study of Balkan Admirativity: Its History and Development. Balkanistica, Vol. 6, 1980. 7-30.
  22. Admirativnost vo balkanskite jazici: Kategorija protiv upotreba. [Macedonian: Admirativity in the Balkan languages: Category vs. Usage]. Makedonski jazik, Vol. 30, 1980. 121-129.
  23. Admirativity and Confirmativity. Zeitschrift für Balkanologie, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1981. 12-28.
  24. The Pluperfect in Albanian and Macedonian. Folia Slavica, Vol. 4, No. 2-3, 1981. 273-282.
  25. Nekoi zabeleški za indirekten govor i prekažuvanjeto vo makedonskiot i albanskiot jazik. (Macedonian: Some observations on indirect speech and renarration in Macedonian and Albanian). Makedonski jazik, Vol. 32-33, 1981-1982. 769-776.
  26. Reportedness in Bulgarian: Category or Stylistic Variant? International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics, Vol. 25-26, 1982. 149-163.
  27. Balkanology and Turcology: West Rumelian Turkish in Yugoslavia as Reflected in Prescriptive Grammar. Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics, Vol. 2, Amsterdam: Rodopi. 1982. 1-77.
  28. Admirativity in Bulgarian Compared with Albanian and Turkish. Bulgaria Past and Present, ed. by D. Kosev, Vol. 2. Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. 1982. 63-67.
  29. Grammatical Categories and a Comparative Balkan Grammar. Ziele und Wege der Balkanlinguistik. (Balkanologische Veröffentlichungen, Vol. 8). Berlin: Osteuropa-Institut an der Freien Universität Berlin. 1983. 81-98.
  30. Značenie na otdavna minalo vreme za istorijata na bălgarskija ezik. (Bulgarian: The significance of the pluperfect for the history of the Bulgarian language). Dokladi. Istoričeski razvoj na bălgarskija ezik. Părvi meždunaroden kongres po bălgaristika. Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. 1983. 111-126.
  31. Vocabulary Elements in Early Macedonian Lexicons. Maledicta, Vol. 7, 1983. 164-166.
  32. Status and the Lak Verbal System. Folia Slavica, Vol. 7, No. 1-2, 1984. 135-149.
  33. The Sociolinguistics of Literary Macedonian. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, Vol. 52, 1985. 31-57.
  34. Problems in the Codification of a Standard Romani Literary Language. Papers from the Fourth and Fifth Annual Meetings: Gypsy Lore Society, North American Chapter. New York: Gypsy Lore Society, 1985. 56-75.
  35. The Sociology of the Macedonian Literary Language. Bulletin de Liaison-Centre d'études balkaniques, No. 4. Paris: Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 1985. 64-80. (See 33).
  36. Aspectual Usage in Russian, Macedonian, and Bulgarian. The Scope of Slavic Aspect (UCLA Slavic Studies, Vol. 12), ed. by Michael Flier and Alan Timberlake. Columbus: Slavica. 1985. 234-246.
  37. Balkan Romani Modality and Other Balkan Languages. Folia Slavica, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1985. 381-389.
  38. Linguistics, Nationalism, and Literary Languages: A Balkan Perspective. The Real World Linguist: Linguistic Applications in the 1980's, ed. by Victor Raskin and Peter Bjarkman. Norwood, NJ: Ablex. 1986. 287-305.
  39. Romani Te in a Balkan Context. Językowe studia bałkanistyczne, Vol. 1. Wrocław: Polska Akademia Nauk. 1986. 39-48.
  40. Evidentiality in the Balkans: Bulgarian, Macedonian, and Albanian. Evidentiality: The Linguistic Coding of Epistemology, (Advances in Discourse Processes, Vol. 20), ed. by Johanna Nichols and Wallace Chafe. Norwood, NJ: Ablex. 1986. 168-187.
  41. Turkish Influence in Modern Macedonian: The Current Situation and Its General Background. Festschrift für Wolfgang Gesemann, Band 3, Beiträge zur slawischen Sprachwissenschaft und Kulturgeschichte. (Slawische Sprachen und Literaturen Band 8), ed. by Helmut Schaller. Munich: Hieronymus. 1986. 85-108.
  42. Victor Friedman, '70, and the Gypsy Lore Society. Reed Quarterly. Fall 1986. 8-9.
  43. Kavkazskoe zaimstvovanie v ciganskom. Ètimologija. 1986-1987 (Moscow). 229-230. (Russian version of 48).
  44. Tipologijata na upotrebata na da vo balkanskite jazici. [Macedonian: The typology of the use of da in the Balkan languages]. Prilozi: Oddelenie za lingvistika i literaturna nauka Makedonska Akademija na Naukite i Umetnostite, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1987. 109-119.
  45. A Caucasian Loanword in Romani. Papers from the Eighth and Ninth Meetings: Gypsy Lore Society, North American Chapter. New York: Gypsy Lore Society. 1988. 18-20. (English version of 46).
  46. Morphological Innovation and Semantic Shift in Macedonian. Zeitschrift für Balkanologie, Vol. 24, No. 1, 1988. 34-41.
  47. The Category of Evidentiality in the Balkans and the Caucasus. American Contributions to the Tenth International Congress of Slavists: Linguistics, ed. by A. M. Schenker. Columbus: Slavica. 1988. 121-139.
  48. National Language and Linguistic Nationalism in the Balkans. Språkforholdene på Balkan og i Øst-Europa. Universitetet i Bergen Institutt for fonetik og lingvistik: Skriftserie Nr. 32, Serie A, 1988. 1-16.
  49. Za složenite minati vreminja vo dihovskiot govor vo sporedba so makedonskiot literaturen jazik. [Macedonian: Complex past tenses in the Dihovo dialect in comparison with Literary Macedonian]. Jazičnite pojavi vo Bitola i bitolsko deneska i vo minatoto. Skopje: Makedonska Akademija na Naukite i Umetnostite. 1988. 193-200.
  50. La typologie morpho-syntaxique des constructions en da-të-să-ná dans les langues balkaniques. Cahiers Balkaniques, Vol. 12. Paris: INALCO. 1988. 77-94.
  51. On The Question of "Pluperfect" in Lak. Iberiul-k'avk'asiuri enatmecnierebis c'elic'deuli (Tbilisi), Vol. 15, 1988. 282-292.
  52. Elementary Georgian Obscenity. Maledicta, Vol. 10, 1988-1989. 37-42.
  53. Turquismes en romani: à propos de l'établissement d'une langue rom unique et les composants lexicaux turcs des différents dialectes. Tsiganes: Identité, Évolution, ed. by Patrick Williams. Paris: Études Tsiganes. 1989. 403-413.
  54. Toward Defining the Position of Turkisms in Romani. Jezik i kultura Roma, ed. by Milan Šipka. Sarajevo: Institut za proučavanje nacionalnih odnosa. 1989. 251-267.
  55. On the Terminology for Lak Synthetic Past Paradigms. The Non-Slavic Languages of the USSR: Linguistic Studies. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 1989. 106-120.
  56. Macedonian: Codification and Lexicon. Language Reform, Volume IV, ed. by I. Fodor and C. Hagège. Hamburg: Helmut Buske. 1989. 299-334.
  57. Upotrebata na glagolskite vreminja vo makedonskite i vo drugi balkanski poslovični izrazi. [Macedonian: The use of verbal tenses in Macedonian and other Balkan proverbial expressions]. Makedonski jazik, Vol. 40-41, 1989-1990. 661-670.
  58. On the Turkish Lexical Component in Romani Dialects and Their Relationship to Romani Language Planning. One Hundred Years of Gypsy Studies. Cheverly, MD: Gypsy Lore Society. 1990. 133-144. (English version of 56).
  59. Razlikuvanjeto na makedonskite glagolni paradigmi so pomošnite glagoli sum i ima [Macedonian: The differentiation of Macedonian verbal paradigms with the auxiliary verbs 'be' and 'have']. Literaturen zbor, Vol. 36, No. 1-2, 1990. 87-90.
  60. Gjorgji Pulevski: Fjalorët e tij dhe Rilindja Kombëtare Shqiptare dhe Maqedonase [Albanian: Gjorgji Pulevski: His dictionaries and the Albanian and Macedonian national renaissances]. Konferenca shkencore e 100-vjetorit të Lidhjës Shqiptare të Prizrenit, Vol. 2. Prishtina: Kosovo Academy of Arts and Sciences. 1990. 24-256.
  61. Lak Oral Poetry in Turkey: A Trans National Phenomenon. The Annual of the Society for the Study of Caucasia, Vol. 2, 1990. 13-17.
  62. The Earliest Text in Balkan (Rumelian) Romani: A Passage from Evliya Çelebi's Seyāhat-nāme (with Robert Dankoff). Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society(Fifth Series), Vol. 1, No. 1, 1991. 1-20.
  63. Case in Romani: Old Grammar in New Affixes. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society (Fifth Series), Vol. 1, No. 2. 1991. 85-102.
  64. Romani Nominal Inflection: Cases or Postpositions? Problemy opisu gramatycznego języków słowiańskych, (Studia gramatyczne, Vol. 11). Warsaw: Polish Academy of Sciences. 1991. 57-63.
  65. Dijalektna osnova, varijacija i kodifikacijata na balkanskite literaturni jazici (albanski, bugarski, makedonski, romski) [Macedonian: Dialectal base, variation, and codification in Balkan literary languages (Albanian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Romani)]. Proceedings of the Seventeenth Annual Symposium on Balkan Linguistics and Literature. Skopje: University of Skopje, 1991. 17-24. (See 110).
  66. Glagolskite kategorii, morfološkite paradigmi i opredeluvanjeto na izoglosite na makedonskata jazična teritorija [Macedonian: Verbal categories, morphological paradigms, and the determination of isoglosses on Macedonian linguistic territory]. Studia lingvistica Polono-Jugoslavica, Vol. 6, 1991. 33-40.
  67. Makedonistikata vo Amerika i Amerikancite vo makedonistikata [Macedonian: Macedonian Studies in America and Americans in Macedonian Studies]. Literturen zbor, Vol. 38, No. 5-6, 1992. 19-27.
  68. Za Blaže Koneski [Macedonian: For Blaže Koneski]. Literturen zbor, Vol. 38, No. 5-6, 1992. 11-13.
  69. Lak Substantival Declension: 40 cases or 50? The Non-Slavic Languages of the USSR: Linguistic Studies - Second Series. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 1992. 113-33.
  70. Variation and Choice in Balkan Linguistic Standardization. Bulletin de Liaison - Centre d'études balkaniques, No. 10. Paris: Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales, Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle. 1992. 10-19. (See 71).
  71. Dialectal Base, Variation and Codification of the Balkan Literary Languages: Albanian, Bulgarian, Macedonian and Romany. Balkan Forum, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1992. 147-153. (English version of 65).
  72. Aspectual Oppositions in Bulgarian, Albanian, and Turkish. Săpostavitelno ezikoznanie, Vol. 17, No. 3, 1992. 33-38.
  73. Balkan Indicativity: Diversity within Unity. Balkan Forum, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1993. 255-262.
  74. The First Philological Conference for the Establishment of the Macedonian Alphabet and the Macedonian Literary Language: Its Precedents and Consequences. The Earliest Stage of Language Planning: The "First Congress" Phenomenon, ed. by Joshua Fishman. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 1993. 159-180.
  75. The Loss of the Imperfective Aorist in Macedonian: Structural Significance and Balkan Context. American Contributions to the Eleventh International Congress of Slavists, ed. by Robert A. Maguire and Alan Timberlake. Columbus: Slavica. 1993. 285-302.
  76. Charakterystyka socjolingwistyczna współczesnego literackiego języka macedońskiego (Polish: Sociolinguistic characteristics of the modern Macedonian literary language). Socjolingwistyka 12-13. Kraków: Polish Academy of Sciences. 1993. 183-197. (Polish version of 36).
  77. Language Policy and Language Behavior in Macedonia: Background and Current Events. Language Contact, Language Conflict, ed. by Eran Fraenkel and Christina Kramer. New York: Peter Lang. 1993. 73-99.
  78. Macedonian. The Slavonic Languages, ed. by B. Comrie and G. Corbett. London: Routledge. 1993. 249-305. (Revised and updated version published in Dve makedonski gramatiki na sovremeniot makedonski standarden jazik od Horas G. Lant i Viktor A. Fridman [Macedonian: Two American grammars of the modern Macedonian standard language by Horace G. Lunt and Victor A. Friedman]. Skopje: Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences. 2003. 167-263.) (See 4 under Books and Monographs).
  79. Dialect Variation and Questions of Standardization in Macedonia: Macedonian, Albanian and Romani. Zbornik za filologiju i lingvistiku, Vol. 36, No. 2, 1993. 7-35.
  80. Ga in Lak and the Three "There-s": Deixis and Markedness in Daghestan. NSL. 7: Linguistic Studies in the Non-Slavic Languages of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Baltic Republics, ed. by Howard I. Aronson. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 1994. 79-93.
  81. Turkisms in a Comparative Balkan Context. Septième Congrès International d'Études du Sud-Est Européen: Rapports. Athens: Greek National Committee for Southeast European Studies. 1994. 521-543.
  82. Assertive Verb Forms in Lak. Non-Slavic Languages of the USSR: Papers from the Fourth Conference, ed. by Howard Aronson. Columbus: Slavica. 1994. 114-119.
  83. About the ja- in makedonskiot jazik: The Fate of Initial *ě- and *ę- in Macedonian. (with Laura Janda). Journal of Slavic Linguistics, Vol. 2, No. 2. 1994. 284-288.
  84. Variation and Grammaticalization in the Development of Balkanisms. CLS 30 Papers from the 30th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Volume 2: The Parasession on Variation in Linguistic Theory. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 1994. 101-115. (Reprinted in Studia Albanica, Vol. 32, 1995-99, 95-110).
  85. Slavic-Albanian Contacts and Early Polyglot Lexicons: The Albanian Lexicon of the Monk Arkádïi, A Mid-Nineteenth Century Manuscript from the Hilendar Monastery on Mount Athos. Slavia meridionalis: Studia linguistica, slavica et balcanica, (Polish Academy of Sciences), Vol. 1, 1994. 139-156.
  86. Ndikimi i shqipes në të folmet arumune të Maqedonisë jugëperëndimore: mënyra habitore. [Albanian: The influence of Albanian on the Arumanian dialects of southwestern Macedonia: The admirative mood]. Studime: Akademia e shkencave dhe e arteve e Kosovës, Vol. 1, 1994. 195-197.
  87. On the Use of the Terms "Rom" and "Romani" (with Ian Hancock). Newsletter of the Gypsy Lore Society, Vol. 18, No. 2, 1995. 6-7.
  88. Romani Standardization and Status in the Republic of Macedonia. Romani in Contact: The History, Structure, and Sociology of a Language, ed. by Yaron Matras. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 1995. 203-217. (Parts of pp. 180-186 translated into Romani and published as "Generalno Principija Ki Romane Čhibjakiri Kodifikacija" in Purt. Vol. 1 No. 1, October, 1996. p. 2)
  89. Surprise! Surprise! Arumanian Has Had an Admirative! Indiana Slavic Studies, Vol. 7, 1994. 79-89.
  90. Persistence and Change in Ottoman Patterns of Codeswitching in the Republic of Macedonia: Nostalgia, Duress and Language Shift in Contemporary Southeastern Europe. Summer School: Code-switching and Language Contact, ed. by Durk Gorter et al. Ljouwert/Leeuwarden: Fryske Akademy. 1995. 58-67.
  91. Amerikanskite slavisti i makedonistikata. [Macedonian; American Slavists and Macedonian Studies] Lik, Vol. 9, No. 340-341 (literary supplement to Nova Makedonija 13.IX.95]. 11, 13. (To be reprinted in Naše pismo).
  92. Potčinet vid vo makedonskiot i drugite balkanski jazici. [Macedonian: Subordinate aspect in Macedonian and other languages of the Balkans]. Studies in Macedonian Language, Literature, and Culture, ed. by Benjamin Stolz. Ann Arbor: Michigan: Slavic Publications. 1995. 37-48.
  93. Censuses and National Identity in Macedonia. in Macedonia: Ethnic and International Issues. International Researches and Exchanges Board Roundtable Report. Washington, DC: IREX. 1995. 9-12. (See 105).
  94. La cuisine macédonien (with Veselka Palmer). Cuisines d'Orient et d'ailleurs, ed. by Michel Aufray and Michel Perret. Paris: INALCO/Grenoble: Glénant. 1995. 76-79.
  95. The Differentiation of Macedonian and Bulgarian in a Balkan Context. Balkan Forum, Vol. 3, No. 3, 1995. 291-305.
  96. Distinkciite megju makedonskiot i bugarskiot jazik. [Macedonian: The distinctions between the Macedonian and Bulgarian languages]. Nova Makedonija, 25.V.95. 12. (report of inaugural address to Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences).
  97. Mënyra habitore në gjuhën arumune dhe në gjuhën shqipe -- paralele dhe ndikime [Albanian: The admirative mood in Arumanian and Albanian: parallels and influences]. Seminari XVII ndërkomëtar për gjuhën, letërsinë dhe kulturën shqiptare: Përmbledhje e ligjeratëve, referimeve, kumtesave dhe e diskutimeve. Tirana: Albanian Academy Sciences. 1995. 221-225.
  98. The Place of Balkan Linguistics in Understanding Balkan History and Balkan Modernity. Bulletin de l'Association des études du sud-est européen, Vol. 24-25, 1994-1995. 87-94.
  99. Makedonskiot jazik vo balkanskiot kontekst [Macedonian: The Macedonian language in its Balkan context]. Lik, Vol. 10, No. 357 (literary supplement to Nova Makedonija 10.I.96). 11. Reprinted in Makedonija, No. 513, 1996. 30-31.
  100. Makedon ve Türk dillerinde belirli geçmiş ve hikâye zamanları [Turkish: Confirmative and narrative tenses in Macedonian and Turkish]. Makedonsko-turski kulturni vrski vo minatoto i denes: II megjunaroden simpozium 23-25 oktomvri 1991 (Second International Symposium on Macedonian-Turkish Cultural Relations, 23-25 October 1991) Skopje: University of Skopje. 1996. 55-58.
  101. Jazičnite kontakti vo Makedonija: novi podatoci i novi priodi [Macedonian: Linguistic contacts in Macedonia: New data and new approaches]. Studii za makedonskiot jazik, literatura i kultura. Skopje: University of Skopje. 1996. 55-61.
  102. Mbi rindërtimin e situatës dialektore shqipe dhe sllave në mesin e shekullit XIX në Traki [Albanian: On the Reconstruction of the Albanian & Slavic Dialectal Situation in Mid-Nineteenth Century Thrace]. Studime: Akademia e shkencave dhe e arteve e Kosovës, Vol. 2, 1995. 211-224.
  103. Typological and Areal Features Linking and Separating the Balkans and the Caucasus. Papers in Slavonic Linguistics (Occasional Series). III, ed. by J. Ian Press and F. E. Knowles. London: University of London. 1996. 99-111.
  104. Populations and Powder Kegs: The 1994 Macedonian Census in Historical Perspective, Woodrow Wilson Center - East European Studies Occasional Paper No. 44. Washington, DC. 1996. 31 pp. (See 105).
  105. Observing the Observers: Language, Ethnicity, and Power in the 1994 Macedonian Census and Beyond. Toward Comprehensive Peace in Southeastern Europe: Conflict Prevention in the South Balkans, ed. by Barnett Rubin. New York: Council on Foreign Relations/Twentieth Century Fund. 1996. 81-105 & 119-126. (revised, expanded, and updated version of 107).
  106. Romani and the Census in the Republic of Macedonia. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society (Fifth Series), Vol. 6, No. 2, 1996. 89-101.
  107. O differenciacii temporal'nosti i aspektual'nosti v bolgarskom i makedonskom jazykax [Russian: On the differentiation of temporality and aspectuality in Bulgarian and Macedonian]. Voprosy jazykoznanija, No. 1, 1996. 116-124.
  108. Gender, Class, and Age in the Daghestanian Highlands: Towards a Unified Account of the Morphology of Agreement in Lak. NSL.8: Linguistic Studies in the Non-Slavic Languages of the Commonwealth of Independent States and the Baltic Republics, ed. by Howard I. Aronson. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 1996. 187-199.
  109. Diferencijacija na makedonskiot i bugarskiot jazik vo balkanskiot kontekst [Macedonian: The differentiation of Macedonian and Bulgarian in a Balkan context] Jazicite na počvata na Makedonija. Skopje: Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences. 1996. 75-82.
  110. Dijalektna osnova, varijacija i kodifikacijata na balkanskite literaturni jazici: Albanskiot, bugarskiot, makedonskiot, romskiot [Macedonian: Dialectal base, variation, and codification in Balkan literary languages: Albanian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Romani]. Studia Linguistica Polono-Meridianoslavica (formerly Studia lingvistica Polono-Jugoslavica), Vol. 8, 1996. 111-118. (updated version of 65).
  111. A newly discovered grammatical form in the Arumanian dialect of Beala de Sus. Newsletter of the Society Fărshărotsul, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1996. 1-6. (popular version of 89; also at
  112. Macedonian Lexicography and East South Slavic Linguistics: Problems and Perspectives. Balkan Forum, Vol. 4, No. 4, 1996. 171-180.
  113. The Five Deictics of Lak. A Calculus of Meaning: Studies in Markedness, Distinctive Features, and Deixis, ed. by Edna Andrews and Yishai Tobin. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 1996. 307-318. (earlier version of 80, in press for 7 years).
  114. The Turkish Lexical Element in the Languages of the Republic of Macedonia from the Ottoman Period to Independence. Zeitschrift für Balkanologie, Vol. 32, No. 2, 1996. 133-150. (updated version of 44 and 84).
  115. Habitorja e shqipes dhe "prezumtivul" e rumanishtes [Albanian: The Albanian admirative and the Romanian presumptive]. Seminari XVIII ndërkomëtar për gjuhën, letërsinë dhe kulturën shqiptare: Përmbledhje e ligjeratëve, referimeve, kumtesave dhe e diskutimeve. Tirana: Albanian Academy Sciences. 1996. 581-586.
  116. Kontakti dhe ndërgjegja në lidhjen gjuhësore ballkanike [Albanian: Contact and Consciousness in the Balkan Sprachbund]. Studime: Akademia e shkencave dhe e arteve e Kosovës, Vol. 3, 1996. 233-253. (A second version was published in Studime albanologjike [University of Tirana] Vol. 2, No. 1, 1997. 132-149.)
  117. Makedonskiot jazik i makedonskiot identitet: Ponovata istorija i ponovata istoriografija [Macedonian: Macedonian language and identity: Recent history and recent historiography]. Makedonski jazik, Vol. 45-47, 1994-1996. 5-22. (Macedonian version of 155).
  118. Mbi konceptet nacionale në fjalorin tri gjuhësh të Gjorgji Pulevskit [Albanian: On national conceptions in the trilingual dictionary of Gjorgji Pulevski]. Studime: Akademia e shkencave dhe e arteve e Kosovës, Vol. 4, 1997. 123-129.
  119. A Contrastive View of Subordinate Aspect and the Opposition Confirmative/Non-Confirmative in the Balkans with Particular Reference to Macedonian and Turkish. Balkanistica Vol. 10, 1997. 185-201.
  120. Viktor Fridman. (Short biography, item 121, and bibliography of published works through 1992). Pristapni predavanja, prilozi i bibliografija na novite členovi na Makedonskata Akademija na Naukite i Umetnostite. Skopje: Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences. 1997. 105-133.
  121. Language Contacts in Southeastern Europe: The Republic of Macedonia. Contact Linguistics: An International Handbook of Contemporary Research, Vol. 2 (Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science, Volume 14), ed. by Hans Goebl, Peter H. Nelde, Zdeněk Stary, and Wolfgang Wölck. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 1997. 1442-1451.
  122. Pojavata na mnogujazičnosta (multilingvizmot) kaj Marko Cepenkov [Macedonian: The phenomenon of multilingualism in Marko Cepenkov]. Zbornik vo čest na Radmila Ugrinova-Skalovska po povod sedumdestgodišninata. Skopje: University of Skopje. 1997. 329-334.
  123. Linguistic Form and Content in the Romani-language Press of the Republic of Macedonia. The Typology and Dialectology of Romani, ed. by Y. Matras, P. Bakker & H. Kyuchukov. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 1997. 181-196.
  124. Značenjeto na makedonskiot jazik za balkanističkata lingvistika i negovata afirmacija na megjunarodno nivo [Macedonian: The significance of the Macedonian language for Balkan linguistics and for its affirmation on the international scene]. Pedeset godini na makedonskata nauka za jazikot. Skopje: Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences. 1997. 75-82.
  125. One Grammar, Three Lexicons: Ideological Overtones and Underpinnings in the Balkan Sprachbund. CLS 33: Papers from the Panels on Linguistic Ideologies in Contact; Universal Grammar; Parameters and Typology; The Perception of Speech and other Acoustic Signals, ed. by Kora Singer, Randall Eggert, Gregory Anderson. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 1997. 23-44.
  126. The Grammatical Expression of Presumption and Related Concepts in Balkan Slavic and Balkan Romance, American Contributions to the Twelfth International Congress of Slavists, ed. by Michael Flier and Alan Timberlake. 1998. Bloomington: Slavica. 390-405
  127. Cyganskij jazyk i vopros balkanskogo jazykovogo sojuza [Russian: The Romani language and the question of the Balkan Sprachbund]. Materialy XXVI mežvuzovskoj naučno-metodičeskoj konferencii prepodavatelej i aspirantov, Vyp. 3: Balkanskie čtenija. University of St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg, Russia. 1997. 53-60.
  128. The Implementation of Standard Macedonian: Problems and Results. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, Vol. 131, 1998. 31-57.
  129. A Balkanist in Daghestan: Annotated Notes from the Field. The Anthropology of East Europe Review Vol. 16, No. 2. 1998. 115-129.
  130. Makedonskiot jazik nasproti ruskiot i bugarskiot: vid, vreme i modalnost [Macedonian: The Macedonian language in comparison with Russian and Bulgarian: Aspect, tense, and mood]. Makedonsko-ruski jazični, literaturni i kulturni vrski. Skopje: University of Skopje. 1998. 79-93. (Macedonian version of 39).
  131. Grammatical Gaps and Lexical Gaps - Aspect and the Lexicon in Macedonian. Jazykovědné aktuality, informativní zpravodaj českých jazykovědů, Vol. 35, 1998. 40-45.
  132. Educational Language Rights and Romani Participation in Macedonian Education. ERIC Microfiche Collection (1 fiche, 18 pp.) No. ED-428-021. 1998. (short version of 136). (reprinted in: Roma Education Resource Book, Vol. 2, ed. by Judith Kovacs. Budapest: The Institute for Educational Policy, Open Society Institute. 2001. 385-402).
  133. The Albanian Language in Its Eastern Diaspora (Ē Alvanikē Glōssa stēn Avatolikē Diasporá). Arvanitika kai Ellēnika: Zētēmata polyglōssikōn kai polypolitismikōn koinotētōn [Greek: Arvanitika and Greek: Problems of multilingual and multicultural communities]. Vol. 2, ed. by Loukas Tsitsipis. Livadeia, Greece: European Union & The Prefecture of Levadeia (sic), 1998. 215-231.
  134. On the Complexity of Identity in the Nineteenth Century Balkans as Reflected in a Multilingual Text. V poiskah "balkanskogo" na Balkanah. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences Institute for Slavic Studies. 1999. 48-51. (updated English-language version of 118).
  135. Peirce, Albanians, and Vlahs: Semiotics and Status in the Balkan Sprachbund. The Peirce Seminar Papers, Vol. 4, ed. by Michael Shapiro. New York: Berghahn. 1999. 515-529; also comments on other papers: 85-86, 108-109, 240-42.
  136. The Romani Language in the Republic of Macedonia: Status, Usage, and Sociolinguistic Perspectives. Acta Linguistica Hungarica, Vol. 46, No. 3-4, 1999. 317-339.
  137. Macedonian Historiography, Language, and Identity in the Context of the Yugoslav Wars of Succession. Guard the Word Well Bound: Proceedings of the Third North American-Macedonian Conference on Macedonian Studies, (Indiana Slavic Studies 10), ed. by Christina Kramer and Brian Cook. Bloomington, IN: Slavica. 1999. 71-86.
  138. Proverbial Evidentiality: On the Gnomic Uses of the Category of Status in Languages of the Balkans and the Caucasus. Mediterranean Language Review, Vol. 11, 1999. 135-155.
  139. Evidentiality in the Balkans. Handbuch der Südosteuropa-Linguistik, ed. by Uwe Hinrichs. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 1999. 519-44.
  140. Blaže Koneski i severnoamerikanskata lingvistika. (Macedonian: Blaže Koneski and North American linguistics). Pridonesot na Blaže Koneski za makedonskata kultura. Skopje: University of Skopje. 1999. 29-36.
  141. Romani in the Balkan Linguistic League. Valkanikē Glōssologia: Sygkhronia kai Diakhronia/Balkanlinguistik: Synchronie und Diachronie, ed. by Chr. Tzitzilis and Kh. Symeonidēs. Thessaloniki: University of Thessaloniki. 2000. 95-105.
  142. The Modern Macedonian Standard Language and Its Relation to Modern Macedonian Identity. The Macedonian Question: Culture, Historiography, Politics, ed. by Victor Roudometoff. Boulder, CO: East European Monographs. 2000. 173-206. (Translated into Macedonian and published as "Moderniot makedonski jazik i negovata vrska so moderniot makedonski identitet" in Makedonskoto prašenje, Skopje, Macedonia: Euro-Balkan Press. 2003. 241-288.)
  143. Macedonian Language. Encyclopedia of Modern East Europe: From the Congress of Vienna to the Fall of Communism, ed. Richard Frucht. New York: Garland. 2000. 471.
  144. Fable as History: The Macedonian Context of "Before the Rain." Rethinking History. Vol. 4, No. 2, 2000. 137-48. (Reprinted in Rain: The World about Milcho Manchevski's Film before the Rain, ed. by M. Kostova and B. Kunovski, Skopje: Museum of Modern Art. 2004. 117-120.)
  145. Horace G. Lunt and the Beginning of Macedonian Studies in the United States. Prilozi: Oddelenie za lingvistika i literaturna nauka - Makedonska Akademija na Naukite i Umetnostite, Vol. 23, No. 1-2, 1998. 115-119.
  146. Kuadri Historik i Linguistikës Shqiptare [Albanian: Albanian Studies in the United States: Its history and implications for the future of Albanian higher education]. Mësuesi, Vol. 39, No. 24. 2000. 6.
  147. The Emergence of Literary Languages in Southeastern Europe. Language, Blacks and Gypsies: Languages without a Written Tradition and their Role in Education, ed. by Thomas Acton and Morgan Dalphinis. London: Whiting and Birch. 2000. 37-51. (earlier version of 38, delayed for 14 years and somewhat updated)
  148. Confirmative/Nonconfirmative in Balkan Slavic, Balkan Romance, and Albanian, with Additional Observations on Turkish, Romani, Georgian, and Lak. Evidentials in Turkic, Iranian and Neighbouring Languages, ed. by Lars Johanson and Bo Utas. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter. 2000. 329-366.
  149. Proleptic and Resumptive Object Pronouns in Romani: A Balkan Noun Phrase Perspective. Grammatical Relations in Romani: The Noun Phrase, ed. by Yaron Matras and Viktor Elšík. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2000. 187-204.
  150. Observations on the Use of Jedan as a Marker of Indefiniteness in Serbian/Croatian. In a Foreign Harbor: Essays in Honor of Vasa D. Mihajlović, ed. by Radmila Gorup and Bogdan Rakić. Bloomington, IN: Slavica. 2000. 195-204.
  151. The Bulgarian Indefinite Article Revisited in Its Balkan Context. Bulgarian Studies at the Dawn of the 21st Century: A Bulgarian-American Perspective. (Sixth Joint Meeting of Bulgarian- and North American Scholars. Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, May 30 - June 2, 1999), ed. by Anisava Miltenova. Sofia: IK "Gutenberg." 2000. 105-114.
  152. Languages and Ethnicity in Balkan Politics: Macedonian, Bulgarian, and Albanian (Meeting Report #215). East European Studies (EES) News, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. January-February 2001. 4 & 11.
  153. After 170 years of Balkan Linguistics: Whither the Millennium? Mediterranean Language Review, Vol. 12, 2000. 1-15. (republished with an Albanian abstract in Studime: Akademia e shkencave dhe e arteve e Kosovës, Vol. 5-7, 1998-2000. 223-237 and in Bulletin de l'Association International d'Études du Sud-Est Européen Vol. 30, 2000, 203-216.)
  154. Primeneta lingvistika i makedonskite glagolni kategorii (Macedonian: Applied linguistics and Macedonian verbal categories), Language and Society at the Turn of the XXI Century: Proceedings of the First International Congress of the Macedonian Applied Linguistics Association, ed. by Ljupčo Stefanovski and Jovanka Lazarevska. Skopje, Macedonia: University of Skopje. 2000. 107-113.
  155. Pragmatics and Contact in Macedonia: Convergence and Differentiation in the Balkan Sprachbund. Južnoslovenski filolog, Vol. 55, No. 3/4, 2000. 1343-1351.
  156. Macedonia. Countries & Their Cultures Ed. by Monica Hubbard. New York: Macmillan. 2001. 1334-1341.
  157. Romani Multilingualism in its Balkan Context. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung, Vol. 54, 2001. 146-159. (Serialized and reprinted in English with Macedonian translation in Romani čhib, supplement to Horizonto, Vol. 2, 12/2002-1/2003. 5-6 [part 1].)
  158. On the Number of Paradigms in the Romanian Presumptive Mood (modul prezumtiv). Studii şi cercetări lingvistice Vol. 48, No. 1-4, 1997. 173-79.
  159. The Romani Indefinite Article in Its Historical and Areal Context. "Was ich noch sagen wollte..." A Multilingual Festschrift for Norbert Boretzky on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday (Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung, Supplements, Studia typologica 2), ed. by Birgit Igla and Thomas Stolz. Berlin: Akademie Verlag. 2001. 287-301.
  160. Gramatikalizacijata na balkanizmite vo makedonskiot jazik [Macedonian: The grammaticalization of Balkanisms in Macedonian]. Makedonski jazik, Vol. 51-52, 2000-2001. 31-38.
  161. Les marqueurs de frontière dans la grammaire du romani: Structure de la langue et conservatisme dans le Diaspora Balkanique. Faits de Langues: Langues de diaspora, langues en contact, ed. by Anaïd Donabedian, Paris: Ophrys. 2001. 21-34.
  162. Nabljuduvajkji gi nabljuduvačite [Macedonian: Observing the observers]. New Balkan Politics, Vol. 1, 2001/2002. 123-159. Also published on the web in English and Macedonian in New Balkan Politics Vol. 3/4, Autumn/Winter 2001 (Macedonian version of 105).
  163. The Vlah Minority in Macedonia: Language, Identity, Dialectology, and Standardization. Selected Papers in Slavic, Baltic, and Balkan Studies, ed. by Juhani Nuorluoto, Martii Leiwo, Jussi Halla-aho, (Slavica Helsingiensa 21). Helsinki: University of Helsinki. 2001. 26-50. (reprinted in Newsletter of the Society Fărshărotsul, Vol. 16, No. 1-2, Fall 2002 - Spring 2003. 29-44).
  164. Macedonian. Facts about the World's Languages: An Encyclopedia of the Worlds Major Languages, Past and Present, ed. by Jane Garry and Carl Rubino. New York: Holt. 2001. 435-439.
  165. Admirativity Revisited. Balkansko ezikoznanie - Linguistique Balkanique. Vol. 41, No. 1, 2001. 55-62.
  166. Hunting the Elusive Evidential: The Third-Person Auxiliary as a Boojum in Bulgarian. Of All the Slavs My Favorites: Studies in Honor of Howard I Aronson on the Occasion of his 66th Birthday. (ed. with Don Dyer). (= Indiana Slavic Studies, 12.) Bloomington, IN: Slavica. 2002. 203-30.
  167. A Grammar-Based Approach to Competency in Albanian and Some Remarks on Teaching the Less Commonly Taught Languages of Eastern Europe. Studime: Akademia e shkencave dhe e arteve e Kosovës, Vol. 8-9, 2002. 11-21.
  168. Makedonia ve Civar Bölgelerde Balkan Türkçesi / Balkan Turkish in Macedonia and Adjacent Areas. Türkler Vol. 20: Türk Toplulukları / The Turks, Vol. 6: Turkish World, ed. by Hasan Celâl Güzel et al. Ankara: Yeni Türkiye. 2002. 455-463 / 609-616. (published simultaneously in Turkish and English).
  169. Evidentiality in the Balkans with special attention to Macedonian and Albanian. Studies in Evidentiality ed. by Alexandra Aikhenvald and Robert Dixon, Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2003. 189-218.
  170. The Indefiniteness of 'one' in its Macedonian and Balkan Context. Zbornik referati od IV Makedonsko-Severnoamerikanska slavistička konferencija za makedonistika, ed. by V. Stoječevska-Antikj, et al. Skopje: University of Skopje. 2003. 25-33.
  171. Language and Politics in the Former Yugoslavia. Tableau: Newsletter of the Division of Humanities, University of Chicago, Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 2003, pp. 8 & 10.
  172. Language in Macedonia as an Identity Construction Site. When Languages Collide: Sociocultural and Geopolitical Implications Of Language Conflict and Language Coexistence, ed. by Brian Joseph, Johanna DeStafano, Neil Jacobs, and Ilse Lehiste. Columbus: Ohio State University. 2003. 257-295.
  173. 'One' as an Indefinite Marker in Balkan and Non-Balkan Slavic. American Contributions to the Thirteenth International Congress of Slavists. ed. by Alan Timberlake and Michael Flier. Bloomington, IN: Slavica. 2003. 93-112.
  174. Lak Folktales: Materials for a Bilingual Reader: Part Two. Shamsu's Dog. Current Trends in Caucasian, East European and Inner Asian Linguistics: Papers in Honor of Howard I. Aronson, ed. by Dee Ann Holisky and Kevin Tuite. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2003. 75-83.
  175. Factivity in Balkan Narrative and Discourse. Slavistički studii 10: Spisanie na Katedrata za slavistika pri Filološkiot fakultet "Blaže Koneski" za 2001 godina. Skopje, Macedonia: University of Skopje. 2003. 493-504.
  176. Shqipja standarde në Amerikë: Studime shkencore, pedagogjike, dhe planifikimi gjuhësor. Konferencë Shkencore: Shqipja standarde dhe shoqëria shqiptare sot [Albanian: Standard Albanian in America: Scholarly Studies, Pedagogy, and Language Planning]. Konferenca shkencore: Shqipja standarde dhe shoqëria shqiptare sot (Scholarly Conference: Standard Albanian and Albanian Society Today), ed. by J. Bulo, E. Lafe, S. Mansaku, and E. Hysni. Tirana: Albanian Academy of Sciences. 2003. 155-157.
  177. The Romani Press in Macedonia: Language and Perspective. Ethnic Identities in Dynamic Perspective: Proceedings of the 2002 Meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society, ed. by Sheila Salo and Csaba Prónai. Budapest: Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 2003. 175-191.
  178. Vendi i gegnishtes në gjuhën shqipe dhe në Ballkan [Albanian: The position of Gheg in Albanian and in the Balkans]. Phoenix (Shkodër) Vol 7 No. 1-6, 2003. 40-56.
  179. Romani as a Minority Language, as a Standard Language, and as a Contact Language: Comparative Legal, Sociolinguistic, and Structural Approaches. Multilingualism in Global and Local Perspectives: Selected Papers from the Eighth Nordic Conference on Bilingualism, ed. by Kari Fraurud and Kenneth Hyltenstam, Stockholm: Stockholm University. 2003. 103-133.
  180. 'One' as an Indefinite Marker in Balkan and Non-Balkan Slavic. Prilozi: Oddelenie za lingvistika i literaturna nauka - Makedonska Akademija na Naukite i Umetnostite, Vol. 28, No. 1, 2003. 109-151. (Expanded version of 177).
  181. Typological versus Areal Explanations of Evidentiality as a Balkanism. Balkan Syntax and Semantics, ed. by O. M. Tomić. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2004. 101-134.
  182. Language Planning and Status in the Republic of Macedonia and in Kosovo. Language in the Former Yugoslav Lands. ed. by Ranko Bugarski and Celia Hawkesworth. Bloomington, IN: Slavica. 2004. 197-231.
  183. Evidentiality, Modality, and Narrative in Macedonian and Other Balkan Languages. Macedonian Studies: Papers from the Fifth Macedonian-North American Conference on Macedonian Studies (Working Papers in Slavic Studies vol. 4). Brian Joseph and M. A. Johnson, eds., 85-102 Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Literatures. 2004. 85-102.
  184. Nepotvrditelnost i diskurs vo makedonskiot i drugite balkanski jazici [Macedonian: Nonconfirmativity and discourse in Macedonian and other Balkan languages]. Proceedings of the Thirtieth Annual Symposium on Balkan Linguistics and Literature. Skopje, Macedonia: University of Skopje. 2004. 253-264
  185. Za dijalektološkite raboti: Misirkov, Pulevski i Teodorov-Balan [Macedonian: On dialectological matters: Misirkov, Pulevski, and Teodorov-Balan]. Deloto na Misirkov, Vol. 2, ed. by Blaže Ristevski. Skopje, Macedonia: MANU. 2005. 69-74.
  186. Macedonia. Encyclopedia of the World's Minorities, Vol. 2 (G-O), ed. by Carl Skutsch. New York/London: Routledge. 2005. 763-765.
  187. Admirativity: Between modality and evidentiality. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung, Vol. 58, No 1. 2005. 26-37
  188. The Romani Language in Macedonia in the Third Millennium: Progress and Problems. General and Applied Romani Linguistics: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Romani Linguistics, ed. by Barbara Schrammel, Dieter Halwachs and Gerd Ambrosch. Munich: LinCom Europa. 2005. 163-173.
  189. From Orientalism to Democracy and Back Again. Developing cultural identity in the Balkans: Convergence vs. Divergence, ed. by Raymond Detrez and Pieter Plas. Berlin: Peter Lang. 2005. 25-43.
  190. Turkish in the Balkans: Roles and Reversals.Jazyki i dialekty malyh grupp na Balkanah (Russian: Languages and dialects of minorities in the Balkans), ed. by A. Sobolev and A. Rusakov, Munich: Bibliom. 2005. 219-35.
  191. Albanian in the Balkan Linguistic League: A Reconsideration of Theoretical Implications. Studia Albanica Vol. 28, No. 1. 2005 .33-44.
  192. The Balkans as a Linguistic Area. Elsevier Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Vol. 1, ed.-in-Chief Keith Brown. Oxford: Elsevier. 2006. 657-672.
  193. Lak. Elsevier Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Vol. 6, ed.-in-Chief Keith Brown. Oxford: Elsevier. 2006. 303-305.
  194. Macedonia: Language Situation. Elsevier Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Vol. 7, ed.-in-Chief Keith Brown. Oxford: Elsevier. 2006. 354-356.
  195. Macedonian. Elsevier Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, Vol. 7, ed.-in-Chief Keith Brown. Oxford: Elsevier. 2006. 356-357.
  196. Lak Folktales: Materials for a Bilingual Reader: Part One. Who Is Most Important? The Bill Question: Studies in Honor of Bill J. Darden on the Occasion of His Sixty-Sixth Birthday, ed. by D. Dyer, G. Fowler, V. Friedman, D. Hristova, H. Aronson, and J. Sadock. Bloomington, IN: Slavica. 2006. 111-116
  197. Albania. Sociolinguistics: An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society , Vol. 3, 2nd ed., ed. by U. Ammon, N. Dittmar, K.J. Matthier, P. Trudgill. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. 2006. 1874-1882.
  198. Boundaries and Borders in Balkan Slavic. International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics. Vol. 44-45. 2002-2003 (published 2006). 161-173.
  199. Codeswitching in Balkan Urban Music. Urban Music in the Balkans: Drop-Out Ethnic Identitites or a Case of Tolerance and Global Thinking?, ed. by Sokol Shupo. Tirana: ASMUS. 2006. 540-564.
  200. West Rumelian Turkish in Macedonia and Adjacent Areas. Turkic Language Contacts, ed. by H. Boeschoten and L. Johanson. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 2006. 27-45.
  201. Dialectological Perspectives on Romani in the Balkan Linguistic League. Balkansko ezikoznanie - Linguistique balkanique. Vol. 45, No. 1, 2006. 45-54.
  202. Codeswitching in Urbaner Balkanmuzik. Zeitschrift der Initiative Minderheiten No. 61, 2006. 14-15 (German précis of 203; English version published in CEERES Newsletter Fall 2006).
  203. The Expression of Speaker Subjectivity in Lak. L'Énonciation médiatisée II, ed. by Zlatka Guentchéva. Louvain: Peeters. 2007. 351-376.
  204. Balkanizing the Balkan Sprachbund: A Closer Look at Grammatical Permeability and Feature Distribution. Grammars in Contact: A Cross Linguistic Typology, ed. by A. Aikhenvald and R.F.W. Dixon. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2007. 201-219.
  205. Makedonstika vo SAD [Macedonian: Macedonian Studies in the USA]. 40 godini megjunaroden Seminar za makedonski jazik, literatura i kultura: 1967-2007, ed. by Emilija Crvenkovska. Skopje, Macedonia: University of Skopje. 2007. 55-58.
  206. Targeted Testing: Where Grammar Meets Proficiency and Authentic Content. Glossos, Vol 9. 2007. 5 pp.
  207. Language Politics and Language Policies in the Contemporary Western Balkans: Infinitives, Turkisms, and EUrolinguistics. EES News: East European Studies - Woodrow Wilson Center for Scholars. September-October 2007, 1-4, 10-11.
  208. Udvojuvanjeto na objektot vo balkanskite jazici vo minatoto i denes [Macedonian: Object reduplication in Balkan languages in the past and today]. Klasika - Balkanistika - Paleoslavistika: Festschrift in honor of the 85th birthday and 60th anniversary of scholarly activity of Acad. Petar Ilievski, ed. by Zuzana Topolińska et al., Skopje: Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences. 2007. 235-249.
  209. a. Balkan Linguistics and the Challenges of EU Integration: Minorities as Majorities and Majorities as Minorities. Dynamics of National Identity and Transnational Identities in the Process of European Integration, Ed. by Elena Marushiakova, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2008. 362-375.

