Learning dynamical behaviors in physical systems
Information theory for data-driven model reduction in physics and biology
Odd elasticity in driven granular matter
The non-reciprocal Ising model
Pattern formation by non-dissipative arrest of turbulent cascades
Spiking at the edge
Zyxin is all you need: learning models of adherent cell mechanics from data
Limit cycles turn active matter into robots
Stokes flows in three-dimensional fluids with odd and parity-violating viscosities
Non-reciprocal phase transitions
Machine learning active-nematic hydrodynamics
Statistical mechanics of a chiral active fluid
Dualities and non-Abelian mechanics
Odd Elasticity
Topological waves in fluids with odd viscosity
Odd viscosity in chiral active fluids
Topological sound in active-liquid metamaterials
Topological design of geared mechanical metamaterials
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Topological modes in mechanical metamaterials
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Buckling in 3D topological mechanical metamaterials
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Topological mechanical metamaterials III: the spinner
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Topological mechanical metamaterials II: flipper driven by gravity
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Topological mechanical metamaterials I: the flipper
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