    b. Balkanskite ezici v zapadnite Balkani: Malcinstva kato mnozinstva i mnozinstva kato malcinstva. Dinamikata na nacionalnata identičnost i tradicionalnite identičnosti v procesa na evropejska integracija, ed. Mirella Delčeva, Sofia: Paradigma. 2008. 485-499. (Bulgarian translation of 209a).

  1. Macedonian Dialectology and Eurology: Areal and Typological Perspectives. Sprachtypologie und Universalienforschung Vol. 61, No. 2, 2008. 139-146.
  2. Language Contact in Southeastern Europe: From Tolerance to Conflict and Back Again. Köptildilik: Til—Sana—Medeniet [Polylingualism: Language—Consciousness—Culture], Eleventh International Conference "Axanovskie čtenija", al-Farabi Kazakh National Unversity, ed. by E. D. Sulejmenova et al., Almaty: al-Farabi Kazakh National Unversity, 2008. 18-31. (see 209).
  3. The Konikovo Evangelarium and Macedonian Identity in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries. The Konikovo Gospel, ed. by J. Lindstedt, Lj. Spasov, and J. Nuorluoto. Helsinki: Societas Scientiarum Fennica. 2008. 385-391.
  4. Balkan Slavic Dialectology and Balkan Linguistics: Periphery as Center. American Contributions to the Fourteenth International Congress of Slavists. ed. by Christina Bethin. Bloomington, IN: Slavica. 2008. 131-148.
  5. Entries for Zbigniew Golab and Victor Friedman. Leksikon na stranski makedonisti, ed. by Ivan Dorovski and Emilija Crvenkovska, Skopje, Macedonia: University of Skopje. 2008. 26-28, 117-120.
  6. Kulturno-Jazičnite pojavi kaj Gjorgji Pulevski [Macedonian: Cultural-linguistic phenomena in the work of Gjorgji Pulevski]. Thirty-Fourth Annual Symposium on Balkan Linguistics and Literature. Skopje: University of Skopje. 2008. 15-20
  7. Balkan Object Reduplication in Areal and Dialectological Perspective. Clitic Doubling in the Balkan Languages, ed. by D. Kallulli and L. Tasmowski. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2008. 25-63.
  8. Sistemi nominal i gjuhës shqipe nga pikëpamja ballkanistike [Albanian: The nominal system of the Albanian language from the point of view of Balkan Studies]. Twenty-Ninth International Seminar for Albanian Language, Literature and Culture. Prishtina: University of Prishtina. 2008. 319-322
  9. Turkish Presents in Romani Dialects. Turcological Letters to Bernt Brendemoen (Festschrift), ed. by É. Csató & al. Oslo: Insitute for Comparative Research in Human Culture. 2009. 109-121.
  10. On the origin of final -e in the plural of the verbal l-form in Macedonian: Possible Contact Influences. Južnoslovenski filolog, Vol. 64, 2008, 531-534.
  11. Determination and Doubling in Balkan Borderlands, Harvard Ukrainian Studies, Vol 28, 2006, 117-130. [published 2009]
  12. The Diffusion of Macedonian Inflections into Megleno-Romanian: A Reconsideration of the Evidence. A Linguist's Linguist: Studies in South Slavic Linguistics in Honor of E. Wayles Browne, ed. by Steven Franks, Vrinda Chidambaram, and Brian Joseph. Bloomington, IN: Slavica. 2009. 223-233.
  13. Makedonska dialektologija i balkanska dialektologija vo ramkite na balkanskiot jazičen sojuz [Macedonian: Macedonian dialectology and Balkan dialectology in the framework of the Balkan linguistic league]. Proceedings of the Sixth Macedonian-North American Conference on Macedonian Studies. Skopje: University of Skopje. 2008. 15-21.
  14. The Caucasus. Encyclopedia of Sociolinguistics of the World's Languages. ed. by Martin Ball, London: Routledge. 2010. 127-138.
  15. Studime për Gjuhën shqipe dhe gjuhë të tjera balkanike [Albanian: Studies in Albanian and Other Balkan Languages]. Vepra Themelore në Albanaologji, ed. Ardian Marashi, Tirana: Qendra i Albanologjisë. 2009.
  16. "Bai Ganyo" in Books: The Essential Insider's Guide, ed. by Mark Strand. New York: Rizzolli/Random House. 2009.
  17. Turkish Infinitives in Balkan Romani: From Codeswitching to Paradigm Shift. Balkansko ezikoznanie 50. 2009. 27-31.
  18. Makedonija i Evropa od jazična gledna točka [Macedonian: Macedonia and Europe from a linguistic point of view]. Makedonski jazik Vol. 60. 2009. 17-30.
  19. Codeswitching and Code Integration in Romani. CLS 44 Papers from the 44th Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, Volume 2: The Parasessions. Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society. 2008
  20. The Age of the Albanian Admirative: A Problem in Historical Semantics. Ex Anatolia Lux: Anatolian and Indo-European Studies in Honor of H. Craig Melchert. ed. by Ronald Kim, Norbert Oettinger, Elisabeth Riecken, and Michael Weiss. New York: Beech Stave Press. 2010.
  21. Turkish Grammar in Balkan Romani: Hierarchies of Markedness in Balkan Linguistics. Balkanistica, vol 23. 2010. 107-124.
  22. When is a Present not Present? — Turkish İmiş, Kazakh Eken, and the Albanian Admirative. Trans-Turkic Studies: Festschrift in Honour of Marcel Erdal, ed. Matthias Kappler, Mark Kirchner and Peter Zieme. 2010. 435-440.
  23. Lability as a Scalar Balkanism. Glagolnata sistema na Balkanskite ezitsi — nasledstvo i neologija [Macedonian: The Verbal System of The Balkan Languages — Heritage and Neology]. Sbornik dokladi ot Međunarodna naučna konferencija "VTU Sv. Kiril i Metodij" 2009. 63-69.
  24. Pedminati vreminja vo makedonskiot jazik: Sovremena sostojba i balkanski kontekst [Macedonian: Pluperfect tenses in the Macedonian language: Current situation and Balkan context].. Zbornik vo čest na prof. d-r Liljana Minova-Gjurkova po povod 70 godini od raǵanjeto, ed. by Ž. Cvetkovski et al. Skopje: University of Skopje. 2009. 327-330.
  25. Admirativity and Modality in Albanian-Macedonian Language Contact.. Wir sind die Deinen Studien zur albanischen Sprache, Literatur und Kulturgeschichte, dem Gedenken an Martin Camaj (1925-1992) gewidmet, ed. by Bardhyl Demiraj. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 2010. 277-281. .
  26. Violence in Bai Ganyo: From Balkan to Universal. Ulbandus. The Slavic Review of Columbia University. Vol. 13. 2010. 52-63..
  27. Numerals and Language Contact: Albanian, Slavic, and Romani. Scritti in Onore di Eric Pratt Hamp per il suo 90 compleano, ed. by G. Belluscio & A. Mendicino. Cosenza: Università della Calabria. 109-114. 2010.
  28. Introduction to “Challenging Crossroads: Macedonia in Global Perspective,” Slavic Review 69(4).811-815. 2010.
  29. Balkanisms of Color: Black, and White and Red All Over. Balkanskij spektr: Ot sveta k cvetu, ed. by M.M.Makarcev, I.A.Sedakova, T.V.Civ’jan, pp.6 3-66. Moscow: Institut Slavjanovedenija, Russian Academy of Sciences. 2011. 63-66..
  30. The discourse particle berim in the Futadži dialect of Romani. Balkansko ezikoznanie.
  31. Türkçe'nin Balkan Roman Ağızları Üzerine Etkisi [Turkish: Turkish influence on Balkan Romani dialects]. Türkçe'nin Balkan Dilleri Üzerine Etkisi [Turkish influence on the Balkan languages], ed. by Oktay Ahmed. Skopje: MATÜSİTEB. 109-114. 2010..
  32. Macedonian-Albanian Contact-Induced Language Change Today. Gramatika i leksika u slovenskim jezicima: zbornik referata. ed. by Sreto Tanasić. Beograd/Novi Sad: Institut za srpski jezik SANU/Matica srpska. 197-203. 2011.
  33. Families, Leagues, and Hybridity: The Past and Future of Slavic and East European Languages. Distinguished Professor Lecture, AATSEEL Keynote Address. Slavic and East European Journal. Vol 55(1).1–13. 2011..
  34. The Balkan Languages and Balkan Linguistics. Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 40. 2011. 275-291.
  35. Macedonian Identity at the end of the 19th century, Makedonskiot identitet niz istorijata, ed. T. Čepreganov et al., 91-95. Skopje: Institut za nacionalna istorija.
  36. Le multilinguisme en Republique de Macédoine et l'union balkanique aujourd'ui. L'homme et son environment dans le Sud-Est européen: Actes Xe Congrès de l'Association internationale se Sud-Est europén, ed. M. Aymard et al., 479-481. Paris: Association Pierre Belon. 2011.
  37. From the Balkans to Bahasa: Comparative Sociolinguistic Perspectives on Southeast Europe and Southeast Asia. Jezik u upotrebi/Language in Use (Festschrift for Ranko Bugarski), ed. by Vera Vasić, 55-70. Novi Sad: Društvo za primenjenu lingvistiku Srbije. 2011.
  38. Presentations, Perceptions, and Practices of Chalgija Music in the Republic of Macedonia, Proceedings: Second Symposium of International Council for Traditional Music Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe, ed. by E. Dunin and M. Ö. Özbilgin, 25-35. Izmir: Ege Üniversitesi. 2011.
  39. Conjunctivity and Contact: A Contribution from Aromanian,Hommage Nicolae Saramandu. ed. by Manuela Nevaci. Bucharest: University of Bucharest. 2011
  40. Balkan Epic Cyclicity: A View from the Languages. Balkan Epic Song, History Modernity, ed. by P. Bohlman and N. Petković, 293-309. Lanham, MD:Scarecrow Press. 2012.
  41. Bai Ganyo Today: New Approaches to a Bulgarian Classic, Balkanistica 25,1.259-62. 2012.
  42. The Languages of Bai Ganyo: Codeswitching as Social Commentary, Balkanistica 25,1.301-317. 2012.
  43. The Balkan Linguistic League in Macedonia Today. Macedonian Matters: Proceedings of the Seventh Macedonian-North American Conference on Macedonian Studies, ed. by Victor A. Friedman and Donald L. Dyer = Balkanistika 25:2.57-63. 2012
  44. Croatian and Bosnian (§11.9). Serbian and Montenegrin (§11.75), Turkish and Azeri (§11.90) = pp. 539, 553-4, 556-7, Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition. Chicago: U of Chicago 2012.
  45. Conjunction Calquing — A Heartland Balkanism. Balkanismen heute — Balkanisms Today —Balkanizmy segodnja, ed. by T. Kahl, M. Metzelin & H. Schaller, 31-37. Vienna: Lit Verlag. 2012.
  46. Tense-Aspect and Language Contact in The Oxford Handbook of Tense and Aspect, ed. Robert Binnick, 398-427. Oxford: Oxford. 2012.
  47. Contributions to the Toponomastics of the Ohrid-Prespa Basin: Šop, Mazatar, Bunuš, and Mali Gjat. Festschrift for Włodzimierz Pianka, ed. by Jolanta Mindak, 71-74. Warsaw: PAN. 2009.


---. Compartmentalized Grammar: The Variable (Non)-Integration of Turkish Verbal Conjugation in Romani Dialects. Romani Studies. To appear.

---. Albanian and Slavic - Comparative Perspectives on Contemporary Issues. Učennye zapiski Instituta lingvističeskih issledovanij. ed. by A. Rusakov. St. Petersburg: Russian Academy of Sciences. To appear. Also to be published in Albanian as Shqipja dhe Sllavishtja - Perspektive krahasuese nga pikëpamja in Studime filologjike. To appear.

---. Kongresi i Manastirit dhe Linguistika Ballkanike [Albanian: The Congress of Manastir and Balkan Linguistics]. Conference for the 100th Anniversary of the Congress of Manastir. Skopje, Macedonia. To appear.

---. The Balkan Sprachbund in the Republic of Macedonia Today: Eurology as Discontinuity and Dialectology as Continuity. Colloquia Balkanica vol. 1, (2010)

---. The So-Called Macedonian Name Issue in the context of Modern Macedonian Historiography, Language, and Identity, voulme on the Macedonian "Name issue," ed. by David Vitkov. Melbourne: Macedonian Human Rights Committee. 2012.

---. Enhancing National Solidarity through the Deployment of Verbal Categories: How the Albanian Admirative Participates in the Construction of a Reliable Self and an Unreliable Other. Pragmatics and Society. Vol. 3, issue 2, 189-225. 2012.

---. The Morphology of Imperatives in Lak: Stem Vowels in the Second Singular Simplex Transitive Affirmative. Festschisft for Johanna Nichols. ed. by Lenore Grenoble et al. (2012).

---. The Balkans in Turkey and Turkey in the Balkans: Sociolinguistic Perspectives. Turkic speaking minorities in the Middle East and linguistic minorities in Turkey. ed. by Chritiane Bulat. Nicosia: University of Cyprus. (2012)

---. Conjunction Calquing - A Heartland Balkanism. Philologica Jassyensia (2012)

---. A Tantrum from the Cradle of Democracy: On the Dangers of Studying Macedonian, Macedonia: The Political, Social, Economic and Cultural Foundations of a Balkan State. Ed. by Victor Munck, and Ljupcho Risteski. London: I.B. Tauris.

---. Copying and Cognates in the Balkan Sprachbund. Copies vs Cognates in Bound Morphology, ed. by Lars Johanson and Martine Robeets, 323-336. Leiden: Brill. 2012.

---. Lessons from Judezmo about the Balkan Sprachbund and Contact Linguistics. International Journal of the Sociology of Language (2012) - (with Brian D. Joseph)


  1. Romani Linguistics, section of articles in One Hundred Years of Gypsy Studies. Cheverly, MD: Gypsy Lore Society. 1990. 133-175.
  2. Da Mu E Večna Slavata: Studies Dedicated to the Memory of Zbigniew Gołąb (ed. with M. Belyavski-Frank, M. Pisaro & D. Testen) published as Balkanistica 10. 1997. x+436 pp.
  3. Mediterranean Language Review (Vol. 10) with Marcel Erdal, Werner Arnold, and Johannes Niehoff-Panagiotidis. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 1998. 218 pp.
  4. Mediterranean Language Review (Vol. 11) with Marcel Erdal, Werner Arnold, and Johannes Niehoff-Panagiotidis. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 1999. 207 pp.
  5. Mediterranean Language Review (Vol. 12) with Marcel Erdal, Werner Arnold, and Johannes Niehoff-Panagiotidis. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 2000. 196 pp.
  6. Mediterranean Language Review (Vol. 13) with Marcel Erdal, Werner Arnold, and Johannes Niehoff-Panagiotidis. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 2001. 203 pp.
  7. Mediterranean Language Review (Vol. 14) with Marcel Erdal, Werner Arnold, and Johannes Niehoff-Panagiotidis. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 2002. 198 pp.
  8. Identity Formation among Minorities in the Balkans: The cases of Roma, Egyptians and Ashkali in Kosovo with Elena Marushiakova, Herbert Heuss, Ivan Boev, Jan Rychlik, Nadege Ragaru, Rubin Zemon, Vesselin Popov. Sofia: Studii Romani. 2001. 60 pp.
  9. Of All the Slavs My Favorites: Studies in Honor of Howard I Aronson on the Occasion of his 66th Birthday. (ed. with Donald L. Dyer). (= Indiana Slavic Studies, 12.) Bloomington, IN: Slavica. 2002. 383 pp.
  10. The Bill Question: Studies in Honor of Bill J. Darden on the Occasion of His Sixty-Sixth Birthday (ed. with H. Aronson, D. Dyer, G. Fowler, D. Hristova, and J. Sadock). Bloomington, IN: Slavica. 2006. ii+245 pp.
  11. Challenging Crossroads: Macedonia in Global Perspective. Slavic Review 69(4).816-902. Edited Journal Cluster (With S.L. Woodward and K. Brown 4 articles]
  12. Macedonian Matters: Proceedings of the Seventh Macedonian-North American Conference on Macedonian Studies (with Donald L. Dyer). Balkanistika 25,2. 2012. xiv+350pp.
  13. Bai Ganyo and English and World Literature. Edited Journal Cluster (4 articles). Balkanistika 25,1.259-317. 2012.


  1. The Grammatical Categories of the Macedonian Indicative. Columbus. Slavica. 1977. 210 pp.
  2. Teaching Materials for Elementary Russian (with Eleonora Magomedova, 500 pp. Photocopied ms used for teaching Elementary Russian at UNC, Chapel Hill 1982-1994, University of Chicago 1997-2000).
  3. Linguistic Emblems and Emblematic Languages: On Language as Flag in the Balkans, (Kenneth E. Naylor Memorial Lecture Series in South Slavic Linguistics, No. 1). Columbus, OH: Department of Slavic and East European Languages and Literatures, The Ohio State University. 1999. 34 pp.
  4. Macedonian. (Languages of the World/Materials 117). Munich: LinCom Europa. 60 pp. 2002.
  5. Turkish in Macedonia and Beyond: Studies in Contact, Typology, and Other Phenomena in the Balkans and the Caucasus. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. xvi+191 pp. 2003.
  6. Studies on Albanian and Other Balkan Languages. Peja: Dukagjini. 546 pp. 2004. (nominated for the Prize in Albanology, Center for Albanology, Tirana, Albania, 2008).
  7. Deloto na akademik Viktor Fridman [Macedonian: The work of academician Victor Friedman]. An updated Macedonian translation of The Grammatical Categories of the Macedonian Indicative plus additional material. Skopje, Macedonia: Abakus. 2009. 233 pp.
  8. Očerki lakskogo jazyka [Russian: Studies on the Lak language]. Maxachkala: Russian Academy of Arts and Scienes. 168 pp. 2011.
  9. Makedonistički Studii [Macedonian: Macedonian Studies]. Skopje: Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences. 236 pp. 2011.
  10. The Balkan Languages. (with Brian Joseph). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2010.
  11. Speaking the Language: Modes of Culture and Identity in Southeast Europe and Southeast Asia. Kuala Lumpur: KITA, UKM. c. 30 pp. 2012.


  1. Contemporary Macedonian Statehood (ed. by Boris Višinski; translation from Macedonian). Skopje. Macedonian Review. 1974. 89 pp.
  2. The Image of Gjorgji Pulevski (Blaže Koneski; translation from Macedonian). Macedonian Review, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1974. 57-59. Reprinted in Makedonija, Vol. 21, No. 254. 1974. 14-15.
  3. The Constitutional Development of the S(ocialist) R(epublic of) Macedonia. (Gjorgji Caca; translation from Macedonian). Macedonian Review, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1975. 76-91.
  4. Message from Pristina (sic): 'The Indifference Wounds Us Deeply' (translation from the Albanian). Washington Post, Section C, 27.IX.98. 2.
  5. Macedonian Historical Phonology (Blaže Koneski, with Božo Vidoeski; translation from Macedonian) (Historical Phonology of the Slavic Languages, Vol. 12, series ed. Geo. Shevelov). Heidelberg. Carl Winter. 1983. xii+150 pp. (Republished with the Macedonian original, Skopje: Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2001. xxxix+330 pp.)
  6. Bai Ganyo (translation from the Bulgarian, edited with introduction, and footnotes; translation with Christina Kramer, Grace Fielder, and Catherine Rudin). Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. 2010.


  1. Improvising Absinthe (letter). The Chicago Reader, Vol. 17, No. 41, 1988. 2.
  2. Makedonija gi ispolnuva amerikanskite uslovi za priznavanje [Macedonian: Macedonia fulfills all the US requirements for recognition]. Nova Makedonija 13. VII. 92. 2 (Translation of a letter to President Bush).
  3. Blaže Koneski (1921-1993): Brilijanten lingvist i pisatel Lik, Vol. 8, No. 259 (literary supplement to Nova Makedonija 23. II. 94). 11-12. (Macedonian version of 4).
  4. Small Languages and Small Language Communities 17: Blaže Koneski: In Memoriam. International Journal of the Sociology of Language, No. 108, 1994. 211-215.
  5. On the Recognition of Macedonia (letter). National Geographic, Vol. 183, No. 4, 1993. v.
  6. On the Constitutional Name of the Republic of Macedonia (letter). East European Constitutional Review, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1995. 88.
  7. Introduction: A Handbook of Vlax Romani, by Ian Hancock. Columbus: Slavica. 1995. 13-15.
  8. On Macedonia (letter). National Geographic, Vol. 189, No. 6, 1996. xiv.
  9. On Former Yugoslavia (letter). Reed Quarterly, Vol. 75, No. 6, 1996. 48.
  10. On potrzebie (letter). Zippy Quarterly. No 14 (December 1996). 32.
  11. In Memoriam: Zbigniew Gołąb. Balkanistica, Vol. 10, 1997. 1-2.
  12. Telegrama. Spomenica posvetena na Božidar Vidoeski 1920-1998 [Macedonian: Letter of condolence published in a Memorial to Božidar Vidoeski]. Skopje: Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences. 1998. 31-33.
  13. On the Differences between Macedonia and Kosovo (letter). East European Constitutional Review, Vol. 8, No. 1-2, 1999. 115.
  14. The Balkans/Refugees Map (letter). National Geographic, Vol. 197, No. 6, 2000. xx.
  15. In Memoriam: Pavle Ivić (with Ronelle Alexander, Wayles Browne, Marc Greenberg, Robert Greenberg). Južnoslovenski filolog Vol. 55 No. 1/2 2000. 63-74.
  16. Kostas Kazazis: In Memoriam. Balkanistica Vol. 16. 2003. 287-289. (Reprinted in South East European Newsletter (London) No. 54, 21-23.)
  17. Foreword. Current Trends in Caucasian, East European and Inner Asian Linguistics: Papers in Honor of Howard I. Aronson , ed. by Dee Ann Holisky and Kevin Tuite. Amsterdam: Benjamins. 2003. xix-xx.
  18. Obituary for Milena Hübschmannová (1933-2005), Romani Studies Vol. 15, No. 2, 175-179.
  19. Introduction. The Dialects of Macedonian. Božidar Vidoeski (transl. Paul Foster). Bloomington, IN: Slavica. 2006. 5-7.20.
  20. Foreword, Identität zwischen Ethnos und Kosmos: Studien zur romischen Literatur in Makedonien by Gérald Kurth. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 2008. 13-17.


  1. Tense and Status in Albanian, Balkan Slavic and Turkish. Quatrième Congrès International d'Études du Sud-Est Européen: Abrégés des Communications et des Co-Rapports. Ankara: Türk Tarih Kurumu. 1979. 264-265.
  2. On the Significance of the Pluperfect for the History of Bulgarian. Rezjumeta: Părvi meždunaroden kongres po bălgaristika, Vol. 2. Sofia: Bălgarska Akademija na Naukite. 1981. 51-52.
  3. Problems in the Creation of a Standard Literary Romani. Newsletter of the Gypsy Lore Society, North American Chapter, Vol. 5, No. 1, 1982. 3.
  4. Balkan Romani Modality and the Other Balkan Languages. Linguistique: Résumés. Cinquième Congrès International d'Études du Sud-Est Européen. Belgrade. 1984.
  5. Kategorija dokazatel'nosti na Balkanah i na Kavkaze. X meždunaroden kongres na slavistite: Rezjumeta na dokladite. Sofia: Bălgarska Akademija na Naukite. 1988. 126.
  6. On the Status of Turkisms in Romani. Newsletter of the Gypsy Lore Society, North American Chapter, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1988. 9-10.
  7. The Balkans and the Caucasus as Linguistic Areas and as a Linguistic Area. Sixième Congrès International d'Études du Sud-Est Européen: Résumés des communications. Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. 1989. 47.
  8. Glagol'nye priëmy na Balkanax i na Kavkaze (Russian: Verbal Devices in the Balkans and the Caucasus). (Abstract). Vostočnaja rukopisnaja kniga i Balkany: Tezisy dokladov. Tbilisi: Academy of Sciences, Georgian SSR. 1989. 34-35.
  9. Romani Nominal Inflections: Cases or Postpositions?. Newsletter of the Gypsy Lore Society, Vol. 13, No. 1, 1990. 3.
  10. Typological and Areal features Linking and Separating the Balkans and the Caucasus. Abstracts: Fourth International Congress of Soviet and East European Studies. London: Pergamon Press. 1990. 43.
  11. On the Oppositions Vlax/Non-Vlax and Nomadic/Sedentary in the Classification of Romani Dialects. Newsletter of the Gypsy Lore Society, Vol. 15, No. 1, 1992. 3.
  12. The Codification of Romani in Macedonia. Newsletter of the Gypsy Lore Society, Vol. 16, No. 1, 1993. 3.
  13. Balkan Pragmatics in Cognition, Codification, and Cultural Identity: Macedonian and Bulgarian. Fourth International Pragmatics Conference: Program and Abstracts. Kobe: IPrA. 1993. 5.
  14. Aorist i imperfekt vo makedonskiot i turskiot jazik: Arealni i tipološki pojavi. XI medzinárodný zjazd slavistov: Zborník resumé. Bratislava: Slovak Academy of Sciences. 1993. 316-317.
  15. The grammaticalization of Discourse Functions in Balkan Slavic, Abstracts: Linguistic panels. AATSEEL: Indiana University. 1993.
  16. Persistence and Change in Ottoman Patterns of Codeswitching in the Republic of Macedonia: Nostalgia, Duress and Language Shift in Contemporary Southeastern Europe, Abstracts. Summer School on Code-switching, Ljouwert/Leeuwarden. The Netherlands: Frisian Academy. 1994. 37-38.
  17. Contact and Consciousness in the Balkan Sprachbund. Abstracts: Language and Consciousness: An International Symposium. Sofia: Institute for Bulgarian Language. 1995. 12-13.
  18. Romani and the Census in the Republic of Macedonia. Newsletter of the Gypsy Lore Society, Vol. 18, No. 4, 1995. 8.
  19. Shifters, Verbal Categories, and the Balkan Slavic Verb. Prague School Linguistics: 70 Years of Existence of the Prague Linguistic Circle and 100th Anniversary of Roman Jakobson's Birthday. Prague: Charles University. 1996. 18-19.
  20. Primeneta lingvistika i makedonskite glagolni kategorii [Macedonian: Applied Linguistics and Macedonian Verbal Categories]. MALA '98 Macedonian Applied Linguistics Association, First International Congress: Language and Society on the Threshold of the XXI Century. Skopje: Center for Foreign Languages. 1998. 15.
  21. Educational Language Rights and Romani Participation in Macedonian Education. Resources in Education. July 1999.
  22. Polish Macedonian Contrastive Analysis: 2. Prosody. (Božidar Vidoeski, Irena Sawicka, Zuzana Topolińska). Skopje: Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences. (English resumé of Macedonian book) 1999. 177-179.
  23. Grammar and Power in Albanian: Reporting Ironic Neutrality. VI ICCEES (International Council for Central and East European Studies) Congress, Tampere, Finland, 29 July/ - 3 August Tampere: ICCEES. 2000 p. 121.
  24. Interrogatives as Diagnostic for Tense Marking in Evidentials, Meeting Handbook, Linguistic Society of America, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 3-6 January 2002. p. 72.
  25. Two Festschriften for Howard I. Aronson (notice), Bulgarian Studies Association Newsletter, 32(1). 3-5.
  26. From Orientalism to Democracy and Back Again: Turkisms in the Balkan Languages. V poiskah "orientalnogo" na Balkanah (Balkanskie Čtenija 7) - Tezisy i materialy, ed. by I. A. Sedakova and T.V. Civ'jan. Moscow: Russian Academy of Arts and Sciences. 2003. 61-63.
  27. Albanian in the Balkan Linguistic League: A Reconsideration of Theoretical Implications. Ninth International Congress on Southeast European Studies Tirana: Albanian Academy of Arts and Sciences. 2004. 198.
  28. On Speaking Terms: The Balkan Linguistic League in Macedonia Today. (Balkanskie Čtenija 13) - Tezisy i materialy, ed. by I. A. Sedakova and T.V. Civ'jan. Moscow: Russian Academy of Arts and Sciences. 2009. 72-74.


  1. Holton, Milne, ed. The Big Horse and other Stories of Modern Macedonia. Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. 18, No. 4, 1974. 448-449.
  2. Ilikj, Voislav. Vreme i reka. Books Abroad, Vol. 50, No. 4, 1974. 915-916.
  3. Iljoski, Vasil. Svadba. World Literature Today, Vol. 51, No. 2, 1977. 304.
  4. Hendriks, Peter. The Radožda-Vevčani Dialect of Macedonian. Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. 22, No. 1, 1978. 111-112.
  5. Makedonistika Tom 1 and other recent Macedonian Publications. Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. 23, No. 2, 1979. 312-313.
  6. Englund, Brigitta. Yes/No Questions in Bulgarian and Macedonian. Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. 23, No. 3, 1979, 426-428.
  7. Referati na makedonskite slavisti za VIII Megjunaroden slavistički kongres vo Zagreb-Ljubljana. Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. 23, No. 4, 1979. 562-563.
  8. Tošev, Krum.Struškiot govor (spored nekoi materijali od XIX vek). Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. 24, No. 4, 1980. 458-459.
  9. ________. Language, Vol. 57, No. l, 1981. 240-242.
  10. Skendi, Stavro.Balkan Cultural Studies. Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. 25, No. 4, 1981. 105-107.
  11. Grannes, Alf. Loan Compounds in Bulgarian Reflecting the Turkish Indefinite Izafet-Construction. American Anthropologist, Vol. 84, No. 2, 1982. 460.
  12. ________. Canadian-American Slavic Studies, Vol. 22, 1988. 517-519.
  13. Loli Phabaj, Vol. 1. Newsletter of the Gypsy Lore Society, North American Chapter, Vol. 5, No. 3, 1982. 1&4.
  14. Aronson, Howard. Georgian: A Reading Grammar. Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. 27, No. 3, 1983. 114-115.
  15. ________. Modern Language Journal, Vol. 67, No. 2, 1983. 200-201.
  16. Newmark, Leonard et al. Standard Albanian: A Reference Grammar for Students. Modern Language Journal, Vol. 67, No. 2, 1983. 178-179.
  17. Humesky, A. Modern Ukrainian. Harvard Ukrainian Studies, Vol. 4, 1982. 331-333.
  18. Hetzer, Armin and Viorel S. Roman. Albanien: Ein bibliographischer Forschungsbericht mit Titelübersetzungen und Standortnachweisen. Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. 28, No. 4, 1984. 420-421.
  19. Cortiade, Marcel. "Jove Poesia Rom" in JORN 12 (5-44). Newsletter of the Gypsy Lore Society, North American Chapter, Vol. 8, No. 3, 1985. 4&7.
  20. Scatton, Ernest. A Reference Grammar of Modern Bulgarian. Slavic Review, Vol. 44, No. 3, 1985. 598-599.
  21. Huld, Martin E. Basic Albanian Etymologies. Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. 29, No. 4, 1985. 494-496.
  22. Tsonev, Ben'o. Istorija na bălgarskija ezik (2 vols.). Slavic Review, Vol. 45, No. 1, 1986. 177-178.
  23. Camaj, Martin. An Albanian Grammar. Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. 3O, No. 3, 1986. 466-468.
  24. Lindstedt, Jouko. On the Semantics of Tense and Aspect in Bulgarian. Language, Vol. 62, No. 3, 1986. 724-725.
  25. Cortiade, Marcel. Romani fonetika thaj lekhipa. Fonetika i pravopis romskog jezika. Newsletter of the Gypsy Lore Society, North American Chapter, Vol. 9, No. 3, 1986. 4.
  26. ________. Études tsiganes. To appear.
  27. Ilieva, Kornelija. Mestoimenija i tekst. Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. 31, No. 3, 1987. 365-367.
  28. Tsonev, Ben'o. Istorija na bălgarskija ezik (Vol. 3) Slavic Review, Vol. 46, No. 4, 1987. 654-655.
  29. Slobin, Dan & Karl Zimmer, eds. Turkish Linguistics. Turkish Studies Association Bulletin, Vol. 12, No. 1, 1988. 51-56.
  30. Lehiste, Ilse. Lectures on language contact. Language, Vol. 65, No. 2, 1989. 431-432.
  31. Praktičeskaja grammatika russkogo jazyka. Modern Language Journal, Vol. 73, No. 3, 1989. 384.
  32. Dutch Studies in South Slavic and Balkan Linguistics. (Studies in Slavic and General Linguistics 10). The Southeast Conference on Linguistics Bulletin. Vol. 14, No. 1, 1990. 65-69.
  33. Thordarson, Fridrik, ed. Proceedings of the Third Caucasian Colloquium, Oslo, July 1986. (Studia Caucasologia, Vol. I. ) Language, Vol. 67, No. 2, 1991. 422-423.
  34. Vogt, Hans. Linguistique caucasienne et arménienne. (Studia Caucasologia, Vol. 2). Language, Vol. 67, No. 2, 1991. 423-424.
  35. Aronson, Howard. Georgian: A Reading Grammar. Corrected (2nd) Edition. Modern Language Journal, Vol. 75, No. 3, 1991. 381.
  36. Kuzey Kafkasya Kültür Dergisi. The Annual of the Society for the Study of Caucasia, Vol. 3, 1991. 67-70.
  37. Zymberi, Isa. Colloquial Albanian. Modern Language Journal, Vol. 76, No. 3, 1992. 407-408.
  38. Young, David M. English-Albanian Vocabulary. Modern Language Journal, Vol. 77, No. 1, 1993. 101.
  39. Thelin, Nils B. , ed. Verbal Aspect in Discourse: Contributions to the semantics of time and temporal perspective in Slavic and Non-Slavic languages. Language, Vol. 69, No. 2, 1993. 436-437.
  40. Bugarski, Ranko & Celia Hawkesworth. Language Planning in Yugoslavia. Modern Language Journal, Vol. 77, No. 3, 1993. 396-397.
  41. Jahr, Ernst Håkon, ed. Language Contact: Theoretical and Empirical Studies. (Trends in Linguistics, Studies and Monographs, 60.) Language, Vol. 70, No. 2, 1994. 390.
  42. Hinrichs, Uwe et al. , eds. Sprache in der Slavia und auf dem Balkan. Slavic Review, Vol. 53, No. 3, 1994. 924-925.
  43. Baldauf, Ingeborg. Shriftreform und Schriftwechsel bei den muslimischen Russland- und Sowjettürken (1850-1937): Ein Symptom ideengeschichtlicher und Kulturpolitischer Entwicklung. Language, Vol. 71, No. 1, 1995. 189-190.
  44. Fielder, Grace. The Semantics and Pragmatics of Verbal Categories in Bulgarian. Journal of Slavic Linguistics, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1994. 333-340.
  45. de Gila-Kochanowski, Vania (in collaboration with Huguette Tanguy). Parlons tsigane: Histoire, culture et langue du peuple tsigane. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society (Fifth Series), Vol. 5, No. 2, 1995. 119-122.
  46. Kyuchukov, Hristo. Romany children and their preparation for literacy: A Case Study. Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society (Fifth Series), Vol. 6, No. 1, 1996. 63-65.
  47. Foulon-Hristova, Jadranka. Les modes de narration en macédonien. Language, Vol. 73, No. 3, 1997. 680-681.
  48. Grannes, Alf. Turco-Bulgarica: Articles in English and French concerning Turkish Influence on Bulgarian. Turkic Languages, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1998. 154-158.
  49. Thomason, Sarah G., ed. Contact Languages: A Wider Perspective. The SECOL Review, Vol. 23, No. 1, 1999. 83-91.
  50. Sugarman, Jane C. Engendering Song: Singing and Subjectivity at Prespa Albanian Weddings. Anthropology of Eastern Europe Review, Vol. 17, No. 1. 1999. 65-67.
  51. Recenzija na doktorskata disertacija "Govorot na Aromancite Faršeroti od ohridsko-struškiot region (vo balkanski kontekst)" od m-r Marjan Markovikj, asistent na filološkiot fakultet "Blaže Koneski" vo Skopje. [Macedonian: Review of the doctoral dissertation "The dialect of the Frasheriote Aromanians of the Ohrid-Struga region (in its Balkan context),"; by Marjan Markovikj], M. A., instructor at the Philological Faculty "Blaže Koneski" in Skopje). Bilten na Univerzitetot "Sv. Kiril i Metodij" vo Skopje, No. 766, 2000. 62-71.
  52. Szobries, Torsten. Sprachliche Aspekte des nation-building in Mazedonien: Die kommunistische Press in Vardar-Mazedonien 1940-1943. Slavic Review. Vol 60, No. 4, 2001. 841-42.
  53. Van den Berg, Helma, ed. Studies in Caucasian Linguistics. Studies in Language, Vol. 25, No. 2, 356-363.
  54. Paulston, Christina Bratt and Donald Peckham, eds. Linguistic Minorities in Central and Eastern Europe. Linguistic Anthropology. Vol. 11, No 2. 2001.
  55. Igla, Birgit. Das Romani von Ajia Varvara: Deskriptive und historisch-vergleichende Darstellung eines Zigeunerdialekts. Diachronica. Vol 18, No. 2. 2001. 370-374.
  56. Guentchéva, Zlatka. L'Énonciation Médiatisée. Language. Vol. 78, No. 4, 2002. 797-798.
  57. Sobolev, Andrej N. and Xhelal Ylli. Albanskij toskijskij govor sela Lešnja (kraina Skrapar): Sintaksis, Leksika, Ètnolingvistika, Teksty [Russian: The Albanian Tosk dialect of the village of Leshnja (Skrapar region): Syntax, Lexicon, Ethnolinguistics, Texts]. Balkanistica, Vol. 16, 2003. 238-240.
  58. Lučić, Radovan. Lexical Norm and National Language: Lexicography and Language Policy in South-Slavic Languages after 1989. Slavic and East European Journal, Vol. 47, No. 1, 2003. 150-152.
  59. Grannes, Alf Kjetil Rå Hauge, and Hayriye Süleymanoğlu. A Dictionary of Turkisms in Bulgarian. Turkic Languages, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2003. 146-148.
  60. Matras, Yaron. Romani: A linguistic Introduction. Romani Studies (Series 5) Vol. 13, No. 2, 2003. 163-173.
  61. Jully, Dželjal' (Xhelal Ylli) and Andrej N. Sobolev. Albanskij gegijskij govor sela Muhurr (kraina Dibër): Sintaksis, Leksika, Ètnolingvistika, Teksty. Balkanistica Vol. 17, 2004. 179-82.
  62. Colarusso, John. Nart Sagas from the Caucasus: Myths and Legends from the Circassians, Abazas, Abkhaz, and Ubykhs. University of Toronto Quarterly. Vol. 74, No. 1, 2003. 390-392.
  63. Kočev, Ivan. Bălgarski dialekten Atlas. Language. 80, 2004. 626-627.
  64. Job, Michael, ed. The Indigenous Languages of the Caucasus, Volume 3: The North East Caucasian Languages, Part I. Slavic and East European Journal Vol. 46, No. 3, 2005. 537-539.
  65. Sikimić, Biljana, ed. Banjaši na Balkanu: Identitet etničke zajednice/The Bayash of the Balkans: Identity of an Ethnic community. Romani Studies (Serries 5) Vol. 16, No. 2, 2006. 195-199.
  66. Neuberger, Mary. The Orient Within: Muslim Minorities and the Negation of Nationhood in Modern Bulgaria. Journal of Modern History. Vol. 78, No. 4, 2006. 1012-1013.
  67. Review article: Reference Works on Romani of Value to Balkanists. Boretzky, Norbert and Birgit Igla. Komentierter Dialektatlas des Romani. Teil 1: Vergleich der Dialekte. Teil 2: Dialektkarten mit einer CD Rom. Bakker, Peter and Yaron Matras. Bibliography of Modern Romani Linguistics Including A Guide to Romani Linguistics. Balkanistica Vol. 20, 2007, 157-171.
  68. Review article: Recent Texts Concerning Romani
    #1. Holzinger, Daniel. Romanes (Sinte) (Languages of the World/Materials 105).
    #2. Cech, Petra and Moses F. Heinschink. Sepečides/Romani (Languages of the World/Materials 106).
    #3. Halwachs, Dieter W. Burgenland Romani (Languages of the World/Materials 107).
    #4. Tenser, Anton. Lithuanian Romani (Languages of the World/Materials 452).
    #5. Cech, Petra. Dolenjska Romani (Languages of the World/Materials 457) Romani Studies.
  69. Review article: Current trends in Balkan Linguistics.
    #1. Bara, Maria, Thede Kahl, Andrej N. Sobolev. Die südaromunische Mundart von Turia (Pindos).
    #2. Sobolev, Andrei N. Malyi dialektologicheskii atlas balkanskikh iazykov. Seriia gramaticheskaia, s preimushchestvenniem k strukture balkanoslavjanskikh iazykov, Tom I: Kategorii imeni sushchestvitel'nogo.
    #3. Sobolev, Andrei N., ed. Malyi dialektologicheskii atlas balkanskikh iazykov: Seriia leksicheskaia. Tom I: Leksika dukhovnoi kul'tury. Slavic and East European Journal. To 52, n.4, 2008, 589-595.
  70. Review article. Evangelia Adamou (ed.) Le Patrimonie plurilingue de la Grèce. (Le nom des langues II). Balkanistika. Vol. 22, 2009. 215-226
  71. Sobolev, Andrei N., ed. Malyi dialektologicheskii atlas balkanskikh iazykov: Seriia leksicheskaia. Tom III: Životnovodstvo. Slavic and East European Journal. Vol. 54, n.4, 2010, 740-742.
  72. Matras, Yaron. Romani in Britain: The Afterlife of a Language. The Journal of Language Contact, Vol. 4, 2011. 295-310.
  73. Review article: The Macedonian Dialects of Albania. Slavic and East European Journal. Vol. 55, n.4, 2011, 633-638. #1. Steinke, Klaus and Xhelal Ylli. Die slavischen Minderheiten in Albanien (SMA). 1. Teil: Prespa — Vërnik — Boboshtica.
    #2. Steinke, Klaus and Xhelal Ylli. Die slavischen Minderheiten in Albanien (SMA). 2. Teil: Gollobrda — Herbel — Kërchisti i Epërm.
    #3. Steinke, Klaus and Xhelal Ylli. Die slavischen Minderheiten in Albanien (SMA). 3. Teil: Gora.
  74. Sechidou, Irene. Balkan Romani: The Dialect of Ajios athanasios/Greece. Romani Studies Vol. 22, No. 1, 76-85. 2012.


  1. Golem interes za makedonskiot folklor vo SAD [Macedonian: A great interest in Macedonian folklore in the USA]. Večer 16. IX. 72. 7.
  2. Pattern and Structure in Balkan Languages. Endeavors: Research and Graduate Education at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Vol. 3, No. 2, 1986. 19.
  3. An Academic Paper on Turkish Words in Macedonian. Makedonija 1986. 23.
  4. Naučna studija za turcizmite vo makedonskiot jazik [Macedonian: A new study of Turkisms in the Macedonian language]. Nova Makedonia 19 XII. 86. 10.
  5. Makedonističkata dejnost na Viktor Fridman [Macedonian: The work of Victor Friedman in Macedonian studies]. Makedonsi isselenički Almanax '88. Skopje: Matica na Iselenicite od Makedonija. 1988. 47-51. (Review article by Nina Dimitrova).
  6. Doktor za makedonskite glagoli [Macedonian: A Ph. D. on the Macedonian verb]. Nova Makedonija 14. VIII. 90. 8.
  7. Radostta ot poznanieto [Bulgarian: The pleasure of an acquaintance]. Evrejski vesti (Sofia). 3. II. 92. 1 & 6.
  8. Makedonija gi ispolnuva amerikanskite uslovi za priznavanje [Macedonian: Macedonia fulfills all the US requirements for recognition]. Nova Makedonija 13. VII. 92. 2 (Translation of a letter to President Bush).
  9. Za Makedonija pravevme sè što možeme [Macedonian: We have done all we can for Macedonia]. Nova Makedonija 22. VIII. 92. 14.
  10. Fridman kaj ministerot Bajadžiev [Friedman meets Minister Bajaldžiev; account of Romani codification conference]. Nova Makedonija 21. XI. 92. 4.
  11. Raznovidnost kako bogatstvo [Macedonian: Diversity as wealth]. Puls 17. XII. 93. 36-37.
  12. Prof. d-r Viktor Fridman. Patopisi i razgovori (by Vera Stojčeska-Antikj). Skopje: Matica makedonska. 1994. 121-127.
  13. Distinkciite megju makedonskiot i bugarskiot jazik [Macedonian: The distinctions between the Macedonian and Bulgarian languages]. Nova Makedonija 25. V. 95. 12 (report of inaugural address to Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences).
  14. Vo makedonskiot jazik e srceto na Balkanot [Macedonian: In the Macedonian language is the heart of the Balkans]. Nova Makedonija, 27. V. 95. 15.
  15. Fridman e odličen makedonist [Macedonian: Friedman is an excellent Macedonianist], feuilleton Duhovnite kontakti na makedonskata inteligencija - epistolarno nasledstvo (8), (from the personal correspondence of Božidar Vidoeski with Zbigniew Goląb). Nova Makedonija 2. VII. 95. 9.
  16. Amerikanski slavist revizira bălgarskija ezik [Bulgarian: An American Slavist revises the Macedonian language]. Makedonija (Sofia). 18. VII. 95. 3.
  17. Shqipja është një gjuhë unike shumë interesante [Albanian is a very interesting and unique language]. Rilindja, 25. VIII. 95. 9.
  18. Grcite go napagjaat imeto bugarite — jazikot [Macedonian: The Greeks attack the name, the Bulgarians — the language]. Večer 16-17. VIII. 97. 12-13.
  19. Trip to Macedonia began professor's eminent career as language expert. The University of Chicago Chronicle, Vol. 18, No. 4, 1998. 6.
  20. Putting a Crisis in Focus. Lab Notes, Vol. 20, No. 1, 1998. 16-19.
  21. E-mail Brings Home the Pathos of War. Chicago Sun Times, 30. III. 99. 3.
  22. Apsurdno e partiite da se zanimavaat so lingvistika [Macedonian: It's ridiculous for political parties to meddle in linguistics]. Start, Vol. 1, No. 22, 1999. 31-33.
  23. Preardhja e gjuhës shqipe me pikëpyetje [Albanian: The ancestor of the Albanian language is a question mark]. Rrezja Vol. 2, No. 4-5, 1999. 4-5. (Interview; reprinted in Vol. 3, No. 12-13, 2000. 6-7).
  24. Miceli, Anna Maria Totaro. 2000. "La Linguistica Albanese secondo Victor Friedman." M.A. Thesis. Università degli studi di Palermo. M.A. Thesis.
  25. Bisedë me linguistin amerikan, Viktor Friedman: Duhet të kalojë një brez dhe paratë e Evropës [Albanian: Conversation with the American linguist Victor Friedman: It will take a generation and financial aid from Western Europe]. Zëri 14 April 2001, p. 3.
  26. Terms of Engagement: What Macedonian and Albanian Intellectuals Talk about When They Talk About War. by Laura Secor. Lingua Franca, November, 2001, Vol. 11, No. 8, 50-57. (Article both quotes me directly and cites my work and includes a photo, p. 53).
  27. Spasov, Ljudmil. 2003. Pridonesot na Viktor A. Fridman za razvitokot na sociolingvističkite istražuvanja na makedonskiot jazik [Macedonian: The Contribution of Victor A. Friedman to the Development of Sociolinguistic Research on Macedonian]. Predavanja na XXXV megjunaroden seminar za makedonski jazik, literatura i kultura (Lectures of the XXXV International Seminar on Macedonian Language Literature and Culture.) (Ohrid 5-23 August 2002), chief ed. Maksim Karanfiloski, 53-72. Skopje: University of Skopje.
  28. Friedman, like so many other faculty members, understands the pleasure and adventure of living 'the life of the mind.' University of Chicago Chronicle Vol. 22, No 11. (6 March 2003), p. 3.
  29. Profesori Victor Friedman flet për "Javën" (Albanian: Professor Victor Friedman speaks for "Java"). Interview by Ragip Lahuta for Gazeta Java (Prishtina, Kosovo) No. 56, 18 July 2003. (hard copy and
  30. Speaking of the Balkans. by Richard Mertens. University of Chicago Magazine. August 2003 18-20. (Article about me based on interviews).
  31. Viktor Fridman stana počesen doktor na nauki [Macedonian: Victor Friedman awarded degree of Doctor of Sciences]. Utrinski Vestnik 18/19 August 2007, p. 16.
  32. Intervju (Macedonian: Interview). by Nevena Popovska, Utrinski Vestnik 18/19 August 2007, p. 16.
  33. Viktor A. Friedman promoviran vo počesen doktor na filološki nauki na UKIM [Macedonian: Victor Friedman awarded honorary doctorate in philology from University Cyril and Methodius of Skopje]. Univerzitetski vesnik No. 77, August 2007, pp. 9-10.
  34. Professora-lingvisty siljatsja rešat' problemu [Russian: Linguistics professors try to solve the problem]. Dagestanskaja Pravda 18 September 2008, p. 3.
  35. a. Interview. Stranskite slavisti za Makedonija i makedonskiot jazik [Macedonian: Foreign Slavists on Macedonia and the Macedonian language]. by Vera Stojčevska-Antikj. Skopje, Macedonia: University of Skopje. 2007. 46-56.
  1. Interview. Makedonskiot jazik ne e zagrozen [Macdonian: The Macedonian Language is Not Endangered]. Nova Makedonija, 27 October 2008. p. 30.
  2. Victor Friedman on Macedonia: the Interview 12/14/2008 [] (translated into Macedonian and reprinted in a variety of hard and electronic news sources in Macedonia).
  3. a. Newspaper report Makedonija beše i sè ušte e centar na jazična inovacija (Macedonia was and is a center of linguistic innovation), Utrinski vestnik 14 March 2009, p. 17.
  1. Akad. Victor Fridman: Makedonija, neisrpen izvor na inspiracija (Macedonian: Acad. Victor Friedman: Macedonia, an inexhaustible source of inspiration). 1E Magazin, 32-34.
  2. Newspaper report: Flet ballkanologu Victor Friedman: Sa më shumë gjiuhë, aq më mirë bashkëjetohet [Albanian: Balkanologist Victor Friedman speaks: The more languages, the better coexistence]. Koha 15 May 2009, 4.
  3. Odbrana na identitetot [Macedonian: The defense of identity], Makedonska pulsiranja, Gorazd Tomovski, Skopje: Makedonska riznica. 2008. 21-31. (reprinted from Puls 14 Jun 2002 10-12.)
  4. Fašisti go pomračija rečnikot [Fascists darken the dictionary]. Dnevnik, p. 1; Gazdite gi nas'skaa kučinjata [The bosses sic their dogs]. Nova Makedonija, p. 1; Grčkite neonacisti se presmetuvaa so Vinožito [Greek nationalists clash with The Rainbow (party)]. Utrinski vestnik, p. 1; Vinožito vo obrač na grčkite nacionisti [The Rainbow (party) surrounded by Greek Neo-Nazis] Vreme, p. 2; Promocijata na grčko-makedonskiot rečnik prekinata od grčki neonacisti [Promotion of Greek-Macedonian dictionary interrupted by Greek Neo-Nazis], Večer. p. 2; News coverage of lecture #393.
  5. Featured in Pecko. Vreme. 6.5-7.2009, 32.
  6. V Maxačkale prošla prezentacija knigi amerikanskogo professora o lakskom jazyke [Russian; In Maxachkala the presentation of a book by an american professor on the Lak language], by Naia Xamavova, Respulikansko Informacionnoe Agenstvo. 18 March 2011. (Press release).
  7. Kinabgo magIarul kočIodasan bajbixana [Avar: It all began with an Avar song] ĦaaqqIiqqIat 25 March 2011, p. 9.
  8. Čikago sahrulul universitetral professor, lakku mazral axttarči [Lak: University of Chicago professor — researcher on the Lak language] Ilči, 25 March 2011, p. 8.
  9. Cerez morja i okeany za lakskim jazykom. [Russian: Across Seas and Oceans for the Lak language]. Dagestanskaja pravda 31 March 2011, p. 4.
  10. ΒΙΚΤΟΡ ΦΡΙΝΤΜΑΝ: Οι πολιτικοί της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης να αντικρύσουν το γεγονός ότι η μακεδόνικη γλώσσα και η μακεδόνικη ταυτότητα υπάρχουν [Greek: The politicians of the EU should accept the fact that the Macedonian language and Macedonian identity exist]Nova Zora 1 Decmber 2011.
  11. Fridman: Makedonskiot folklor ja opredeli mojata kariera [Macedonian: Macedonian folklore determined my career]. Interview for Kanal 5 television.


National Science Foundation and Mount Holyoke College Secondary Science Training Program Scholarship (anthropology), Mt. Hermon School, Mt. Hermon, MA, Summer 1965

Woodrow Wilson Fellowship, 1970-1971

University of Chicago Special Humanities Fellowship, 1970-1973

University of Chicago Travel Grant for Fourth Annual Seminar on Macedonian Language, Literature and Culture, Summer 1971

American Council of Learned Societies (hereafter ACLS) Grant for the Study of East European Languages - Macedonian, Summer 1972

Commission for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries for the Socialist Republic of Macedonia Research Stipend, Summer 1972

Associateship, Illinois Summer Research Laboratory on Russia and East Europe, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Summer 1973, 1979

International Research and Exchanges Board Fellowship for Doctoral Research Abroad - Yugoslavia (Macedonia), 1973-1974

Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Fellowship - Yugoslavia (Macedonia), 1973-1974

University of North Carolina (hereafter UNC) Research Council Grant, 1976, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1985

UNC College Endowment Fund Grant, 1984, 1987

ACLS Grant for the Study of East European Languages - Albanian, Summer 1976

American Philosophical Society Penrose Fund Grant to study Albanian and Bulgarian verb form usage in Yugoslavia and Bulgaria, Summer 1978

ACLS Travel grant for Fourth International Congress on Southeast European Studies, Ankara, Turkey, August 1979

National Endowment for the Humanities Category A Fellowship for Research, 1980-1981

ACLS Travel Grant for Fifth International Congress on Southeast European Studies, Belgrade, Yugoslavia, September 1984

ACLS Research Grant for East European Studies, 1986

ACLS Travel Grant for Sixth International Congress on Southeast European Studies, Sofia, Bulgaria, August-September 1989

International Research and Exchanges Board Short Term Travel/Collaborative Exchange grant to help fund First North American-Macedonian Conference on Macedonian Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, June 1991

International Research and Exchanges Board Short Term Travel grant to Second International Symposium on Macedonian-Turkish Cultural Relations, University of Skopje, Yugoslavia, October 1991

International Research and Exchanges Board Travel grant to University of Sofia (research) and 25th Annual Seminar for Macedonian Language, Literature and Culture, Ohrid, Macedonia, August 1992

International Research and Exchanges Board Short Term Travel grant to Macedonia, May 1995

Isaac and Viola H. Stern Endowment Fund grant for project: "A New Alignment of Historically Focused Study of Language" (with Susan Gal and Michael Silverstein), 1998-1999

Institute on Southeastern Europe of the Central European University, Budapest, grant for a conference on "Systemic Linguistic Phenomena Resulting from Centuries of Balkan Socio-Cultural Contact" to be held in Macedonia, 1998 (postponed by Macedonian co-organizer for reasons of health), 1998

Ministry of Education of the Republic of Macedonia, grant to support the teaching of Macedonian at the University of Chicago, 1998

United States Information Service (USIS) Grant for Travel to Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and lecture at University of Prishtina 1998 (postponed due to violence in Kosovo)

USIS Grant for Travel to Macedonia to attend International Conference on Applied Linguistics as plenary speaker. 1998

Consortium for Language Teaching and Learning, Grant for Project "Macedonian words.../creating images.../creating words..." a video project (directed by Kim Gareiss). 1998

Grant from The Franke Institute for The Humanities at the University of Chicago to support proposed conference and volume "On the Brink of the Modern: In Commemoration of the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Adam Mickiewicz" (with Joanna Kurowska-Mlynarczyk). 1998, 1999

ACLS Travel Grant for Eighth International Congress on Southeast European Studies, Bucharest, Romania, August-September 1998

Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Foreign Fellowship, October-November 1999

USIS Grant for Travel to Albania to attend conference entitled "Higher Education - The Road to Democracy and Stability", sponsored by the U.S. State Department, the Albanian Ministry of Education, and the University of Tirana, Tirana, May 2000

ACLS Post-Doctoral Fellowship for East European Studies, 2000-01

National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for Research, 2001

USIS Travel Grant to Macedonia to participate in Roundtable "The Future of Macedonia: Macedonian-Albanian Dialogue," sponsored by Forum Center for Strategic Research, Union of Albanian Intellectuals in Macedonia, and U.S. Embassy in Skopje (Office of Public Affairs), June 2001

Co-sponsor, Franke Institute for the Humanities Conference Grant to support "New Medias, New Publics" Fourth Annual Chicago/Michigan (Michicagoan) Conference on Linguistic Anthropology, May 2002

USIS Grant for Travel to Kosovo and lecture at University of Prishtina 2002

Franke Institute Conference Grant, International Conference "Balkan Epic: Song, History, and Modernity" 27 February 2004. (with Philip Bohlman and Nada Petković)

Center for Teaching and Learning Small Grant for Instructional Improvement, 2006-2007

Franke Institute Speaker Grants (two), for 2005-06. as PI for CEERES

Franke Institute Conference Grants (two), for 2006-07. as PI for CEERES

National Resource Center grant for CEERES and Foreign Language Area Studies Fellowships under Title VI of the NDEA (as Director of CEERES) 2006-2010

American Council of Learned Societies - committee for Southeast European Studies grant to support a conference "Critical Spaces of Hope: Locating Postsocialism and the Future in post-Yugoslav Anthropology" 2008, as PI for CEERES

Franke Institute Event Grants (three) 2007-08 as PI for CEERES

Fulbright-Hays Group Project ($85,000) as PI for CEERES

John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, 2008-09

Fulbright-Hays Faculty Research Fellowship for Macedonia, 2008-09

Fulbright CIES Fellowship for Macedonia, 2008-09 (declined)

IREX Fellowship for Macedonia, 2008-09 (declined)

University of Chicago Arts Council, Curricular Innovation Grant, 2011-2012

ACTR/ACCELS Title VIII Research Scholar 2012-2013

ACLS/NEH/SSRC International and Area Studies Fellowship 2012-2013


National Merit Scholarship Finalist, 1966

Faculty Commendation for Academic Excellence, Reed College, 1969, 1970

Phi Beta Kappa, 1970

Marc Perry Galler Prize for Distinguished Dissertation Research, University of Chicago, 1976

Nominated for Undergraduate Teaching Award, UNC, 1977

Member of Delegation to Second International Conference on Bulgarian Studies, Varna, Bulgaria, June 1978

"1300 Years of Bulgaria" jubilee medal for contributions to the field of Bulgarian studies (Awarded by Peoples Republic of Bulgaria), September 1982

Macedonian Orthodox Diocese of Detroit Award for Contributing to the Affirmation of the Macedonian Language, June 1991

Sts. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje Gold Plaque Award for Contributions to the field of Macedonian studies, June 1991

Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, foreign member, elected 1994

Matica Srpska, Member, elected 1995

Sts. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje Gold Plaque Award for Contributions to the field of Macedonian studies, 15 April 2003

Academy of Arts and Sciences of Kosova, foreign member, elected 2004

Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Albania, foreign member, elected 2006

Department of Balkan Ethnology, Ethnographic Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, external co-worker (vănšen sătrudnik), appointed 2006

Sts. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje Gold Plaque Award for Contributions to the field of Macedonian studies, 13 August 2007

Sts. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, Doctor Honoris Causa, 17 August 2007

Makedonski duhovni konaci, award "Duhoven voin" [Macedonian Spiritual Mansions — award "Spiritual Warrior" for contributions to the affirmation of the Macedonian language], Macedonia, 2008

Nominated for Çmimi i Albanologjisë [Prize in Albanology], Center for Albanology, Tirana, 2008.

Krste P. Misirkov Award for Contributions to Macedonian Scholarship, Ramkovski Foundation, Skopje, 2009.

Annual Award for Outstanding Contributions to Scholarship, American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages. 2009.

Fondacija Majka Tereza [Mother Theresa Foundation], Skopje, Award for Humanist Achivement, 2010

John D. Bell Book Award, Bulgarian Studies Association, 2010 (for Bai Ganyo)

Nova Makedonija Lifetime Achievement Award for Macedonian Studies (2011)

United Macedonian Diaspora, Washington DC, Macedonia Friendship Award (2011)

Finalist, National Translation Award, American Literary Translators Association, 2011 for Bai Ganyo

Finalist, Foreword Magazine Book of the Year, fiction-multicultural category, 2011 for Bai Ganyo

Award of Appreciation (mirënjohje) for Contirubtions to Albanology, Seminar for Albanian Language, Literature and Culture, University of Prishtina, August 2011.

Award of Appreciation (blagodarnica) for Contirubtions to the study of Macedonian and the Languages of Macedonia, FON University, November 2011.

Guest of Honor, Third Meeting, International Council Tradtional Music, Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe, Berovo, Republic of Macedonia, 17-22 April 2012.


Academy of Arts and Sciences of Kosova (ASHAK)

Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Albania (AShRSh)

American Anthropological Association (AAA)

American Association for Southeast European Studies (AASES)

American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL)

American Association of Teachers of Turkish (AATT)

Association for Language Typology (ALT)

Association for Slavic, east European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES; formerly AAASS)

Bulgarian Studies Association (BSA)

Department of Balkan Ethnology, Ethnographic

East European Anthropology Group (EEAG)

European Academic Network on Romani Studies (EARS)

Gypsy Lore Society (GLS)

International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)

Linguistic Society of America (LSA)

Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences (MANU)

Matica Srpska (MS)

Societas Caucasologica Europaea (CSE)

Society for Albanian Studies (SAS)

Society of the Study of Caucasia (SSC)

Southeastern Conference on Linguistics (SECOL)

Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Association (SCLA)

Slavic Linguistics Society (SLS)

Turkish Studies Association (TSA)


Adviser for Undergraduate Majors, 1977-1979, 1982-1983

Carolina Seminar on Environment, Democracy, and Economic Reform in Eastern Europe, 1992-1993

Chair, Chinese Lectureship Search Committee, 1984

Committee to review proposed exchange with Romanian Academy of Sciences, 1983

Department Chair, 1987-1993

Department Book Chair, 1975-1987

Faculty Adviser, WXYC Student Radio, 1988-1993

Faculty Council, Alternate, 1977-1978, 1983-1984, 1985-1986

Faculty member of Student Educational Broadcasting board, 1988-1993

Vice-Chair, Student Educational Broadcasting board, 1989-1993

Grade Appeal Review Committee, Dept. of Romance Languages, 1976, 1977

Graduate Admissions Director, 1987-1993

Language Laboratory Committee, 1975-1987

Library Administrative Board, Alternate, 1980-1981

Linguistics Curriculum/Department Advisory Committee, 1980-1993

Off-Campus Awards Committee, Alternate, 1982-1983

UNC Center for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies Advisory Committee, 1991-1993

Special Committee on Facilities for Language Instruction, 1983

Steering Committee Duke/UNC Title VI Center for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, 1991-1993

Supervisor of Elementary Russian Instruction, 1975-1980, 1982-1984

UNC Self-Study Task Group I, 1984


Search committees: Czech literature (1993-4), Polish literature (1999-2000), Language pedagogy (1999-2000), Slavic linguistics (2001-2002, 2005-2006, 2007-2008), Balkan and South Slavic literature (2005-2006)

Chair, Committee on Balkan Linguistics, Center for East European and Russian/Eurasian Studies, 1993-present

Chicago Humanities Institute Faculty Working Group on (literary) language, community, identity, and history, 1993-1994

Dean's Committee for a Center for European Studies, 1993-1994, 1996-1997

Faculty Governing Board of the Chicago Humanities Institute, 1995-1998

Harper-Schmidt Fellowship Selection Committee, 1996

Faculty Board, Sawyer-Mellon Seminar "Sexual Identities, Identity Politics: Cross Cultural Investigations", 1996-1998

Department Chair, 1997-2000, 2001-2004

Member, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, 1997-present

Second Language Competency Testing, Albanian, BCS, Macedonian, 1999-present

Anthropology of Europe Workshop, faculty advisor 1997-present

Faculty sponsor, Second Annual Chicago/Michigan (Michicagoan) Conference on Linguistic Anthropology, spring 2000

Steering committee, Sawyer Seminar, The Range of Contemporary Literacy: The Circulation of Poetry, 2001-2002

Chair, Committee to review to Program in General Studies in the Humanities, 2002

Faculty sponsor (with Susan Gal, John Lucy, and Michael Silverstein), "New Medias, New Publics" Fourth Annual Chicago/Michigan (Michicagoan) Conference on Linguistic Anthropology, May 2002

Faculty sponsor (with Susan Gal, John Lucy, and Michael Silverstein), Fifth Annual Chicago/Michigan (Michicagoan) Conference on Linguistic Anthropology, May 2003

Ad Hoc Committee on the appointment of Director of the Center for International Studies, 2005

Director, Center for East European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies (CEERES) 2005-present

Selection Committee, East European Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) grants, Center for East European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies, 2004-present (Chair 2005-present)

Selection Committee Chair, Fulbright applications in CEERES region, 2005-present

Dean's Representative (dissertation defense), 2006

Graduate Adviser, Slavic linguistics, 2006-present

Norman Wait Harris Memorial Fund Selection Committee, 2006-2007

Faculty sponsor, Slavic Forum, April 2007

Director of Graduate Studies, Slavic Department, 2009-2011

Faculty sponsor, Twelfth Annual Chicago/Michigan (Michicagoan) Conference on Linguistic Anthropology, spring 2010

Chair, review committees for lecturers and senior lecturers: BSC 2010, South slavic and Balkan Literature 2010, Second Language Acquisition 2011-2012.

Hanna Holborn Gray Fellowship in the Humanities Selection Committee 2011.

Dean's Committee to review the Center for International Studies, 2012 (Social Sciences Division).


The American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies

UNC representative to East European Summer Language Institute Planning Meeting, Ohio State University, April 1985

Language Training Committee, 1985-1996

Chair, Subcommittee on East European Languages, 1987-1993

Nominating Committee, 2006

American Association for Southeast European Studies/Southeast European Studies Association (from 1994)

Executive Committee, 1977-1979, 1983-1985

Vice-President, 1987-1989

President, 1990-1992

American Council for Collaboration in Education and Language Study

Advisory Board, 1988-present

American Councils for International Education (ACTR/ACCELS)

Title VIII Southeast European Training and Research Grants Selection Committee, 2006

Title VIII Southeast European Training and Research Grants outside evaluator (Albanian, Macedonian, BCS), 2005, 2007, 2009

American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS)

East European Summer Language Institute Screening Committee, 1985-1989

East European Summer Language Training Selection Committee, 1989-1992, 2001-present

Committee on East European Studies, 1992-1997

Evaluator for linguistics applications, Committee on East European Studies, 1999

Advisor on East European programs and language training grants, 2001

American Research Center in Sofia(ARCS)

Managing Committee, 2006-present

Executive Committee, 2007-present

American Research Institute for the Southern Caucasus (ARISC)

Steering Committee, 2006-present

Executive Board, 2006-present

Association Internationale des Études du Sud-Est Européen (AIESEE)

President, American Committee, 1988-present

Executive Board, American Committee, 1985-present

Association for Linguistic Typology

Nominating Committee, 1999-2000

Arizona State University – Critical Languages Institute (ASU-CLI)

National Policy Committee, 2005-present

Balkan-Kommission, Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Verwaltungsstelle der phil.-hist. Klasse

Outside evluator, 2008

British American Security Information Council

Interview for the project "Missed Opportunities of Conflict Prevention Policy in Kosovo - A European-American Evaluation", 2000

Bulgarian Studies Association

Nominating Committee, 1984, 1986

Chair, Nominating Committee, 1988, 1990

Council on foreign relations

Center for Preventive Action - South Balkan Project, 1995-1997

(see also lecture 243)

Council on International Educational Exchange (Fulbright)

Southeastern Europe Area Selection Committee, 1991, 1992

European Academic Network on Romani Studies

Scientific Committee, 2012-2013

Fletcher School, Tufts University

Albanian language tester, 2006-2008

Gypsy Lore Society

Board of Directors, 1983-present

President, 1984-1986

Vice-President, 1992-1994

international committee of Slavists

International Commission on Balkan Slavic Linguistics, 1993-present

International Commission on Research on the Grammatical Structure of the Slavic Languages, 1993-present

Vice-President, U.S. National Committee, 1994-present

International Crisis Group

Consultant on Macedonia, 1997

International Refugee Council

Consultant on Albanian, 2001

International Research and Exchanges Board

Advisory group on Southeastern Europe, 1992

Consultant on Albanian, 1981-1982, 1985-1986, 1991-1999

Consultant on Bulgarian, 1985-1987, 1991-1999

Consultant on Macedonian, 1976-1977, 1979-1980, 1985-1986, 1994-1999

Consultant on Linguistics, 1984-1986

East European Exchange Selection Committee, 1982-1984, 1991-1993

Liaison for establishing academic exchanges with Macedonia, August 1992.

Participant - IREX meeting with Arben Puto of the University of Tirana concerning the first American-Albanian academic exchange, Princeton, June 1991.

Selection Committee for IREX exchange with Albania, 1992-1993

Slavonic Studies Seminar Selection Committee, 1982-1988, 1991-1993

International Romani Union

Language Standardization Committee, 1991

Joint Committee on Eastern Europe of the SSRC and ACLS

Member, 1992-1996

Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences

Member outside of working duty, elected 1994

National Endowment for the Humanities

Selection Committee, Summer Stipends in Linguistics and Spanish Literature, 1988

Selection Committee, Summer Stipends in Linguistics and African, Asian, German, Slavic, and Comparative Literature, 1989

Oakland University

Albanian language tester, 2007

Ohrid Summer University

Board of Directors, 2002-present

Office of International Visitors, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, U.S. Department of State

Discussion of Islam in the U.S. and Religious Freedom Issues with Mr. Selim Mjumjun Mehmed, Chief Mufti of the Muslims in the Republic of Bulgaria , Rector, Higher Islamic Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria, Director and Publisher, the "Muslims" Newspaper; Mr. Hjusein Čitak, Deputy Rector, Higher Islamic Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria; Mr. Nikolaj Pankov, Head of the Cabinet of the Chief Mufti of the Muslims in Bulgaria, 3 February 2003

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty & Voice of America

Control listener, Macedonian language programming, 2003

Search for Common Ground

Consultant on Macedonian/Albanian émigré issues, 2001

Slavic and East European Language Resource Center (SEELRC)

National Policy Committee, 1999-present

Smithsonian Institution

Study Leader, Yugoslavia Tour, September 1986

Social Science Research Council (SSRC)

Summer Institute for Russian and Non-Russian Languages Selection Committee, 1987-1998

Participant - International Peace and Security Program Research Planning Meeting "The Security of Marginal Populations" sponsored by Social Science Research Council, New York, April 1990

(see also lecture 244)

Society for Albanian Studies

Vice-President, 1978-1981

United Nations

Senior Political and Policy Analyst, Analysis and Assessment Unit, Office of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (O/SRSG), United Nations Protection Forces (UNPROFOR), June-August 1994

Observer (UNPROFOR), 1994 Extraordinary Census, Macedonia, June-July 1994

Grader, Albanian translator exams, UNPROFOR, June-August 1994

Consultation with the Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs of the United Nations and meeting with Americas and Europe Division, Department of Political Affairs, 17 April 2001

United States Institute of Peace (USIP)

Screening Committee, Solicited Competition on Bosnia and the Balkans, 1999

(see also Lecture 234)

U.S. Embassy - Macedonia

Humphrey Fellowship Application mentoring, October 2008

Fulbright Interviews, 9 January 2009

University of Michgan

Albanian language tester, 2007-2011

Yale Center for Language Study

Albanian language tester, 2003, 2005, 2008

Bulgarian language tester, 2005

Outside Academic Consultant (tenure, promotion, hiring, prizes, and doctoral theses):

Brown U., Columbia U., Cornell U., Dartmouth U., DePauw U., Duke U., École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, George Mason U., Georgetown U., Harvard U., Howard U., Institut Universitaire de France, Kazakh National U., LaTrobe U., Princeton U., Macquarie U., McMaster U., Ohio State U., Princeton U., Purdue U., Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), Simon fraser U., Sorbonne (Paris IV), SUNY-Albany, SUNY-Stonybrook, Thames Polytechnic, U. of Alberta, U. of Arizona, U. of Berne, U. of California-Berkeley, U. of Chicago (while at UNC), U. of Cyprus, U. of Georgia, U. of Kansas, U. of London, U. of Manchester, U of Maryland, U. of Melbourne, U. of Michigan-Ann Arbor, U. of Minnesota, U. of Oregon, U. of Pisa, U. of Pittsburgh, U. of Skopje, U. of Toronto, U. of Uppsala, U. of Vienna, U. of Virginia, U. of Wisconsin-Madison, U. of Zurich, Vanderbilt U., Wagner College, Wellesley College, Witchita State U., Yale U.

Harvard University

Visiting Committee for Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, Board of Overseers of Harvard College, 2000-2008

Indiana University

Evaluation of Summer Workshop in East European and Slavic Languages elementary and intermediate summer courses in Georgian, Kazakh and Uighur for SSRC's Eurasia Program, 18-20 July 2007

University of Washington

Evaluation Committee, Ellison Center for Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies (funded in part by Title VI), January 2005

Arizona State University

Outside Evaluator, ASU - University of Prishtina Linkage Project funded by US Department of State, December 2002

The Ohio State University

The Kenneth E. Naylor Young Scholar's Prize in South Slavic and Balkan Linguistics, selection committee, 2000-02

Consultant on the document A Humanities Response to National Security Documents, College of Humanities, 10 October 2003

Dartmouth College

Chair, Review Committee on the status of the Program in Linguistics and Cognitive Sciences, November 2000

School of Slavonic and East European Studies (University of London)

Site evaluator on behalf of ACLS, January 1989

Legal Consultant

Asylum cases (affidavits, letters, etc.): Albanian December 1997, Bulgarian Rom (Gypsy) July 1998, Kosovar Albanian February 2001, Daghestani (Lak) March 2001, Bulgarian Rom October 2006, Kosovar Ashkali February 2008, Bulgarian Rom July 2008

Expert witness: Macedonian, Office of the Public Defender, County of Du Page, February 2001

Consultant, Romani, Cook County Public Guardian's Office November 2003, February 2006

Expert consultant, Matrix Law Firm (UK) concerning the wording of UNSCR 817 [1993] and the 1995 UNSC Interim Accord (794) between Greece and the Republic of Macedonia, March 2008.

Editorial Boards

John Benjamins, series Studies Structural and Functional Linguistics


International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics

Journal of Less Commonly Taught Languages

Journal of Romani Studies (continuing the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society)

New Balkan Politics

Rocznik Slavistyczny

Folia Slavica

Mediterranean Language Review

Južnoslovenski filolog

Journal of the Center for Southeast European Studies, Ankara University

Mladi Makedonisti, University of Skopje

    Ad Hoc Manuscript Referee/Proposal Reviewer


Annual of the Society for the Study of Caucasia; Anthropological Linguistics; Anthropological Quarterly; Anthropology Today; Balkanistica; Canadian Slavonic Papers; Center of Slavic Studies, Hokkaido University; Comparative Studies in Society and History; Dance Chronicle; Ethnos; Lingua; Gengo Kenkyu, The Journal of the Linguistic Society of Japan; International Politics; Journal of Linguistic Anthropology; Journal of Slavic Linguistics; Journal of Sociolinguistics; Journal of Turkish Linguistics (Skopje); Language; Political and Legal Anthropology Review; Public Culture; Replika (Budapest); Slavic and East European Journal; Slavic Review; Slovo (London)


Benjamins; Berghahn; Cambridge University Press; Columbia University Press; Cornell University Press; Duke University Press; Edwin Mellen Press; LinCom Europa Press; Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences; Oxford University Press; Palgrave-Macmillan; Routledge; Slavica Publishers; University of Arizona Press; University of Chicago Press; University of Pittsburgh Press; University of Wisconsin Press

Funding Agencies

American Councils for International Education (ACTR/ACCELS); Arts and Humanities Research Board of the United Kingdom; Australian Research Council; Austrian Science Fund (FWF Vienna); British Academy; Economic and Social Research Council of the United Kingdom; Endangered Languages Documentation Programme, SOAS, University of London; Humenaities in European Research Area (HERA - EU funder); MacArthur Foundation; National Endowment for the Humanities; National Humanities Center; National Science Foundation; Open Society Institute; Research Council of Norway; Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada; Woodrow Wilson Center

Panel Chairships

  1. Balkan Linguistics, AATSEEL Annual Meeting, Chicago, December 1977
  2. Balkan Sociolinguistics, AASES Annual Meeting (with AAASS), Columbus, OH, October 1978
  3. Albania during the Zog Era, SAS Annual Meeting (with AAASS), Philadelphia, November 1980
  4. Albanian Linguistics, AASES Second Symposium/Conference on Southeastern Europe, Columbus, OH, April 1981
  5. Language and Linguistics, Midwest Slavic Conference Annual Meeting, Chicago, May 1982
  6. Balkan Linguistics, AATSEEL Annual Meeting, Chicago, December 1982
  7. Gypsy and Traveler Sociolinguistics, GLS Annual Meeting, Ann Arbor, MI, March 1983
  8. Romani Historical Linguistics, GLS Annual Meeting, New York, February 1984
  9. Bulgaria and its Balkan Linguistic Neighbors, AAASS Annual Meeting, New Orleans, November 1986
  10. Aspect, Modality, and Tense as Balkan Linguistic Categories, AAASS Annual Meeting, Honolulu, November 1988
  11. Syntax and Determinedness in the Balkans, AAASS Annual Meeting, Chicago, November 1989
  12. Balkan Clitic Phenomena, AAASS Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, October 1990
  13. Macedonia Today: Language, Literature, and Religion, AAASS Annual Meeting, Miami, November 1991
  14. Balkan Linguistics Today: Recent Developments and New Approaches, AAASS Annual Meeting, Honolulu, November 1993
  15. Case Studies in Slavic Linguistics, AAASS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, November 1994
  16. Balkan Clitics and Particles: The Grammar and Meaning of "Little Words" in Language Contact, AAASS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, November 1994
  17. I Am What I Speak: Language, Ethnicity and Identity in the Balkans, AAASS Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, October 1995
  18. Anthropological Approaches to the Balkan Crisis. Thirteenth International Conference of Europeanists, Chicago, 14-16 March, 2002
  19. Language Policies and Language Contact in Imperial Russia and the Contemporary Russian federation, AAASS Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, 3-6 November 2005
  20. Language asymmetries and the struggle for the accumulation of linguistic capital: Focus on the Balkans and Cyprus, Eleventh International Conference on Minority Languages, University of Pécs, Hungary, 5-6 July 2007
  21. Macedonian Language Contact - from Linguistic League to Diaspora, AAASS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 12-15 November 2009


Academic Committee – Seventh International Congress on Romani Linguistics, Prague, 14-15 September 2006

Consultant - Ministry of Education, Macedonia on the codification of Literary Romani for the introduction of Romani as a subject of instruction in Macedonia. November 1992

Consultant - Information Services Unit Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada, June 1995

Consultant - Reader's Digest, Editorial Research, February 1997

Consultation on Macedonian, University of Potsdam, September 2000

Discussion Leader - "Is this a Region?" Northwestern University Faculty Development Seminar, 10 October 2002

Discussant - Symposium on Peasant Culture and National Culture, AASES Annual Meeting (with AAASS), St. Louis, October 1976

Discussant - Panel "Verbal Categories in Balkan Languages," AAASS Annual Meeting, Boston, November 1987

Discussant - Panel "Discourse and Pragmatics," AATSEEL Annual Meeting, San Francisco, December 1991

Discussant - Colloquium "Vers une federation des pays des Balkans?," sponsored by French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and INALCO (Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales), Sorbonne, Paris, December 1992

Discussant - Workshop on Language, Literature and Empire, University of Chicago Humanities Institute, October 1994

Discussant - Balkan Music: Negotiating Gender, Ethnicity, Region, Society for Ethnomusicology (with American Folklore Society), Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, October 1994

Discussant - "Genocide, Ethnic cleansing, or Population Transfers?: Comparative perspectives on Bosnia, Cyprus, Central/Southeast Europe, and Southeast Asia," conference sponsored by Anthropology of Europe Workshop, University of Chicago, May 1996

Discussant - Panel "Language and Ideology," AATSEEL Annual Meeting, San Francisco, December 1998

Discussant - Conference entitled Higher Education - The Road to Democracy and Stability, sponsored by the U.S. State Department, the Albanian Ministry of Education, and the University of Tirana, Tirana, May 2000

Discussant - Panel "To the East of Europe's Middle Leg: The Balkans and Adjacent Peripheries," Slavic Forum 2002, University of Chicago, 12-13 April 2002

Discussant - Performance and Culture in Post-Socialist Balkan Contexts, AAASS Annual Meeting, Boston, 4-7 December 2004

Dissertation director - University of Skopje 1998-2000

Dissertation reader - University of Berne 1998-2005

Guest lecturer - seminars in Russian Formalism, Structuralism and Semiotics (topic: Propp's Morphology of the Folk Tale) and in Balkan Anthropology (topic: Language, Census, and Identity), Reed College, 30 October 2002

Organizer - panel on Albania and Its Neighbors, Second Symposium/Conference on Southeastern Europe, AASES, Columbus, OH, April 1981

Organizer - Section U.2: Balkan Linguistic Contacts, Sixth International Congress of Southeast European Studies, Sofia, August-September 1989

Organizer - panel "The Balkans and the Caucasus as Linguistic Areas." Fourth International Congress of Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate, England, July 1990

Organizer - First North American - Macedonian Conference on Macedonian Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, June 1991

Organizer (North American delegation) - Second Macedonian-North American Slavic Conference. Ohrid, Macedonia, August 1994

Organizer (with Michael Silverstein) - Linguistic Reconstruction: Culture and Language in History, first of three quarterly conferences sponsored by The Chicago Initiative on Language and Diachrony, November 1998

Organizer - Grammars of Narratives and Narratives of Grammar: The Encoding and Mapping of Power Relations into and onto Balkan Verbal Categories. Sixth International Congress, International Council for Central and East European Studies, Tampere, Finland, July/August 2000

Organizer (North American delegation) - Fourth Macedonian-North American Slavic Conference. Ohrid, Macedonia, August 2000

Organizer - Translating Baj Ganjo: A Conference. University of Chicago, 30-31 May 2003

Organizer - Translating Baj Ganjo II: A Conference. University of Chicago, 23-24 June 2003

Organizer (North American delegation) - Sixth Macedonian-North American Slavic Conference. Ohrid, Macedonia, August 2006

Organizer - ASEEES annual meeting panel "Language Contact at the Margins: New Approaches to Southeast Europe" November 2011

Organizer - ASEEES annual meeting panel "Re-thinking Balkan Borders and Boundaries: Interdisciplinary Approaches, Methodological Innovations, and Never-Ending Stories" November 2012

Outside evaluator - dissertation defense, Department of History, University of Toronto, June 2000

Director - dissertation, University of Skopje, December 2000

Outside evaluator - dissertation defense, Slavic Department, University of Toronto, September 2001

Outside evaluator - dissertation defense, Anthropology Department, École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, December 2002

Outside evaluator - dissertation defense, Slavic Department, University of Bern, November 2005

Outside evaluator - dissertation defense, Linguistics Department, Sorbonne, March 2006

Outside evaluator - dissertation defense, Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa, June 2008

Panelist - "The Splintering of Eastern Europe: Ethnic Conflict in the Wake of Socialism" sponsored by the UNC-Duke Center for Slavic, Eurasian and East European Studies, October 1992

Participant - Third Annual Seminar on Albanian Culture for Foreigners, University of Prishtina, August-September 1976

Participant - special JCEE-ACLS workshop on the humanities, New York, October 1987

Participant - Twenty-Second Annual Seminar on Macedonian Language, Literature, and Culture, University of Skopje, August 1989

Participant - Twenty-Third Annual Seminar on Macedonian Language, Literature, and Culture, University of Skopje, August 1990

Participant - Workshop on Oral Proficiency in Slavic Languages Other than Russian sponsored by Duke-UNC Center for Soviet and East European Studies, June 1992

Participant - Twenty-Fifth Annual Seminar on Macedonian Language, Literature, and Culture, University of Skopje, August 1992

Participant - Woodrow Wilson Center East European Studies Workshop on New Directions for the Study of Eastern Europe, Washington, DC, December 1992

Participant - Workshop on Cross-National Empirical Studies in Eastern Europe, JCEE & Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft, Munich, June 1993

Participant - Twenty-Seventh Annual Seminar on Macedonian Language, Literature, and Culture, University of Skopje, August 1994

Participant - Conference on Intellectual Concerns and Scholarly Priorities in Southeastern Europe, Zagreb, January 1995

Participant - Conference on South Balkans, Council on Foreign Relations, New York, December 1995

Participant - Fact Finding Mission to Serbia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Albania, Center for Preventive Action (Council on Foreign Relations), December 1995

Participant - Meeting on South Balkans Report, Council on Foreign Relations, New York, February 1996 & February 1997

Participant - Meeting on the future of East European Studies, Central European University, Budapest, May 1996

Participant (funded by Council on Foreign Relations) - "An Agenda for Preventive Diplomacy: Theory and Practice," Workshop sponsored by the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs, UNPREDEP, the OSCE Spillover Monitor Mission, the Center for Democracy, and the Macedonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Skopje, Macedonia, October 1996

Participant - "War or Peace," Discussion of recent events in former Yugoslavia, especially Macedonia, Woodrow Wilson Center - East European Studies, Washington, DC, February 1997

Participant - International Colloquium "Diplomacy and Peace Efforts in the Balkans during the Interwar Period (1919-1939)," organized by The National Committee of AIESEE at the Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Skopje, May 1997

Participant - Thirtieth Annual Seminar on Macedonian Language, Literature, and Culture, University of Skopje, August 1997

Participant - Fifth Annual Conference on Preventive Action, Council on Foreign Relations, New York, December 1998

Participant - SEELRC National Policy committee Meeting, Duke University, August 1999, April 2000, March 2001, April 2002, March 2003

Participant - Meeting on Macedonia with members of the Balkan Initiative - U.S. Institute of Peace, Washington, DC, April 2000

Participant - Meeting on Southeast Europe with directors of Suara CENPEACE (Centre for Peace Initiative Trust), Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia, October 2000

Participant - Workshop on International Policy in the Balkans. The Future of the Balkans: Beyond Conflict and Underdevelopment, conference sponsored by The Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, March 2001

Participant - Kosovo and Its Neighbors: UN and NGO Perspectives, Roundtable organized by the Council on Foreign Relations, New York and Washington DC (video-connected conference), 16 April 2001

Participant - Balkan Masculinities, Conference organized by School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London, 7-8 June 2002

Program Chair - linguistics sections, Fifth Bulgarian-American Conference on Bulgarian Studies, Washington, DC (conference postponed due to financial crisis in Bulgaria - later held at University of Pittsburgh, 1995)

Representative (American) - AIESEE Executive Board Meeting, Bucharest, March 1988

Resource person - Third Annual Conference on Preventive Action, Council on Foreign Relations, New York, December 1996

Resource Person - Workshop on "Bringing Research on Romani Culture into Higher Education." Central European University, Budapest, 13-15 October 2005

Research in Daghestan (funded by University of Chicago) - June 1998, September 2007

Research and Consultation in Grammars of East European Languages (funded by SEELRC), Duke University, August 2000


  1. Relative Clauses in South Slavic. Eighth Regional Meeting, Chicago Linguistic Society 8th Annual Meeting, University of Chicago, April 1972.
  2. On the Morphology of Case in South Serbian, Balkan Studies Seminar, University of Chicago, May 1972.
  3. On the Question of the Bulgarian Indefinite Article. First Bulgarian-American Conference on Bulgarian Studies, Madison, May 1973.
  4. Macedonian Language and Nationalism in the Nineteenth Century. AAASS Annual Meeting, Atlanta, October 1975.
  5. Some Observations on the Grammatical Categories of Macedonian Verbs. AATSEEL Annual Meeting, Chicago, December 1975.
  6. Structural and Generative Approaches to an Analysis of the Macedonian Preterite. LSA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, December 1975.
  7. Kategorijata rezultativnost vo makedonskiot glagol [Macedonian: The Category of Resultativity in the Macedonian Verb]. Third Annual Symposium on Balkan Linguistics and Literature, Ohrid, Yugoslavia, August 1976.
  8. The Category of Admirativity. SECOL Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November 1976.
  9. Related Verbal Categories in Albanian, Turkish, and Balkan Slavic. Conference on Southeastern Europe, Ohio State University, April 1977.
  10. Verbal Abuse in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union. Cryptolinguistic Society, Department of Defense, Washington, DC, November 1977.
  11. A Re-examination of Some Bulgarian and Macedonian Calques on Turkish. First Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore, University of Chicago, March 1978.
  12. On the Semantic and Morphological Influence of Turkish on Balkan Slavic. Chicago Linguistic Society, 14th Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 1978.
  13. Turkish Influence on Balkan Slavic. Linguistics Circle, Ohio State University, May 1978.
  14. Gjorgji Pulevski: Fjalorët e tij dhe rilindja kombëtare shqiptare dhe maqedonase [Albanian: Gjorgji Pulevski: His Dictionaries and the Albanian and Macedonian National Renaissances]. Conference in honor of the 100th anniversary of the League of Prizren, Prishtina, Yugoslavia, June 1978.
  15. Admirativnost v bălgarski, albanski i turski ezik [Bulgarian: Admirativity in Bulgarian, Albanian, and Turkish]. Second Bulgarian-American Conference on Bulgarian Studies, Varna, Bulgaria, June 1978.
  16. The Current Status of Turkish Dialects in Macedonia. AAASS Annual Meeting, Columbus, OH, October 1978.
  17. Influence vs. Convergence in Areal Phenomena. SECOL Annual Meeting, Atlanta, November 1978.
  18. The Dictionaries of Gjorgji Pulevski and Macedo-Albanian Linguistic Contact. AATSEEL Annual Meeting, New York, December 1978.
  19. The Ponto-Caspian Resultative. Linguistics Colloquium, University of Arizona, Tucson, March 1979.
  20. Toward a Typology of Status: Georgian and Other Non-Slavic Languages of the Soviet Union. First International Conference on Non-Slavic Languages of the Soviet Union, University of Chicago, April 1979.
  21. Tense and Status in Albanian, Balkan Slavic, and Turkish. Fourth International Congress on Southeast European Studies, Ankara, Turkey, August 1979.
  22. Fact vs. Fantasy in the Bulgarian Reported. Southern Conference on Slavic Studies Annual Meeting, New Orleans, October 1979.
  23. Osmanli Turkish in the Balkans: Isoglosses, Attitudes and Slavo-Albanian Contacts. AATSEEL Annual Meeting, San Francisco, December 1979.
  24. Some Peculiarities in the Albanian Indicative System. Second Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore, University of Chicago, May 1980.
  25. The Bulgarian Pluperfect and Its Development within the Bulgarian Verbal System. 1300 godini Bălgarija: A Conference to Celebrate 1300 Years of Bulgarian Statehood, University of Chicago, February 1981.
  26. On the Nature of Evidentiality in Macedonian, Bulgarian, and Albanian. Evidentials Symposium, University of California, Berkeley, May 1981.
  27. Značenie na otdavna minalo vreme za istorijata na bălgarski ezik [Bulgarian: The Meaning of the Pluperfect for the History of Bulgarian]. First International Congress on Bulgarian Studies, Sofia, May 1981.
  28. Albanian Morpho-Syntax in the Light of Balkan Slavic. AATSEEL Annual Meeting, New York, December 1981.
  29. An Analysis of Jusuf and Kepeski's Romani Gramatika. GLS Annual Meeting, New York, February 1982.
  30. Comparative Balkan Verbal Categories: Prolegomenon to a Theoretical Approach. Third Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore, Indiana University, Bloomington, April 1982.
  31. Toward a Theory of Grammatical Macro-Categories and Overlapping Semantic Fields. University of Chicago Linguistics Seminar, May 1982.
  32. Introduction to the Study of Balkan Linguistics. University of Chicago Linguistics Circle, May 1982.
  33. The Aorist/Imperfect Opposition in Bulgarian, Albanian, and Turkish. Third Bulgarian-American Conference on Bulgarian Studies, Boston, October 1982.
  34. Macedonian Language and National Identification in Yugoslavia. AAASS Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, October 1982.
  35. The Category of Status in the Lak Verbal System. Third International Conference on Non-Slavic Languages of the Soviet Union. University of Chicago, March 1983.
  36. Morphologically Marked Reported Speech. UNC Linguistics Circle, April 1983.
  37. The Rumelian Turkish Dialects and Their Place Among the Balkan Languages. Linguistics Circle and Dept. of Judaic and Near Eastern Languages and Literatures, Ohio State University, May 1983.
  38. Balkan Indicativity. AAASS Annual Meeting, Kansas City MO, October 1983.
  39. Subordinate and Superordinate Aspect in East Balkan Slavic and Their Correspondences in Russian. Conference on the Scope of Slavic Aspect, University of California, Los Angeles, December 1983.
  40. Romani Te in a Balkan Context. Fourth Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore, University of Chicago, March 1984.
  41. Linguistics, Nationalism, and Literary Languages: A Balkan Perspective. Purdue University Linguistics Group and Interdepartmental Program in Linguistics, April 1984.
  42. Politics and the Dictionary. Midwest Slavic Conference Annual Meeting, Columbus, May 1984.
  43. Historical, Nationalistic, and Linguistic Considerations in the Formation of Literary Languages: Past and Current Problems in the Balkan States. International Conference on Languages without Written Tradition, Thames Polytechnic, London, August 1984.
  44. Za složenite minati vreminja vo dihovskiot govor vo sporedba so makedonskiot literaturen jazik i vo drugite dijalekti [Macedonian: Complex Past Tenses in the Dihovo Dialect in Comparison with Literary Macedonian and the Other Dialects]. Conference on Language and Linguistics in Bitola and the Bitola Region, Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Bitola, September 1984.
  45. Balkan Romani Modality and the Other Balkan Languages. Fifth International Congress of Southeast European Studies, Belgrade, September 1984.
  46. Ethnicity, Language, and Nationalism in the Balkans. Conference on Eastern Europe, Kentucky Council for International Education, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green and Murray State University, Murray, KY, November 1984.
  47. Turkish Influences on Macedonian. AAASS Annual Meeting, New York, November 1984.
  48. Assertive Forms in Lak. Fourth International Conference on Non-Slavic Languages of the Soviet Union, University of Chicago, May 1985.
  49. A Caucasian Loanword in Romani. GLS Annual Meeting, New York, February 1986.
  50. Semantic Shift and Morphological Innovation in Macedonian. Fifth Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore, Indiana University, Bloomington, March 1986.
  51. Tipologija na upotrebata na da vo balkanskite jazici [Macedonian: The Typology of da in the Balkan languages]. Philological Faculty, University of Skopje, Yugoslavia, October 1986.
  52. Glagolskite kategorii, morfološkite paradigmi i opredeluvanjeto na izoglosite na makedonskata jazična teritorija [Macedonian: Verbal categories, morphological paradigms, and the determination of isoglosses on Macedonian linguistic territory]. Institute for the Macedonian Language, Skopje, Yugoslavia, October 1986.
  53. Language, Nationalism, and Literary Standardization in the Balkans. Russian Institute, Section of Middle Eastern and African Studies, and Department of History, University of Bergen, Norway, October 1986.
  54. On the Turkish Lexical Component in Romani Dialects and Their Relationship to Romani Language Planning. International Colloquium "Tsiganes: Identité, Culture, Evolution. " Paris, December 1986.
  55. Makedonskiot jazik od sociolingvističkiot aspekt [Macedonian: The sociolinguistics of Macedonian]. Macedonian translation of article 37, broadcast in two parts as part of Radio Skopje (First Program) Evening Cultural Program. February 1987.
  56. Evidentiality in the Balkans and the Caucasus. Cornell Linguistics Circle. Cornell University, April 1987.
  57. Standardization in Balkan Literary Languages. Cornell Linguistics Circle. Cornell University, April 1987.
  58. On the Terminology for Lak Verbal Categories. Fifth International Conference on Non-Slavic Languages of the Soviet Union, University of Chicago, May 1987.
  59. Upotreba na glagolnite vremena v gnomičen reč v bălgarskija i drugi ezici. (Bulgarian: The use of verbal tenses in gnomic speech in Bulgarian and other languages). Fourth Bulgarian-American Conference on Bulgarian Studies. Smolyan, Bulgaria, June 1987.
  60. A Survey of the Languages of the Caucasus. Duke University, February 1988.
  61. Gnomic Language in the Balkans and the Caucasus. Sixth Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore, University of Chicago, March 1988.
  62. On the Status of Turkisms in Romani. GLS Annual Meeting, New York, March 1988.
  63. The Category of Evidentiality in the Balkans and the Caucasus. Tenth International Congress of Slavists, Sofia, Bulgaria, September 1988.
  64. Balkan Slavic Evidentials: Their History, Isoglosses, and Relations to Non-Slavic Evidentials. Invited lecture, Indiana University, Bloomington, April 1989.
  65. Glagol'nye priëmy na Balkanax i na Kavkaze [Russian: Verbal Devices in the Balkans and the Caucasus]; Conference on Balkan-Caucasian Connections sponsored by the Bulgarian and Georgian Academies of Sciences, Tbilisi, USSR, April 1989 (Conference canceled due to riots in Tbilisi; paper was presented instead at the Section on Caucasology, Institute of Linguistics, Academy of Sciences USSR, Moscow, USSR).
  66. Case in Lak: 30 or 50? Sixth International Conference on Non-Slavic Languages of the Soviet Union, University of Chicago, May 1989.
  67. Balkan Slavic Evidentials: Their History, Isoglosses, and Relations to Non-Slavic Evidentials. Invited lecture, University of Chicago, May 1989.
  68. Upotrebata na glagolskite vreminja vo makedonskite i vo drugi balkanski poslovični izrazi [Macedonian: The use of verbal tenses in Macedonian and other Balkan proverbial expressions]. Sixteenth Annual Symposium on Balkan Linguistics and Literature, Ohrid, Yugoslavia, August 1989.
  69. The Balkans and the Caucasus as Linguistic Areas and as a Linguistic Area. Sixth International Congress of Southeast European Studies, Sofia, August-September 1989.
  70. Report on the work of Section U. 2. 2. Interrelations et contacts linguistiques dans les Balkans: Interrelations bilingues. Sixth International Congress of Southeast European Studies, Sofia, August-September 1989.
  71. Slavic-Albanian Contacts and Early Polyglot Lexicons. "La langue albanaise dans le contexte balkanique principalement sous le point de vue des contacts albano-slaves": Conference sponsored by the Polish Academy of Sciences. Warsaw, September 1989.
  72. Macedonian, Albanian, and Romani in Yugoslavia. Roundtable "Language Policy in Eastern Europe and Western Asia: Innovation, Development, and Retrogression," AAASS Annual Meeting, Chicago, November 1989.
  73. Romani Nominal Inflections: Cases or Postpositions? GLS Annual Meeting, New York, March-April 1990.
  74. Romani Case in a Balkan Context. Seventh Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore, University of Toronto, May 1990.
  75. Contact and Diffusion: Balkan and Caucasian Sprachbund Phenomena. Invited lecture, Ohio State University, Columbus, May 1990.
  76. Macedonia and Kosovo: Cultural Diversity and the Quest for Community, Symposium presentation, Reed College, Portland, OR, June 1990.
  77. Typological and Areal Features Linking and Separating the Balkans and the Caucasus. Fourth International Congress of Soviet and East European Studies, Harrogate, England, July 1990.
  78. Dijalektna osnova, varijacija i kodifikacijata na balkanskite literaturni jazici (albanski, bugarski, makedonski, romski) [Macedonian: Dialectal base, variation, and codification in Balkan literary languages (Albanian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Romani)]. Seventeenth Annual Symposium on Balkan Linguistics and Literature, Ohrid, Yugoslavia, August 1990.
  79. Deixis in Lak: Locating the Unmarked Member in a Five-Way System. Towards a Calculus of Meaning: An International Symposium on General Linguistics, Duke University, October 1990.
  80. What's Happening in the Balkans: Yugoslavia. Reed College Alumni Association, Washington Area Chapter Presentation, October 1990.
  81. Ethnicity and Cultural Identity in Eastern Europe Today, Reed College, Portland, OR, October 1990.
  82. Language and Nationalism in the Balkans, especially Macedonian and Albanian. Conference on Language and Nationalism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union, Ohio State University, Columbus, May 1991.
  83. Ga in Lak and the Three "There's." Seventh International Conference on Non-Slavic Languages of the Soviet Union. University of Chicago, Chicago, May 1991.
  84. Potčinet vid vo makedonskiot i drugite balkanski jazici [Macedonian: Subordinate Aspect in Macedonian and Other Languages of the Balkans]. First North American - Macedonian Conference on Macedonian Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, June 1991.
  85. Status, Aspect and Mood in Macedonian as Compared with Turkish in a Balkan Context. Macedonian Linguistics Seminar, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, August 1991.
  86. Makedonistikata vo Amerika i Amerikancite vo makedonistikata [Macedonian: Macedonian Studies in America and Americans in Macedonian Studies]. Macedonian Linguistics Seminar, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia, August 1991.
  87. 87. The Relation of Dialectal Variation to Literary Codification in Languages of the Balkans. University of Skopje, Department of English, Skopje, Yugoslavia, October 1991.
  88. Makedonistika vo Severna Amerika (Macedonian: Macedonian Studies in North America) (expanded version of 72). University of Skopje, Department of Macedonian, Skopje, Yugoslavia, October 1991.
  89. Makedonca ve Türkçe'de aorist ve imperfekt: areal ve tipoloji hadiseleri (Turkish: Aorist and Imperfect in Macedonian and Turkish: Areal and Typological Phenomena). Second International Symposium on Macedonian-Turkish Cultural Relations, University of Skopje, Yugoslavia, October 1991.
  90. Minority Languages in Yugoslavia. Duke-UNC Center for Soviet and East European Studies Faculty Seminar on Changes in Eastern Europe. Duke University, November 1991.
  91. Language, Religion, and National Identity in the Balkans: Who are All These People and Why Do They Keep Trying to Kill Each Other? Eringhaus Residence Hall Lecture Series, UNC, February 1992.
  92. Evidentiality in Macedonian and Bulgarian. Roundtable "Evidentiality in Turkish, Bulgarian and Macedonian," University of California, Berkeley, March 1992.
  93. On the Oppositions Vlax/Non-Vlax and Nomadic/Sedentary in the Classification of Romani Dialects. Annual Meeting, GLS Annual Meeting, Harvard University, March 1992.
  94. The Loss of the Imperfective Aorist in Macedonian. Invited lecture, University of Chicago, April 1992.
  95. Aorist and Imperfect in the Balkans. Eighth Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore, University of Chicago, April 1992.
  96. Newly discovered dialects of Albanian and Bulgarian in Turkish Thrace. Midwest Slavic Conference Annual Meeting, Columbus OH, May 1992.
  97. Makedonistika vo Severna Amerika (Macedonian: Macedonian Studies in North America) (updated version of 88). St. Mary's Macedonian Orthodox Church, Columbus, May 1992.
  98. Gramatikalizacijata na balkanizmite vo makedonskiot jazik [Macedonian: The Grammaticalization of Balkanisms in Macedonian]. Nineteenth Annual Symposium on Balkan Linguistics and Literature, Ohrid, Macedonia, August 1992.
  99. Language and Politics in the Balkans, UNC, October 1992.
  100. Ethnic Formation and Ethnic Conflict in Southeastern Europe. Carolina Seminar on Environment, Democracy, and Economic Reform in Eastern Europe, UNC, October 1992.
  101. "Yugoslavia" in Balkan Politics. Second Annual Workshop for Secondary School Teachers, sponsored by Duke/UNC Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies, Elon College, November 1992.
  102. Pragmatikata i gramatikalizacijata vo balkanskite jazici [Macedonian: Pragmatics and grammaticalization in the Balkan languages]. University of Skopje, Department of Macedonian, Skopje, Yugoslavia, November 1992.
  103. Continuity and Discontinuity in the Balkan Sprachbund. Conference on New Approaches to Balkan Linguistics sponsored by the Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, November 1992.
  104. Language, Religion, and Ethnicity in the Former Yugoslavia. UNC Humanities Program Seminar: New Europe, Old Hatreds, February 1993.
  105. Second Class Nouns in Lak: Gender and Age in the Daghestanian Highlands. Eighth International Conference on Non-Slavic Languages of the former Soviet Union. University of Chicago, Chicago, May 1993.
  106. Romani Standardization and Status in the Republic of Macedonia. First International Conference on Romani Linguistics: Romanes in Kontakt mit andern Sprachen, University of Hamburg, May 1993.
  107. Macedonia and the Balkans Today. Reed College Alumni Association, Washington Area Chapter Presentation, May 1993.
  108. The Codification of Romani in Macedonia. GLS Annual Meeting, Catholic University of America, DC, May 1993.
  109. Yugoslavia. UNC Humanities Program Summer College Seminar: The State of the World 1993: Perspectives on a Time of Troubles, July 1993.
  110. Balkan Pragmatics in Cognition, Codification, and Cultural Identity: Macedonian and Bulgarian. Fourth International Pragmatics Conference, Kobe, Japan, July 1993.
  111. The Loss of the Imperfective Aorist in Macedonian: Structural Significance and Balkan Context. Eleventh International Congress of Slavists, Bratislava, Slovakia, August-September 1993.
  112. Grammar and Politics in the Balkans. New Faculty Lecture, Chicago Humanities Institute, November 1993.
  113. Balkan Sociolinguistics, Roundtable presentation, AAASS Annual Meeting, Honolulu, November 1993.
  114. The grammaticalization of Discourse Functions in Balkan Slavic. AATSEEL Annual Meeting, Toronto, December 1993.
  115. A Survey of the Languages of the Caucasus. Guest lecture for Ethnology of the Caucasus, University of Chicago, February 1994.
  116. Language Contact and the Grammaticalization of Expressivity: Perfects and Particles in the Balkan Sprachbund. University of Arizona, Tucson, February 1994.
  117. The Arumanian Admirative: A New Balkanism. Ninth Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore, Indiana University, Bloomington, April 1994.
  118. Variation and Grammaticalization in the Development of Balkanisms. Chicago Linguistic Society, 30th Annual Meeting. University of Chicago, April 1994.
  119. Jazičnite kontakti vo Makedonija: novi podatoci i novi priodi (Macedonian: Linguistic contacts in Macedonia: New data and new approaches). Second Macedonian-North American Slavic Conference. Ohrid, Macedonia, August 1994.
  120. Turkisms in a Comparative Balkan Context. Seventh International Congress of Southeast European Studies, Thessaloniki, August-September 1994.
  121. Problems of Romani Dialectal Differentiation: An Historical Overview. University of Amsterdam, September 1994.
  122. Persistence and Change in Ottoman Patterns of Codeswitching in the Republic of Macedonia: Nostalgia, Duress and Language Shift in Contemporary Southeastern Europe. Summer School on Code-switching, Frisian Academy, Ljouwert/Leeuwarden, The Netherlands, September 1994.
  123. The Yugoslav Crisis: A Linguist's View. University of Chicago Humanities Open House, October 1994.
  124. Macedonian Vocative Particles. AAASS Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, November 1994.
  125. Makedonistikata vo Amerika i Amerikancite vo makedonistikata vo vtorata polovina na dvaesti vek [Macedonian: Macedonian studies in America and Americans in Macedonian studies during the second half of the twentieth century]. Macedonian Human Rights Council, Passaic, NJ, November 1994.
  126. Linguistic Form and Content in the Romani-Language Press of the Republic of Macedonia. Second International Conference on Romani Linguistics, University of Amsterdam, December 1994.
  127. Admirativity in Balkan Romance in Comparison with Balkan Slavic, Albanian, and Turkish. AATSEEL Annual Meeting, San Diego, December 1994.
  128. Ancient Friendships and Modern Hatreds: The Betrayal of Macedonia. University of Arizona, Tucson, February 1995.
  129. Interpreting Ethnic Conflict in the Balkans. Seminar: The Macedonian Question Revisited. Arizona State University, Tempe, February 1995.
  130. Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia: New Balkan Powder keg? Woodrow Wilson Center East European Studies Lecture, Washington, DC, March 1995.
  131. Language, Ethnicity and Identity in the Balkans. University of California, Berkeley, April 1995.
  132. The Politics of Statistics: Language, Nationality and the Macedonian Census of 1994. Center for Slavic & East European Studies, University of California, Berkeley, April 1995.
  133. On the Reconstruction of the Dialectal Situation in Mid-Nineteenth Century Thrace. Conference on Dialectology and Historical Linguistics: The Contributions of South Slavic. University of California, Berkeley, April 1995.
  134. Update on Macedonia. IREX Title VIII Seminar, US Department of State, Washington, DC. April 1995.
  135. The Place of Balkan Linguistics in Understanding Balkan History and Balkan Modernity. Conference: Pour une nouvelle conception de la coopération sud-est européenne, International Association for Southeast European Studies (AIESEE). Bucharest, May 1995.
  136. Diferencijacijata na makedonskiot i bugarskiot jazik vo balkanskata sredina (Macedonian: The differentiation of Macedonian and Bulgarian in the Balkan context). Inaugural lecture, Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Skopje, May 1995.
  137. Severnoamerikanskite slavisti i makedonistikata v minatoto i denes. (Macedonian: North American Slavists and Macedonian studies in the past and today). Institut za makedonski jazik, Skopje, May 1995.
  138. Romani and the Census in the Republic of Macedonia. Annual Meeting, GLS, Leiden, May 1995.
  139. On the Differentiation of Temporality and Aspectuality in Macedonian and Bulgarian. Twenty-third meeting of the International Commission on Research on the Grammatical Structure of the Slavic Languages, Göteborg, June 1995.
  140. Mënyra habitore në gjuhën arumune dhe në gjuhën shqipe -- paralele dhe ndikime (Albanian: The admirative mood in Arumanian and Albanian: parallels and influences). Seventeenth International Seminar for Albanian Language, Literature and Culture, Tirana, August 1995.
  141. Contact and Consciousness in the Balkan Sprachbund (Plenary paper). Language and Consciousness, An International Symposium, Varna, Bulgaria, September 1995.
  142. Albanians, Roma and Vlahs in Macedonia. AAASS Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, October, 1995.
  143. Značenieto na makedonskiot jazik za balkanska lingvistika i negovata afirmacija na megjunardnoto nivo. (Macedonian: The significance of the Macedonian language for Balkan linguistics and for its affirmation on the international scene). International Colloquium on 50 Years of Macedonian Linguistics, Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Skopje, November 1995.
  144. The Balkans, Linguistics, and Politics. University of Chicago, Humanities Division Visiting Committee, January 1996.
  145. West Rumelian Turkish in Macedonia and Adjacent Areas. Conference on Turkish in Contact, Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study (NIAS), Wassenaar, February 1996.
  146. Romani Education and Romani Language Use in the Republic of Macedonia: Historical Perspectives and Current Prospects. Choncoff Seminar on Education and Reform in the Balkans, Arizona State University, Tempe, February 1996.
  147. "O Roma" or "E Roma"?: Romani (Gypsy) Language Standardization, Identity Politics, and Schools in the Republic of Macedonia, University of Arizona, Tucson, February 1996.
  148. Balkan Language Contact: Mechanisms and Ideology. Seminar on Language Contact. University of Chicago, March 1996.
  149. Identity Politics and Political Identities: The Macedonian Census as a 'European' Event. Anthropology of Europe Workshop, University of Chicago, March 1996.
  150. Shifters, Verbal Categories, and the Balkan Slavic Verb. International Conference on Prague School Linguistics: 70 Years of Existence of the Prague Linguistic Circle and 100th Anniversary of Roman Jakobson's Birthday, Prague, March 1996.
  151. The Daco-Romanian Presumptive in Its Balkan Context. Tenth Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore, University of Chicago, May 1996.
  152. Habitorja e shqipes dhe "prezumtivul" e rumanishtes [Albanian: The Albanian admirative and the Romanian presumptive]. Eighteenth International Seminar for Albanian language, literature and culture, Tirana, August 1996.
  153. Macedonian Lexicography and East South Slavic Linguistics: Problems and Perspectives. Twenty-fourth meeting of the International Commission on Research on the Grammatical Structure of the Slavic Languages, Siena, September 1996.
  154. From Grammar to Politics and Back Again: Language, Religion, and Ethnicity in the Balkans. University of Chicago Humanities Open House, October 1996.
  155. The Standardization of Macedonian 1943-53: Precedents, Problems, and Progress. AAASS Annual Meeting, Boston, November 1996.
  156. Romani as a Standard Language and as a Balkan Language. Third International Conference on Romani Linguistics, Charles University, Prague, December 1996.
  157. Balkan Language and Nationalism 1986-96. Lecture for Anthropological Linguistics Laboratory, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, January 1997.
  158. The History of Macedonian Identity and the Balkan Wars of 1991-94. Workshop: Doing History in the Shadow of the Balkan Wars, Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, January 1997.
  159. Politics and Language in the Balkans. Lecture sponsored by the Center for Russia, East Europe and Central Asia and the Department of Slavic Languages, University of Wisconsin, Madison, February 1997.
  160. Dark Vowels, Clear Liquids, and Circumventral Trouserholders: A Survey of the Balkan Linguistic Wars. Workshop on Language and Society, University of Chicago, March 1997.
  161. Cyganskij jazyk i vopros balkanskogo jazykovogo sojuza [Russian: The Romani language and the question of the Balkan Sprachbund]. XXVI Inter-University Conference on Linguistics and Literature, University of St. Petersburg, March 1997.
  162. Educational Language Rights and Romani Participation in Macedonian Education. American Educational Research Association (AERA), Annual Meeting, Chicago, March 1997.
  163. Towards a Typology of the Opposition Confirmative/Non-Confirmative in the Balkans: Balkan Slavic, Balkan Romance, Albanian, Turkish, and Romani. Colloquium on Types of Evidentiality in Turkic, Iranian and Neighbouring Languages, sponsored by the University of Mainz, the University of Uppsala, and the Swedish Research Institute, Istanbul, April 1997.
  164. One Grammar, Three Lexicons: Ideological Overtones and Underpinnings in the Balkan Sprachbund. (Plenary paper). Chicago Linguistic Society, 33rd Annual Meeting. University of Chicago, April 1997.
  165. On the Limits of Modality in the Balkan Sprachbund. Conference: Aktuelle Probleme der Balkanlinguistik (First meeting of the Commission for Balkan Linguistics of the International Committee of Slavists), University of Marburg, Germany, April 1997.
  166. Images by Roms for Roms: The 1997 Romani Baxt Calendar. Workshop: The Romani: Issues of Repression and the Politics of Visual Representation, Chicago Humanities Institute, May 1997.
  167. A Survey of Serbian and Croatian Literature, guest lecture, course on Nationalism and National Identity in Eastern and Central European Literature, University of Chicago, May 1997.
  168. Macedonian Language and Identity: Recent History and Recent Historiography. Third Macedonian-North American Conference on Macedonian Studies, University of Toronto, June 1997.
  169. Peirce, Albanians, and Vlahs: Semiotics and Status in the Balkan Sprachbund. International Colloquium on Language and Peircean Sign Theory, Duke University, June 1997.
  170. The Structure of Lak. Special lecture, LSA Summer Institute, Cornell University, July 1997.
  171. Grammatical Gaps and Lexical Gaps - Aspect and the Lexicon in Macedonian. Twenty-fifth meeting of the International Commission on Research on the Grammatical Structure of the Slavic Languages, Charles University and Malá Skála, Czech Republic, October 1997.
  172. Balkan Languages and Languages of the Balkans: Ideologies of Sameness and Difference. University of Chicago Humanities Open House, October 1997.
  173. Romani and Rumelian in the Balkan Linguistic League. International Conference on Balkan Linguistics: Synchrony and Diachrony, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, October-November 1997.
  174. Reinvigorating Southeast European Studies, Roundtable presentation, AAASS Annual Meeting, Seattle, November 1997.
  175. Verbal Aspect in Balkan Slavic, Roundtable presentation, AATSEEL Annual Meeting, Toronto, December 1997.
  176. On Evidentiality. Seminar at Dartmouth College, February 1998.
  177. Mixed Salads and Mixed Blood: The Construction, Destruction, and Deconstruction of Ethnic Identity in the Balkans, Public Lecture sponsored by Linguistics, Cognitive Science and Rockefeller Center, Dartmouth College, February 1998.
  178. Cauldrons, Melting Pots, and Powder Kegs: National Ideologies and Languages of Southeastern Europe at the End of the 1890s/1990s, Colloquium on Ethnic Conflicts in the Balkans, University of Toronto, March 1998.
  179. How Not to Do Things with Words: On Grammatical Mechanisms of Commitment Avoidance, Colloquium on Ethnic Conflicts in the Balkans, University of Toronto, March 1998.
  180. Romani and the Balkan Sprachbund. Eleventh Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature, and Folklore, University of Arizona, Tucson, March 1998.
  181. Apples of Discord and Layers of Onion: Macedonia as an Identity Construction Site, Vaughn Humanities Center Seminar on Personal Worlds, Cultural Worlds: Person-Centered Approaches to Culture, Vanderbilt University, April 1998.
  182. Evidence that Evidentiality Is Not Based on Evidence: The Languages of Southeastern Europe, lecture sponsored by the Linguistics Program and the Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages, Vanderbilt University, April 1998.
  183. How to Say What You Mean without Meaning What You Say in Southeastern Europe, Lecture sponsored by the Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, April 1998.
  184. I Told you Once, I Told you Twice, What I Tell You Three Times Is True: Memoirs of a United Nations Policy Analyst in Former Yugoslavia, Lecture sponsored by the Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, April 1998.
  185. Primeneta lingvistika i makedonskite glagolni kategorii (Plenary paper) [Macedonian: Applied Linguistics and Macedonian Verbal Categories]. Macedonian Applied Linguistics Association, First International Congress, University of Skopje, May 1998.
  186. Romani Identity and Romani Literature, guest lecture, course on Nationalism and National Identity in Eastern and Central European Literature, University of Chicago, May 1998.
  187. Linguistic Emblems and Emblematic Languages: On Language as Flag in the Balkans, First Kenneth E. Naylor Memorial lecture in South Slavic Linguistics, Ohio State University, May 1998.
  188. Turkish Lexicon in the Balkans, Ohio State University, May 1998.
  189. Application of Linguistic Theory to Teaching the Macedonian Verb. Conference on Internationalizing the Curriculum: The Languages of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, Duke-UNC Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies, Duke University, July/August 1998.
  190. The Grammatical Expression of Presumption and Related Concepts in Balkan Slavic and Balkan Romance, Twelfth International Congress of Slavists, Jagellonian University of Kraków, Poland, August 1998.
  191. Pronominal Object Reduplication (Prolepsis and Resumption) in Romani, Fourth International Conference on Romani Linguistics, University of Manchester, England, September 1998.
  192. Admirativnostta v minaloto i dnes [Bulgarian: Admirativity Yesterday and Today]. International Symposium Honoring the 90th Anniversary of the Birth of Academician Vladimir Georgiev, sponsored by the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the University of Sofia, Bankya, Bulgaria, October 1998.
  193. The Albanian Language in Its Eastern Diaspora. Conference on Arvanitika and Greek: Issues Concerning Multilingual and Multicultural Communities, Sponsored by the Municipality of Livadeia and Exandas Co. with support from the European Union, Livadhia, Greece, November 1998.
  194. Minority as a Linguistic Category in Macedonia (Plenary paper). Conference "When Languages Collide: Sociocultural and Geopolitical Implications Of Language Conflict and Language Coexistence. " Ohio State University, Columbus, November 1998.
  195. Blaže Koneski i severnoamerikanskata lingvistika (Plenary paper) [Macedonian: Blaže Koneski and North American Linguistics]. International Conference on the Contribution of Blaže Koneski to Macedonian Culture. University of Skopje, Macedonia, December 1998.
  196. RTV Interviews: CBS (29 March 1999), ABC (30 March 1999), WMAQ (31 March 1999), WBEZ NPR (30 September 1999).
  197. The Electronic Battle Fields of Kosovo: A Grammar-Based Approach to Competency in Albanian. Second Conference on Internationalizing the Curriculum: The Languages of Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union, Duke-UNC Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies, Duke University, April 1999.
  198. Fable as History: The Macedonian Context of "Before the Rain." Conference: One Film - Many Histories: An Inquiry into the Film "Before the Rain." European University Institute, Robert Schuman Centre, Department of History and Civilisation, Florence, Italy, April 1999.
  199. Language, Politics, and Identity in the Balkans. South Central European Studies Seminar, Foreign Service Institute, Department of State, Washington, DC, April 1999.
  200. Metohija and the Plain of Dukagjin: Academic Perspectives on the crisis in Kosov@ (sic). World Jewish Congress (Midwest Branch), Chicago, May 1999.
  201. On Macedonia. Teach-In on the War in Yugoslavia. University of Chicago, May 1999.
  202. The Bulgarian Indefinite Article Revisited in Its Balkan Context, Sixth Bulgarian-American Conference on Bulgarian Studies. Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, May 1999.
  203. The Romani Indefinite Article in Its Historical and Areal Context. GLS Annual Meeting, University of Florence, Italy, June 1999.
  204. Romani in its European Context. Public lecture, Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, July 1999.
  205. Albania's Historical Legacy. Seminar on Albania for US Ambassador-elect Joseph Limprecht, US Department of State, Washington DC, July 1999.
  206. After 170 years of Balkan Linguistics: Whither the Millennium? Eighth International Congress of Southeast European Studies, Bucharest, August 1999.
  207. Evidentiality in Balkan Slavic. Kyoto University, October 1999.
  208. Balkan Linguistics: Its Past, Present, and Future. Public lecture, Kyoto University, October 1999.
  209. Ethnic Problems and Languages in the Balkans. Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. November 1999.
  210. The History of Slavic and Balkan Studies in the United States. Hitotsubashi University, Tokyo, November 1999.
  211. Problems in Balkan-Slavic Linguistics. Tokyo University, November 1999.
  212. Ethnic Relations in the Republic of Macedonia. AAASS Annual Meeting, St. Louis, November 1999.
  213. Comparative Balkan Perspectives on Admirativity in Albanian. Workshop on Albanian Linguistics, The Ohio State University, December 1999.
  214. Barrels of Gunpowder and Mountains of Languages: Comparative Perspectives on Macedonia and Daghestan University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, February 2000.
  215. Hills of Tongues, Salads of Fruit: Ethnolinguistics and ethnopolitics in the Caucasus and the Balkans. Yale University, New Haven, February 2000.
  216. Indefiniteness in Balkan Slavic. Second Northwest Slavic Conference, University of California, Berkeley, March 2000.
  217. Macedonian, Bulgarian, and Albanian. Seminar on Languages and Ethnicity in Balkan Politics, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, DC, April 2000.
  218. Language and Politics in the Balkans. South Central European Studies Seminar, Foreign Service Institute, Department of State, Washington, DC, April 2000.
  219. Macedonia and Daghestan: Parallels and Contrasts. Annual World Convention of the Association for the Study of Nationalities (ASN): Identity and the State: Nationalism and Sovereignty in a Changing World, Columbia University, New York, April 2000.
  220. Picking Cherries from a Fruit Salad: Teaching Macedonian for Reading Knowledge. Third Conference on Internationalizing the Curriculum: Technologies in the Context of Slavic Languages, Literatures, and Cultural Studies, Duke-UNC Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies, Duke University, April 2000.
  221. The Indefinite Article as a Balkanism, Twelfth Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore, University of Kansas, May 2000.
  222. The Albanian Question in Historical Perspective. Roundtable on the Albanian Question. U. S. Department of State, Washington, DC, May 2000.
  223. Kuadri Historik i Linguistikës Shqiptare [Albanian: Albanian Studies in the United States: Its History and Implications for the Future of Albanian Higher Education]. Conference entitled Higher Education - The Road to Democracy and Stability (Arsimi i lartë - Rruga drejt demokracisë she stabilitetit), sponsored by the U. S. State Department, the Albanian Ministry of Education, and the University of Tirana, Tirana, May 2000.
  224. Phénomènes de contact et maintien des frontières en grammaire Rromani dans les Balkans [French: Boundary Markers in Romani Grammar: Language Structure and Identity Maintenance in the Balkan Diaspora]. Conference "Langues de diaspora," Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO), Sorbonne-III, Paris, May 2000.
  225. For Eric Hamp on the Occasion of the Award of the Degree of Doctor Honoris Causa at the Universita degli Studi della Calabria - A Brief Note on His Contributions to the Field of Linguistics (read in absentia), June 2000.
  226. Grammar and Power in Albanian: Reporting Ironic Neutrality. Sixth International Congress, International Council for Central and East European Studies, Tampere, Finland, July-August 2000.
  227. Neopredelenosta vo negoviot makedonski i balkanski kontekst [Macedonian: Indefiniteness in its Macedonian and Balkan Context]. Fourth Macedonian-North American Conference on Macedonian Studies. Ohrid, Macedonia, August 2000.
  228. Macedonia and Kosov@ (sic): Language Planning since 1989 - Macedonian, Albanian, Romani, Aromanian, Turkish, Serbian. International Conference on Language in the Former Yugoslav Lands, Center for South-East European Studies, School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, September 2000.
  229. Romani Multilingualism in Its Balkan Context. Fifth International Conference on Romani Linguistics, Sofia, Bulgaria, September 2000.
  230. History, Politics, and Authority in the Interpretation of Macedonia. International Workshop on Representing Anthropology and Anthropological Representations in Eastern Europe, Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj, Romania, September 2000.
  231. Southeastern Europe and Southeast Asia: Comparative Perspectives. International Colloquium on Language and Society as Regional Phenomena, Institut Alam dan Tamadun Melayu (Institute of the Malay World and Civilization), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (National University of Malaysia), Bangi (Selangor), Malaysia, October 2000.
  232. Conflict Resolution: Balkan and Caucasian Experiences. Intellectual Discourse on the Balkans and Caucasus, International Islamic University of Malaysia, Gombak (Selangor), Malaysia, October 2000.
  233. Linguistic Ideology in the Balkans. Persatuan Linguistik Malaysia (Linguistic Association) of Malaysia) and Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (Institute for Language and Literature), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October 2000.
  234. Language, Identity, History and the Role of Education in Macedonian Society. Workshop on the Future of Macedonia sponsored by the US Institute of Peace and the National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, Mavrovo, Macedonia, October 2000.
  235. The Use of 'One' as an Indefinite Marker in the Balkan Slavic Text. Twenty-sixth meeting of the International Commission on Research on the Grammatical Structure of the Slavic Languages, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, October 2000.
  236. The Vlah Minority in Macedonia and the Importance of Dialectological Perspectives. Third Finnish Colloquium of South East European Studies, University of Helsinki, November 2000.
  237. Evidentiality in Macedonian and Albanian. Centenary Symposium of Slavic and Baltic Studies in Finland, University of Helsinki, November 2000.
  238. The Constructive Ambiguity of Kosovo/a: Language, Politics and National Ideologies in the Southern Balkans. The Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, December 2000.
  239. Romani as a Language of Education and Standardization in the Republic of Macedonia. Symposium "Romani as a Language of Education: Possibilities and Restrictions Today" organized by The Department of Linguistics at Göteborg University, The Göteborg City Council) (Göteborg Stad), and National Integration Office (Integrationsverket), Gothenburg, Sweden, January 2001.
  240. Language, Politics, and Ethnicity. Center for the Study of the Classical Tradition in Poland and East-Central Europe (OBTA), University of Warsaw, February 2001.
  241. Evidentiality in the Balkans. Center for the Study of the Classical Tradition in Poland and East-Central Europe (OBTA), University of Warsaw, February 2001.
  242. Language, Politics, and Ethnicity. Nicholas Copernicus University of Toruń, Poland, February 2001.
  243. Macedonia. Roundtable "Kosovo and Its Neighbors: Albanian Nationalism." Organized by the Council on Foreign Relations, Washington DC and New York (video-connected conference), 4 April 2001.
  244. What is the likely evolution of the situation in Macedonia, and what should be the international response? Consultation on Proposing Options for UN Action in the Balkans. Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum (SSRC). New York, 17 April 2001.
  245. The Importance of Language in the Education Process. Roundtable "The Future of Macedonia: Macedonian-Albanian Dialogue," sponsored by Forum Center for Strategic Research, Union of Albanian Intellectuals in Macedonia, and U. S. Embassy in Skopje (Office of Public Affairs), 4-5 June 2001.
  246. Evidential Strategies and Balkanisms and Balkanisms as Evidential Strategies. Conference on Balkan Sprachbund Features. University of Leiden, 7-9 June, 2001.
  247. Albanian Morphology: Agreement, Suppletion, and Syncretism. Seminar for Typology, University of Surrey, Guilford, England. 13 June 2001.
  248. Nation and Language in Gjorgji Pulevski's Trilingual Dictionary: What the Nineteenth Century Can Tell the Twenty-First. MACEDONIA - MACEDONIAS: Changing Contexts in the Changing Balkans?, Centre for South East European Studies (CSEES) School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University College London, 14-16 June, 2001.
  249. Interrogation and Nonconfirmativity: A Peircean Approach to the Intersection between Expressive Past and Present. (delivered in French). Intentional Colloquium: Peircean Semiotics: the State of the Art/Sémiotique peircienne: État des lieux, University of Perpignan, 27-30 June 2001.
  250. The Balkans. International Workshop on Evidentiality, Research Center for Linguistic Typology, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, 6-11 August 2001.
  251. Language Planning, Standardization, and Minority Language Policies in the Balkans: Romani and Other Minority Languages (Plenary paper). Eighth Nordic Conference on Bilingualism, Stockholm University, 2-3 November, 2001.
  252. The Balkans and the Caucasus. Lecture for journalism class, Columbia College, Chicago, 7 November 2001.
  253. Interrogatives as Diagnostic for Tense Marking in Evidentials, Linguistic Society of America, Annual Meeting, San Francisco, 3-6 January 2002.
  254. Language and Nation in Poetry and Song: Albanian, Macedonian, Romani, and Vlah. Conference on Language, Poetry and Identity in Southeastern Europe, part of the Sawyer Seminar on The Range of Contemporary Literacy: The Circulation of Poetry. University of Chicago, 30 March 2002.
  255. From LCTL (Less Commonly Taught Language) to ANTL (Almost Never Taught Language): Romani Standardization and Pedagogy. Conference on Internationalizing the Curriculum, Duke-UNC Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies, Duke University, 14-15 April 2002.
  256. Romani as a Balkan Language Revisited: The Internal Limits of the Sprachbund, Thirteenth Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, 18-20 April 2002.
  257. Romani as a Minority Language, First Biennial Conference of the Southeast European Studies Association, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 20-21 April 2002.
  258. The Symbolic Geography of Political Instability: Church, Language, Name, Territory. Roundtable "The Southwestern Balkans: Current Situation and Prospects for the Future," First Biennial Conference of the Southeast European Studies Association, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, 20-21 April 2002.
  259. Lak Status/Evidentiality in Typological and Areal Perspective. Second Chicago Conference on Caucasia, University of Chicago, 9-11 May 2002.
  260. Comparative Balkan Evidentiality, University of Prishtina, Kosovo, 28 May 2002.
  261. Introduction to Caucasian Linguistics, University of Prishtina, Kosovo, 29 May 2002.
  262. The Balkans and the Caucasus as Linguistic Areas, University of Prishtina, Kosovo, 30 May 2002.
  263. The Caucasian Linguistic Area, Center for Areal Linguistics, Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Skopje, Macedonia, 5 June 2002.
  264. Interrogativity and Tense in Balkan Slavic Evidentials. Twenty-seventh meeting of the International Commission on Research on the Grammatical Structure of the Slavic Languages, Virrat, Finland, 30 August – 2 September 2002.
  265. The Romani Press in Macedonia: Language and Perspective. GLS Annual Meeting, Institute for the Study of Minorities, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, 6-7 September 2002.
  266. The Romani Language in Macedonia in the Third Millennium: Progress and Problems. Sixth International Conference on Romani Linguistics, Center for the Study of Modern European Languages and the University of Graz, Austria, 12-14 September 2002.
  267. Standard Albanian in the United States. Marrëdhëniet Shqiptaro-Amerikane: Të kuptojmë të Ardhmen nëpërmjet të shkuarës [Albanian: Albanian-American Relations: Let Us Undetsand the Future by means of the Past]. Sponsored by the U. S. Embassy, the Albanian Media Institute, and Shtëpia e Librit dhe e Komunikimit Tirana, Albania, 27-28 September 2002.
  268. The Times of the Gypsies: Print Media and the Politics of Romani Multilingualism in Macedonia. Center for Russian and East European Studies, Department of Anthropology, Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, 9 October 2002.
  269. Mountains of Tongues and Salads of Fruit: Comparative Perspectives on the Caucasus and the Balkans. Department of Anthropology, Reed College, Portland, OR, 29 October 2002.
  270. Mountains of Tongues and Salads of Fruit: Comparative Perspectives on the Caucasus and the Balkans. Departments of Anthropology, Geography and Linguistics and Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies, University of Oregon, Eugene, 1 November 2002.
  271. Admirativity: Between Modality and Evidentiality. Frankfurt Symposium on Typology, University of Frankfurt, Germany, 8-9 November 2002.
  272. Shqipja standarde në Amerikë: Studime shkencore, pedagogjike, dhe planifikimi gjuhësor. Konferencë Shkencore: Shqipja standarde dhe shoqëria shqiptare sot [Albanian: Standard Albanian in America: Scholarly Studies, Pedagogy, and Language Planning. Scholarly Conference: Standard Albanian and Albanian Society Today]. Conference in honor of the thirtieth anniversary of the unified orthography sponsored by the Albanian Academy of Sciences, Tirana, Albania, 11-12 November 2002.
  273. Greater Albania: Myth *and* Reality. Roundtable "Greater Albania: Myth or Reality." AAASS annual meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 21-24 November 2002.
  274. Romani in Macedonia and the World. Roundtable "Issues in Language Standardization," AAASS annual meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, 21-24 November 2002.
  275. Perspectives des études balkaniques aux États Unis. Plenary roundtable, "Études balkaniques: état des savoirs et pistes de recherche," First meeting of the Association française d'études sur les Balkans, Ministry of Research, Paris, 19-20 December 2002.
  276. A Survey of the Languages of the Caucasus. Guest lecture for Languages of the World, University of Chicago, 13 January 2003.
  277. Mountains of Tongues and Salads of Fruit: Comparative Perspectives on the Caucasus and the Balkans. Department of Anthropology, University of Montréal, 13 March 2003.
  278. The Place of Geg in the Teaching of Albanian, Conference on Internationalizing the Curriculum, Duke-UNC Center for Slavic, Eurasian, and East European Studies, Duke University, 29 March 2003.
  279. Evidentiality, Modality, and Narrative in Macedonian and Other Balkan Languages. Fifth North American-Macedonian Conference on Macedonian Studies. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 1-4 May 2003.
  280. The Position of Gheg in Albanian and in the Balkans (opening plenary address). 'Gheg' Studies Day. School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London, 24 May 2003.
  281. Baj Ganjo Sets Out, Baj Ganjo in Russia, Baj Ganjo at Jirechek's (1). Translating Baj Ganjo: A Conference. University of Chicago, 30-31 May 2003.
  282. Baj Ganjo at The Palace, Baj Ganjo in the Delegation, A Letter to Konstantin Velichkov. Translating Baj Ganjo II: A Conference. University of Chicago, 23 June 2003.
  283. Nepotvrditelnost i diskurs vo makedonskiot i drugite balkanski jazici [Macedonian: Nonconfirmativity and discourse in Macedonian and other Balkan languages]. Thirtieth Annual Symposium on Balkan Linguistics and Literature, Ohrid, Macedonia, 11-13 August 2003.
  284. 'One' as an Indefinite Marker in Balkan and Non-Balkan Slavic. Thirteenth International Congress of Slavists, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 15-21 August 2003.
  285. Language contact and the typology of evidentials in the Balkans. Fifth International Meeting, Association for Linguistic Typology, University of Cagliari, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy, 15-18 September 2003.
  286. From Orientalism to Democracy and Back Again: Turkisms in Bulgarian and the Other Balkan Languages, Seventh Bulgarian-North American International Conference, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 9-12 October 2003.
  287. Where is the Boss?: Typology and Areality in Balkan Evidentials. Program in Linguistics, Dartmouth University. 14 October 2003.
  288. Targeted Testing: Where Grammar Meets Authentic Content. Slavic and East European Language Resource Center National Policy Committee Meeting, Duke University, 31 October - 1 November 2003.
  289. Krste Misirkov and Macedonian Linguistic Identity, Roundtable "Ilinden and Macedonian Identity, 1903-2003." AAASS Annual Meeting, Toronto, 19-23 November 2003.
  290. Za dijalektološkite raboti: Misirkov, Pulevski i Teodorov-Balan (plenary paper) [On dialectological matters: Misirkov, Pulevski, and Teodorov-Balan]. International Conference on the Work of Krste. P. Misirkov on the Hundredth Anniversary of the publication of the Book Za makedonckite raboti (On Macedonian maters). Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Skopje, Macedonia, 27-29 November 2003.
  291. Glagolski kategorii svidetelstvo/prekažanost vo balkanskite jazici [Macedonian: Verbal categories of witnessed/reported in the Balkan languages]. Lecture for post-graduate students in Balkan Linguistics, University of Skopje, Macedonia, 30 November 2003.
  292. Introduction to Balkan Linguistics. Guest lecture, Southeast European University, Tetovo, Macedonia. 1 December 2003.
  293. Balkan Linguistics: Aims, Methods, Problems and the State of the Art. Invited lecture, Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium. Brussels, 11 December 2003.
  294. Turkisms, Balkan Identity, and Balkan Linguistic Ideologies (keynote address). Conference on Developing cultural identity in the Balkans: Convergence vs. Divergence, Center for Southeast European Studies, Ghent University, Belgium. 12-13 December 2003.
  295. Salads of Fruit and Mountains of Tongues: Language and Identity in the Balkans and the Caucasus, Center for Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies and Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, University of Texas, Austin, 23 February 2004.
  296. Song along the Epic Borderlands: Introductory Remarks. Conference on the Balkan Epic - Song, History, Modernity, Franke Institute for the Humanities, University of Chicago, 27 February 2004.
  297. Geg Albanian and Balkan Dialectology. Fourteenth Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore, University of Mississippi, Oxford, 15-17 April 2004.
  298. Turkish in the Balkans: Roles and Reversals. International Conference - Jazyki i dialekty malyh grupp na Balkanah [Russian: Languages and dialects of minorities in the Balkans], University of St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg, Russia, 11-12 June 2004.
  299. Albanian in the Balkan Linguistic League: A Reconsideration of Theoretical Implications. Ninth International Congress on Southeast European Studies, Tirana, Albania, 30 August-3 September 2004.
  300. Language Planning and Status in the Republic of Macedonia and in Kosovo, University of Melbourne, Department of Linguistics, 17 September 2004.
  301. Comparative Constructions in Macedonian and Albanian. Typology Workshop on Comparative Constructions, Research Center for Linguistic Typology, Institute of Advanced Studies, LaTrobe University, Melbourne, Australia, 6 October 2004.
  302. Salads of Fruit and Mountains of Tongues: Comparative Perspectives on the Balkans and the Caucasus. Lecture sponsored by the Department of Linguistics and Centre for Research on Language Change, Australian National University, Canberra, 15 October 2004.
  303. Language Planning and Status in the Republic of Macedonia and in Kosovo since 1991. Lecture sponsored by The School of Language Studies and Department of Linguistics, Australian National University, 18 October 2004.
  304. The Balkan Sprachbund as Historical Artifact and as Artifact of History. Research Center for Linguistic Typology, Institute of Advanced Studies, LaTrobe University, Melbourne, Australia, 27 October 2004.
  305. Language & Ethnicity in the Balkans and the Caucasus. School of Educational Studies, LaTrobe University, Melbourne, Australia, 4 November 2004.
  306. Clitic Doubling in the Balkan Languages: Introduction to the Linguistic Problem (plenary paper). Conference "Encounter with the Balkans," Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium, Brussels, 10-11 December 2004.
  307. Clitic Doubling in Aromanian, Megleno-Romanian, Judezmo, and Romani (with observations on related phenomena in Turkish). Conference "Encounter with the Balkans," Royal Flemish Academy of Belgium, Brussels, 10-11 December 2004.
  308. Ancient Ethnic Fondness: A Linguist's History of the Balkans and the Caucasus. Distinguished Lecturers Colloquium Series, Directions in Russian, East European, and Eurasian Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 10 March 2005.
  309. Double Your Pleasure! Double Your Fun! On Resumptive Clitic Pronouns in the Languages of Southeastern Europe. Second Biennial Conference of the Southeast European Studies Association, Ohio State University, 28-29 April 2005.
  310. Balkanizing the Balkan sprachbund: A closer look at grammatical permeability and feature distribution. Grammars in Contact: An International Workshop. Research Center for Linguistic Typology, La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, 13-18 June 2005.
  311. Language Contact and Language Learning: Areal Features and the L(ess)C(ommonly)T(aught)L(anguage)s of Southeastern Europe. Slavic and East European Languages:. Acquisition Techniques and Technologies, A Summer Institute for Instructors, Duke University, 1-10 August 2005.
  312. Romani Dialectology and Balkan Dialectology, GLS, Annual Meeting, University of Granada, Spain, 8-10 September 2005.
  313. Romani Linguistics, Workshop on "Bringing Research on Romani Culture into Higher Education." Central European University, Budapest, 13-15 October 2005.
  314. Udvojuvanjeto na objektot vo balkanoslovesnkite jazici; Novi perspektivi [Macedonian: Object reduplication in Balkan Slavic: New Perspectives]. International conference on Slavic Syntax-Matica Srpska and Twenty-eighth meeting of the International Commission on Research on the Grammatical Structure of the Slavic Languages. Novi Sad, Serbia, 27-29 October 2005.
  315. Balkan Phonology and Balkan Phonologies. Roundtable "Nouns, Sounds, and Bounds: Linguistic Boundaries in the Balkans," AAASS Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, 3-6 November 2005.
  316. Udvojuvanjeto na objektot vo balkanskite jazici: Novi perspektivi [Macedonian: Object reduplication in Balkan languages: New Perspectives]. Conference in honor of the 85th birthday and 60th anniversary of scholarly activity of Acad. Petar Ilievski, Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Skopje, 18-19 November 2005.
  317. Kategorijata potvrditelnost/nepotvrditelnost vo balkanskite jazici [Macedonian: The Category of confirmativity/nonconfrmativity in the Balkan languages]. University of Skopje, 21 November 2005.
  318. Gjuhësi ballkanike dje dhe sot [Albanian: Balkan Linguistics Yesterday and Today]. Southeast European University, Tetovo, Macedonia, 22 November 2005.
  319. Gjuha shqipe, gjuhësi ballkanike, dhe ballkanizmi i Ballkanit [Albanian: The Albanian language, Balkan linguistics, and the Balkanization of the Balkans], Inaugural address, Academy of Arts and Sciences of Kosova, Prishtina, 23 November 2005.
  320. Romskiot jazik vo negoviot Balkanski kontekst [Macedonian: The Romani language in its Balkan context], Center for Areal Linguistics, Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Skopje, 23 November 2005.
  321. The Context of Bai Ganyo. Roundtable "Translating Bai Ganyo," AATSEEL Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 28-30 December 2005.
  322. Romani as a transnational and endangered language in its Balkan Context. International Workshop on Minority Languages: Methods and Conservation, Norwegian Technical and Natural Sciences University, Trondheim, 20 March 2006.
  323. Dialect and Sprachbund in the Balkans: Integration and Resistance. Guest lecture, Department of Modern Languages/Faculty of Arts, Norwegian Technical and Natural Sciences University, Trondheim, 21 March 2006.
  324. Dialect as Flag: Toward a Balkanization of the Sprachbund. Fifteenth Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore, University of California, Berkeley, March 30-April 1 2006.
  325. Subordination in Lak. Invited lecture, Séminaire Caucase, INALCO (Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales; Paris-III), 26 April 2006.
  326. Balkanizing the Balkan Sprachbund. University of St. Andrews, Scotland, 9 May 2006.
  327. A Survey of the Languages of the Caucasus. Guest lecture for Ethnology of the Caucasus, University of Chicago, 25 May 2006.
  328. Film in Southeastern Europe, with a special focus on former Yugoslavia: "No Man's Land", "Before the Rain", "Black Cat – White Cat". Guest Lecture for East European Film, University of Chicago, 31 May 2006.
  329. The Dialects of the Macedonian Language. Book promotion. Sixth Macedonian-North American Conference on Macedonian Studies. Ohrid, Macedonia, 11-13 August 2006.
  330. Makedonska dialektologija i balkanska dialektologija vo ramkite na balkanskiot jazičen sojuz [Macedonian: Macedonian dialectology and Balkan dialectology in the framework of the Balkan linguistic league]. Sixth Macedonian-North American Conference on Macedonian Studies. Ohrid, Macedonia, 11-13 August 2006.
  331. Turkish in Romani outside of Turkey: Balkan perspectives. Plenary lecture. Thirteenth International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, University of Uppsala, Sweden, 16-20 August 2006.
  332. Romani Dialectology from the Perspective of Turkish, Seventh International Conference on Romani Linguistics, Prague, 14-16 September 2006.
  333. Compartmentalized Grammar: The Variable (Non)-Integration of Turkish Verbal Conjugation in Romani Dialects. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, 20 September 2006.
  334. Codeswitching in Balkan Urban Music. International Symposium "Urban Music in the Balkans: Drop-Out Ethnic Identities or a Case of Tolerance and Global Thinking?" Durrës, Albania, 28-30 September 2006.
  335. Europe's Linguistic Perception of The Balkans (plenary public lecture). The EU and the historical Legacies of the Balkans, University Centre Saint-Ignatius Antwerp (UCSIA), University of Antwerp, Belgium, 17-19 November 2006.
  336. La modalité en romani—les limites de la perméabilité. LACITO - CNRS, Paris, 21 November 2006.
  337. Teaching L(ess) C(ommonly) T(aught) L(anguage)s prior to and during their standardization: The Example of Romani. (plenary). Symposium on Language Teaching and Learning for The Year of Languages, University of Toronto, 24-27 January 2007.
  338. Linguistics and Anthropology. Current Issues in Bulgarian Studies: An Interdisciplinary Symposium and Roundtable discussion. Russian, East European and Eurasian Center, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 2 February 2007.
  339. Language Politics and Language Policies in the Contemporary Western Balkans: Infinitives, Turkisms, and EUrolinguistics, Noon Discussion Talk, Woodrow Wilson Center, Washington DC, 18 April 2007.
  340. Language as Flag: Reification, Rectification, and Refurbishment, Third Biennial Conference of the Southeast European Studies Association, Ohio State University, 26-28 April 2007.
  341. Balkanskaja lingvistika: vvedenie [in Russian: Balkan linguistics, an introduction 2 parts]. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 26 May, 29 May 2007
  342. Evidencijal'nost' v balkanskih jazykah i na kazahskom jazyke [in Russian: Evidentiality in the Balkan languages and in Kazakh, 3 parts]. 30 May-1 June 2007.
  343. The Konikovo Gospel and Macedonian Identity in the Late Eighteenth and Early Nineteenth Centuries/Konikovskoto Envangelie i makedonski identitet kon krajot na XVIII i početokot na XIX vek (paper written in English and delivered in Macedonian), Workshop on the Konikovo Gospel, University of Helsinki, 6-7 June 2007.
  344. Balkan Languages and the Challenges of EU Integration. Conference: "Dynamics of National Identity and Transnational Identities in the Process of European Integration." Department of Balkan Ethnology, Ethnographic Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, 7-9 June 2007.
  345. On Speaking Terms: Language Politics, Language Policies, and Language Ideologies in the Recent Balkans, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Russian, East European, and Eurasian Center Noontime Scholars Lecture Series, 27 June 2007.
  346. Balkan Languages in the Western Balkans: Minorities as Majorities and Majorities as Minorities. Eleventh International Conference on Minority Languages, University of Pécs, Hungary 5-6 July 2007.
  347. Pozdrav od Slavistite od Severna Amerika [Macedonian: Greeting from North American Slavists]. Fortieth Seminar for Macedonian Language, Literature, and Culture, Ohrid, Macedonia, 13 August 2007.
  348. Inaugural speech (in Macedonian) on receipt of the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa from University of Skopje, 17 August 2007.
  349. Sistemi nominal i gjuhës shqipe nga pikëpamja ballkanistike [Albanian: The nominal system of the Albanian language from the point of view of Balkan Studies]. Twenty-Ninth International Seminar for Albanian Language, Literature and Culture, Prishtina, Kosova 23-24 August 2007.
  350. Kulturno-Jazičnite pojavi kaj Gjorgji Pulevski [Macedonian: Cultural-linguistic phenomena in the work of Gjorgji Pulevski]. Thirty-fourth Annual Symposium on Balkan Linguistics and Literature, Ohrid, Macedonia, 27-28 August 2007.
  351. Turkish Verbs in Balkan Romani: Toward a Typology of Integration, Annual Meeting, GLS, 7-8 September 2007 [paper accepted for presentation and prepared but cancelled owing to a death in my family].
  352. On the Typological Position of Macedonian Grammar with Respect to Modern Eurology. Twenty-ninth meeting of the International Commission on Research on the Grammatical Structure of the Slavic Languages, Russian Academy of Sciences and University of St. Petersburg, Russia, 12-14 September 2007.
  353. Albanian and Slavic - Comparative Perspectives on Contemporary Issues (read in Albanian). Conference "Contemporary Albanian Philology: Achievements and Perspectives" on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Department of Albanian Philology at St. Petersburg State University, 26-29 September 2007.
  354. Evidentiality in Central Asia vis-à-vis the Balkans and the Caucasus. Eighth Annual Conference, Central Eurasian Studies Society, University of Washington, Seattle, 18-21 October 2007.
  355. Balkanology and EUrology: Recent Developments and Future Challenges. Center for Russia, East Europe, and Central Asia, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 25 October 2007.
  356. The Morphology of Lak Imperatives. Conference on the Languages of the Caucasus. Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany, 7-9 December 2007.
  357. Balkan Morphosyntax, Balkan Phonologies, and Eurology. AATSEEL Annual Meeting, Chicago. 27-30 December 2007.
  358. Code Compartmentalization in Romani: Turkish Conjugation and the Matrix Question. LSA Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 3-6 January 2008.
  359. Introduction to Balkan Linguistics. Guest lecture for Language Contact, University of Chicago, 22 January 2008.
  360. The Balkan Languages. Guest lecture for Languages of the World, University of Chicago, 24 January 2008.
  361. Evidentiality. Guest lecture for Language Contact, University of Chicago, 29 January 2008.
  362. Balkan Multilingualism in Its Historical and Contemporary Context. Seventh European Social Sciences History Conference, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 26 February-1 March 2008.
  363. On the Multilingual Patrimony of Greece. Association for the Study of Nationalities, Annual Meeting, Columbia University, New York, 10-12 April 2008.
  364. Codeswitching and Code Integration in Romani. Chicago Linguistic Society, 44th Annual Meeting, University of Chicago, 24-26 April 2008.
  365. Turkish Grammar in Balkan Romani: Hierarchies of Markedness in Balkan Linguistics, Sixteenth Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore, Banff, Canada (organized by University of Calgary & University of Alberta), April 30-May 4 2008.
  366. Language Contact in Southeastern Europe: From Tolerance to Conflict and Back Again. Eleventh International Conference "Axanovskie čtenija" on Multilingualism, al-Farabi Kazakh National University, 15-17 May 2008.
  367. Introduction. West South Slavic. East South Slavic. Albanian. Balkan Romance, and Romani. Balkan Censuses. Series of five lectures on Language and Identity in the Balkans. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 14 and 19-23 May 2008.
  368. Minorities in Bulgaria and Greece. Fulbright-Hays Seminar Abroad to Bulgaria and Greece, CEERES, 29 May 2008.
  369. Evidentiality in the Balkans, Caucasus, and Central Asia, Scuola Normale Superiore, University of Pisa, 16 June 2008.
  370. Balkan Slavic Dialectology and Balkan Linguistics: Periphery as Center. Fourteenth International Congress of Slavists, Ohrid, Macedonia, 10-16 September 2008.
  371. Promotion speech for The Konikovo Evangelie Fourteenth International Congress of Slavists, Ohrid, Macedonia, 10-16 September 2008.
  372. Evidencijalnost vo makedonskiot jazik [Evidentiality in Macedonian], Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Skopje, Macedonia, 8 October 2008.
  373. Macedonian Identity in Ottoman Turkey: Views from within and Without, 'Macedonian Identity through History', Institute for National History, 60th Anniversary Conference, Skopje, Macedonia, 10-12 October, 2008.
  374. Evidencijalnost vo bugarskiot, turskiot i albanskiot jazik [Macedonian: Evidentiality in Bulgarian, Turkish, and Albanian], Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Skopje, Macedonia, 15 October 2008.
  375. Evidencijalnost vo megleno-romanskiot i aromanskiot jazik [Evidentiality in Megleno-Romanian and Aromanian], Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Skopje, Macedonia, 15 October 2008.
  376. Mnogojazičnosta vo Makedonija [Macedonian: Multilingualism in Macedonia]. Lecture for high school honors students from the Municipality of Ohrid, sponsored by the Ohrid Municipality, Ohrid, Macedonia, 3 November 2008.
  377. Shumëgjuhësia në Maqedoni nga pikëpamje historike edhe sot [Albanian: Multilingualism in Macedonia in History and Today]. Roundtable "Linguistic Difference, from Communication to Tolerance and Solidarity: The Role of Local Administration in the Development of Linguistic Difference." Institute for Political and Intercultural Studies, Skopje, Macedonia, 19 November 2008.
  378. Kongresi i Manastirit dhe Linguistika Ballkanike [Albanian: The Congress of Manastir and Balkan Linguistics], Conference for the 100th Anniversary of the Congress of Manastir, Skopje, Macedonia, 20-22 November 2008.
  379. Intersections between Linguistic and Ethnomusicological Fieldwork, Conference "From the Field to the Concert", University of Bologna, Italy, 4-7 December 2008.
  380. Studime për Gjuhën shqipe dhe gjuhë të tjera balkanike [Albanian: Studies in Albanian and Other Balkan Languages]. International Symposium Vepra Themeore në Albanaologji - Çmimi i Albanologjisë 2008, Center for Albanology, Tirana, 18-20 December 2008.
  381. Multilingualism in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia—Current Perspectives on the Past, Present, and Future, Institute for Slavic Studies, Humbodt University, Berlin, 9 February 2009.
  382. Language Politics and Language Policies in the Western Balkans: Infinitives, Turkisms and EUrology, Kennedy Institute - Free University of Berlin, 11 February 2009.
  383. On Defining the Sprachbund: Areal vs. Typological Linguistics in the Balkans and Europe", University of Potsdam, 12 February 2009.
  384. Bucephalos as Trojan Horse: Competing Discourses of Autochthony in the Republic of Macedonia, Institute for Southeast European Studies, Free University of Berlin, 13 February 2009.
  385. Dialectology, Typology, and Areal Linguistics, Linguistics Department, University of Manchester, 24 February 2009.
  386. Makedonski kako slovenski i balkanski jazik [Macedonian as a Slavic and as a Balkan language]. Opening lecture for post-graduate students in Macedonian Studies, University of Skopje, Macedonia, 28 February 2009.
  387. Makedonija i Evropa od lingvistichka gledna tochka [Macedonian: Macedonia and Europe from the viewpoint of linguistics]. Public lecture sponsored by the Office of the Provost and the Philological Faculty, University of Skopje, Macedonia, 13 March 2009.
  388. Ideologija na ezika i ezikova praktika v regiona na Balkanite [Bulgarian: Linguistic ideology and practice in the Balkans]. Department of Anthropology, New Bulgarian University, Sofia, 28 April 2009.
  389. Lability as a Balkanism and as an anti-Balkanism. Conference on Verbal Systems in the Balkan Languages: Inheritances and Innovations, Balkan Commission of the International Committee of Slavists, University of Veliko Tărnovo, Bulgaria, 30 April-1 May 2009.
  390. Closing promotion speech for Deloto na akademik Viktor Fridman [Macedonian: The work of academician Victor Friedman]. Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Skopje, 14 May 2009.
  391. Maqedonia, Europa dhe Lidhje gjuhësore ballkanike [Albanian: Macedonia, Europe, and the Balkan linguistic league]. Southeast European University, Tetovo, Macedonia, 28 May 2009.
  392. Türkçe'nin Balkan Roman Ağızları Üzerine Etkisi [Turkish: Turkish influence on Balkan romani dialects]. Conference Türkçe'nin Balkan Dilleri Üzerine Etkisi [Turkish influence on the Balkan languages]. Skopje, Macedonia, 29 May 2009.
  393. Promotion speech for the first Modern Greek-Macedonian dictionary to be published in Greece(interrupted by thugs from a Greek political party and subsequently resumed). Foreign Press Association Building, Athens, Greece, 2 June 2009.
  394. Balkan Linguistics, Balkan Languages, Balkan Ethnicities: From Autochthony to Multilingualism. Sguardo sui Balcani: nuove prospettive di studio, International Seminar, Lorica (Calabria), Italy, 22-26 July 2009.
  395. Albanian Admirativity, Center for Slavic and East European Studies, The Ohio State University, Columbus, 3 August 2009.
  396. Gjorgji Pulevski i mnogujazičnost vo Makedonija [Macedonian: Gjorgji Pulevski and multilingualism in Macedonia], Public lecture sponsored by the city of Radovish, Radovish Kulturen Centar, Republic of Macedonia 14 September 2009.
  397. Mnogujazičnost vo Makedonija i Evropa [Macedonan: Multlingualism in Macedonia and Europe], Public lecture sponsored by the city of Strumica, Strumica Kulturen Centar, Republic of Macedonia 15 September 2009.
  398. Makedonsitika vo Severna Amerika [Macedonian: Macedonian Studies in North America], Public lecture sponsored by the city of Delchevo, Delchevo Kulturen Centar, Republic of Macedonia 16 September 2009.
  399. Multilingualism the Republic of Macedonia and the Balkan Linguistic League Today, Tenth International Congress on Southeast European Studies, EHESS, Paris, 24-26 September 2009.
  400. Balkanskiot jazičen sojuz vo Makedonija denes [Macedonian: The Balkan linguistic league in Macedonia today], Seventh Macedonian-North American conference on Macedonian Studies, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, 5-7 November 2009.
  401. Promotion speech VI Makedonsko-severnoamerikanska konferencija za makedonistika, Seventh Macedonian-North American conference on Macedonian Studies, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, 5-7 November 2009.
  402. Violence in Bai Ganyo, Roundtable on Violence in Balkan Literature, AAASS Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, 12-15 November 2009.
  403. The Balkans in Turkey and Turkey in the Balkans: Sociolinguistic Perspectives. International Conference on Turkic speaking minorities in the Middle East and linguistic minorities in Turkey. University of Cyprus, Nicosia, 20-21 November 2009.
  404. The Mountain of Tongues: Complexities of the Caucasus. Lecture in the series "Smart Voices" at the Smart Museum of Art, University of Chicago, in connection with an exhibition of the visionary work of Chicago artist Joseph Yoakum, 6 December 2009.
  405. Alive and Well in the Balkans: The Continuing Life of the Sprachbund. AATSEEL Annual Meeting, Philadelphia 27-30 December 2009.
  406. Social Uses of Evidentiality in the Balkans, LSA Annual Meeting, Baltimore, 7-10 January 2010.
  407. Nineteenth-Century Representations of Violence in Bulgaria: The Tragi-Comedy of Bai Ganyo, Conference on Violence, Trauma, and Displacement in the Middle East and Eurasia, UIUC, Urbana-Champaign, 29-30 January 2010.
  408. Slavic and Non-Slavic: Borders, boundaries, and feature selection in the Balkans. Conference on Slavic Languages: Time and contingency. UC Berkeley, 12-13 February 2010.
  409. The Balkan Sprachbund Revisited: Language Contact in the Republic of Macedonia in the 21st Century. Research Center for Linguistic Typology, LaTrobe University, Australia, 22 March 2010.
  410. Public Presentations, Perceptions, and Practices of Chalgija Music in the Republic of Macedonia Today. Second Meeting, International Council Tradtional Music, Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe, Ege [Aegean] University, Izmir, Turkey, 7-10 April 2010.
  411. South Slavic and Its Neighbors – Distant Past and Present (filling in for Eric Hamp for the 13th Annual Naylor Lecture), The Ohio State University, Columbus 16 April 2010.
  412. Shtii rumuneshti?: The Languages of Bai Ganyo, Seventeenth Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore, The Ohio State University, Columbus, 15-18 April 2010.
  413. The Balkan Wars and the Balkan Languages: Coexistence and Schizoglssia in Southeastern Europe. Annual Honorary Undergraduate Lecture in Linguistics, The Ohio State University, 19 April 2010.
  414. Little Leagues and Big Leagues: The Bases of the Balkan Sprachbund. CAS Workshop on Language Variation and Change, University of Chicago, 24 May 2010.
  415. Copying and Cognates in the Balkan. Societa Linguistica Europaea, 43rd Annual Meeting, University of Vilnius, Lithuania, 2-5 September 2010.
  416. Conjunction Calquing - A Heartland Balkanism. Conference "Balkanisms today" ponsored by The Commission of Balcanology of the International Committee of Slavists and the Commission of Balcanology at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 3-5 September 2010.
  417. The Grammatical Structure of Slavic Languages in Areal Perspective: Albanian Past and Present, Meeting of the Grammatical Commission of the International Committee of Slavists, Novi Sad - Belgrade, 14-16 September 2010.
  418. Albanian-Macedonian Contact-Induced Language Change Today, 31st meeting, Commission on Research on the Grammatical Structure of the Slavic Languages, Matica Srpska and Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Novi Sad and Belgrade, 14-16 September 2010.
  419. Language Borders Within the Speaker - Codeswitching Practices and Bi- and Multi-lingualism in the Balkans, part of project "Reshaping Japan's Border Studies," Slavic Research Center, University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan, 7 October, 2010
  420. Borders of Identity - Creating Balkan Selves, part of project "Reshaping Japan's Border Studies," Slavic Research Center, University of Hokkaido, Sapporo, Japan, 12 October 2010.
  421. Dialectology and Borders in the Balkans, University of Kyoto, 14 October
  422. Language Contact and Language Borders, University of Tokyo, 16 October 2010.
  423. Multilingualism and Intercultural Communication in the Balkans, University of Niigata Prefecture, Niigata, Japan 19 October 2010.
  424. Language and Sterotype in Bai Ganyo, Roundtable on Bai Ganyo in English and World Literature, Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies, (formerly AAASS, henceforth ASEEES) Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, 18-21 November 2010.
  425. Thailand-Malaysia-Indonesia/Greece-Macedonia-Bulgaria - Parallels and Prospects. pleanry paper, Southeast Europe and Sotheast Asia: Islam, Merges, and Margins, National University of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur 4-5 January 2011.
  426. Families, Leagues, and Hybridity: The Past and Future of Slavic and East European Languages, Keynote Address, AATSEEL Annual Meeting, Pasadena, 8 January 2011.
  427. A Thousand Years of Evidentials: From Al-Kashghari to Watergate and Beyond, Conference on Evidentials, The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, 14-15 January 2011.
  428. Language Contact in the Balkans Today, Insitut des Sciences Humaines, University of Lyon 2, France, 18 February 2011.
  429. Southeast Asia and Southeast Europe as Comparable Linguistic Areas [in Macedonian], Research Center for Areal Linguistics, Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 23 February 2011.
  430. Macedonian Dialectology in Its Balkan Linguistic Context [in Macedonian], Department of Macedonian and South slavic Languages, Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, 26 February 2011.
  431. Evidentiality: State of the Field [in Macedonian], Research Center for Areal Linguistics, Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2 March 2011.
  432. Language in Mass Media in Macedonia [in Russian], Workshop on the Use of Daghestanian Languages in Media of Mass Communication, Ministry of nationality policy, religion, and internal relations of the Republic of Daghestan and the Committee on the Press and Mass communication, Republic of Daghestan, Maxachkala 17 March 2011.
  433. Balkanisms of Color: Black, and White and Red All Over, Balkanskie Chtenija 11, Insitute of Slavic Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow 22-24 March 2011.
  434. From the Balkans to Bahasa: Comparative sociolinguistic Perspectives on Southeast Europe and Southeast Asia, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, 15 April 2011.
  435. A View from Southeastern Europe, Workshop on Language, Culture, and Politics: Identities in Transition, Liu Institute for Global Issues, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, CA 21 April 2011.
  436. Language in ex-Yugoslavia—The Changers and the Changed (keynote address). Conference "Twenty years after (the) Split, Thirty Years After Prishtina, Ten Years After Tanushevci: Beginnings, Endings, Continuities, and discontinuitoes in former Yugoslavia and the Successor States, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 29-30 April 2011.
  437. Infinitivectomy, Locomotives, and Other Agents of Change: On Eastern European and Slavic Cultures 1941-2011 (keynote address), Slavic Forum, University of Chicago, 13-14 May 2011.
  438. Makedonsko-grčki rečnik. promotion speech for the first Modern Macedonian-Greek dictionary to be published in Greece, Florian (Lerin), Greece, 17 September 2011.
  439. Europe, Eurasia, Southeast Europe, and Southeast Asia: On the Question of Areal Linguistics in the 21st Century. Conference on Balkan Linguistics As/Vs Eurolinguistics, Universitatea "Aleksandru Ioan Cuza," Iaşi, 19-20 September 2011.
  440. Eurolinguistics and Eurology, Anthropology of Europe Workshop, University of Chicago, 29 September 2011.
  441. E mos shikjoni kish e xhamija (And look not to church and mosque): How Albania and Macedonia Illuminate Bosnia and Bulgaria. Conference "Beyond Mosque, Church, and State: Negotiating Religious and Ethno-National Identities in the Balkans," Ohiot State University, Columbus, 6-8 October 2011.
  442. Urdhërorja treguese në gjuhët ballkanike [Albanian: The narrative imperative in the Balkan languages], Confernce "Albanian and the Languages of the Bakans," Academy of Arts and Sciences of Kosova, Prishtina, 10-11 November 2011.
  443. Promotion speech for the third edition of Macedonian: A Course for Beginning and Intermediate Students, by Christina Kramer and Liljana Mitkovska, FON University, Skopje, 19 November, 2011.
  444. Makedonskite dijalekti i dijalektite vo Makedonija [Macedonian: Macedonian dialects and the dialects of Macedonia], Conference "Twenty Yeasr of Independence of the Republic of Macedonia (1991-2001)," Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Skopje 24-25 November 2011.
  445. Languages are Wealth: The Sprachbund as Linguistic Capital (plenary). 38th Annual Meeting, Berkeley Linguistics Society, University of Calrifornia,m Berkeley 11-12 February 2012.
  446. What is a newspaper? Basic color terms and Balkan linguistics. Eighteenth Biennial Conference on Balkan and South Slavic Linguistics, Literature and Folklore, University of Washington, Seattle, 29-31 March 2012.
  447. Musical Terminology and the Balkan Linguistic League, Third Meeting, International Council Tradtional Music, Study Group on Music and Dance in Southeastern Europe, Berovo, Republic of Macedonia, 17-22 April 2012.
  448. Promotion speech for Tucizmite vo aromanskiot [Macedeonian: Turkisms in Aromanian], promotion speech. Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, 24 April 2012.
  449. Non-Nominative and Depersonalized Subjects in the Balkans: Areality vs. Genealogy (with Brian Joseph). Conference on Non-Canonically Case-Marked Subjects within and across Languages and Language Families: Stability, Variation and Change, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 4-8 June 2012.
  450. Macedonian Matters. promotion speech. Eighth Macedonian-North American Conference on Macedonian Studies, Ohrid, Macedonia 7-8 July 2012.
  451. Imperativot na raskažuvanje vo makedonskiot i drugite balkanski i slovenski jazici. [Macedonian: The imperative of narration in Macedonian and other Balkan and Slavic languages.] Eighth Macedonian-North American Conference on Macedonian Studies, Ohrid, Macedonia, 7-8 July 2012.
  452. The Use of li as a Marker of Evidential Strategy in Romani, 10th International Conference on Romani Linguistics, University of Barcelona, 5-7 September 2012.
  453. Romani Groups in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia: Indexicalities of Belonging, Annual Meeting of the Gypsy Lore Society, Beyoğlu, Istanbul 19-22 September, 2012.
  454. The Importance of Aromanian for the Study of Balkan Language Contact, Section “Romance Balcan / Romanitatea balcanica. Aspects of cultural contact”, Conference 5th Annual Conference “Books. Romania. Europe”, Mamaia, Romania 24-27 September 2012.
  455. Current Issues in Balkan Linguistics. Research Center for Areal Linguistics, Macedonian Academy of Arts and Sciences, Skopje, Macedonia 24 October 2012.
  456. Opening remarks. Conference on the 40th Anniversary of the Orthogrpahy of Albanian. Fan Noli University, Korça, Albania, 16-17 November 2012.
  457. Balkanisms Beyond the Handbooks, University of Vienna Linguistics Department, 11 December 2012.
  458. Book launch speech, The Greek Anti-Macedonian Struggle by Dimitri Lithoksoou, Australian-Macedonian Human Rights Committee, Melbourne, Australia, 7 March 2013.
  459. Saddlebags and Free Lunches: Translating a Nineteenth-Century Bulgarian Classic, Department of Translation and Interpreting Studies, School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 21 March 2013.
  460. Linguistic Morbidity and Vitality: The Sprachbund vs. the Nation-State in the Balkans, University of Adelaide, School of Humaniies, Department of Linguistics, 27 March 2013.
  461. Evidentiality, Narrativity, and the Balkan Sprachbund, Department of Linguistics, School of Languages, Cultures and Linguistics, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 10 April 2013.
  462. Typology and Areality in the Balkans: A View from the Field, Center for research on Language Diversity, La Trobue University, Melbourne, Australia, 11 April 2013.
  463. Language Death and Revitalization in the Balkans: UNESCO, Europe, and the Nation-State. Department of Linguistics, Faculty of Arts, University of Auckland, New Zealand 18 April 2013.
  464. Linguistic Endangerment and Revival in the Balkans: Discourses of Difference in Europe. New Zealand Institute of Language, Brain and Behaviour and school of Social and Political Sciences, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand, 25 April 2013.
  465. Peoples and Cultures of the Balkans from Antiquity to the Present, Part 1, University of Chicago Alumni Association tour of Dalmatian Coast, 21-28 June 2013.
  466. Peoples and Cultures of the Balkans from Antiquity to the Present, Part 2, University of Chicago Alumni Association tour of Dalmatian Coast, 21-28 June 2013.
  467. Introduction to Balkan Linguistics, LAGESEC 2013, University of the Aegean, Mytilene, Greece, 2 July 2013.
  468. Balkan Gendered/Sexed Vocabularies, LAGESEC 2013, University of the Aegean, Mytilene, Greece, 3 July 2013.
  469. Balkan Genders and Sexualities, LAGESEC 2013, University of the Aegean, Mytilene, Greece, 4 July 2013.
  470. The Effects of the 1913 Treaty of Bucharest on the Languages Spoken in Macedonia. The Partition of Macedonia and the Balkan Wars of 1912-13, Monash University, Melbourne, 4-7 September 2013.
  471. Contact versus Parallel Development in Balkan Evidentials, Division of Linguistics and Multilingual Studies, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Singapore, 9 September 2013.
  472. The Pragmatics of Interrogation as a Declarative Evidential Strategy13th Annual conference, International Pragmatics Association, Delhi, India 10-13 September 2013.
  473. Expanding the Typology of Loanwords: The Role of Conversational Interaction (with Brian Joseph), Workshop on Lexicon in Contact: Contact-induced Structural Isomorphism in the Lexicon, 46th Annual Meeting, Societas Linguistica Europae, University of Split, Croatia, 18-22 September 2013.
  474. Parallel Universes and Universal Parallels: Romani Evidential Strategies, Workshop on Balancing the Universal and the Particular in Balkan Morpho-Syntactic Convergence, 46th Annual Meeting, Societas Linguistica Europae, University of Split, Croatia, 18-22 September 2013.
  475. Opening remarks, Academic seminar “European dimension of Roma Culture: scientific and political discourses”, Marseille, France, 26 September 2013.
  476. The Roles of Religion and Politics in Language Change in the Balkans. Workshop on Intentional Language Change, University of Leiden, The Netherlands 27-28 September 2013.
  477. Edward Stankiewicz and Macedonian, Panel on the Legacy of Edward Stankiewicz, AATSEEL Annual Meetimg, Chicago, 10-12 January 2014.