Published Papers
- The Value of Student Debt Relief and the Role of Administrative Barriers: Evidence from the Teacher Loan Forgiveness Program
(with Brian Jacob and Ben Keys)
Journal of Labor Economics, Volume 42, Number 51, April, 2024
Ungated Version
NBER Working Paper No. 31359
- The Short-Term Labor Supply Response to the Expanded Child Tax Credit
(with Brandon Enriquez and Ernie Tedeschi)
AEA Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 113, May 2023: 401-405
Ungated Version
NBER Working Paper 31100
- Temporary and permanent effects of withdrawal penalties on retirement savings accounts
(with Gopi Shah Goda and Shanthi Ranmath)
Journal of Public Econpmics, 215, November 2022
Ungated Version (10/2022)
- Universal Cash Transfers and Inflation
(with Ioana Marinescu)
National Tax Journal, 75(3), September 2022: 627-653
Ungated Version (8/2022)
- Black Economists on Race and Policy: Contributions to Education, Poverty and Mobility, and Public Finance
(with Dania Francis and Bradley Hardy)
Journal of Economic Literature, 60(2), June 2022: 454-93
Ungated Version (6/2022)
- The Labor Market Impacts of Universal and Permanent Cash Transfers: Evidence from the Alaska Permanent Fund
(with Ioana Marinescu)
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 14(2), May 2022: 315-40
Ungated Version (5/2022)
Working Paper (12/2019)
[News Coverage: Forbes]
- Using Nonlinear Budget Sets to Estimate Extensive Margin Responses: Method and Evidence from the Earnings Test
(with Alex Gelber and Dan Sacks)
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 13(4), October 2021: 150-93
**Updated Version** (3/2020)
Earlier Version, NBER Working Paper No. 23362
[News Coverage: Forbes, Wall Street Journal]
- The Employment Effects of the Social Security Earnings Test
(with Alex Gelber, Dan Sacks, and Jae Song)
The Journal of Human Resources, Published online before print, March 2020
Earlier Version, NBER Working Paper No. 26696
- Effects of a Workplace Wellness Program on Employee Health, Health Beliefs, and Medical Use: A Randomized Clinical Trial
(with Julian Reif, David Chan, Laura Payne, and David Molitor)
JAMA Internal Medicine, May 2020
- Estimating Earnings Adjustment Frictions: Method and Evidence from the Social Security Earnings
(with Alex Gelber and Dan Sacks)
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 12(1), January 2020: 1-31 (Lead Article)
Ungated Version; Online Appendix
Earlier Version, NBER Working Paper No. 19491
[News Coverage: Wall Street Journal, Institute for Research on Labor and Employment]
- What Do Workplace Wellness Programs Do? Evidence from the Illinois Workplace Wellness Study
(with David Molitor and Julian Reif)
The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 134, Issue 4, November 2019: 1747-1791
Ungated Version
Illinois Workplace Wellness Study Website
[News Coverage: Politico, Politico, Wharton Business Radio on Sirius XM, Bloomberg, Chicago Tribune, The World Bank: Development Impact, WBUR Radio, Boston, SF Gate, Benefits Pro]
- Retirement Plan Type and Employee Mobility: The Role of Selection and Incentive Effects
(with Gopi Shah Goda and Colleen Manchester)
The Journal of Human Resources, 52(3), Summer 2017: 654-679
Earlier Version, NBER Working Paper No. 18902
- Higher Education, Merit Aid Scholarships and Post-Baccalaureate Migration
(with Maria Fitzpatrick)
Economics of Education Review, Vol. 54, October, 2016: 155-172
Earlier Version, NBER Working Paper No. 18530
[News Coverage: New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Inside Higher ED, Washington Monthly, The NBER Digest]
- Inertia and Overwithholding: Explaining
the Prevalence of Income Tax Refunds
Online Appendix with Model
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 4(1), February 2012: 158-85
Earlier Version, NBER Working Paper No. 15963
[News Coverage: Forbes, The Oregonian, AEA Chart of the Week]
- Information, Preferences and Public Benefit Participation: Experimental Evidence from the Advance EITC and 401(k) Savings
Online Appendix
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2(2), April 2010: 147-63
- Wealth, Race, and Consumption Smoothing of Typical Income Shocks
(with Peter Ganong, Pascal Noel, Diana Farrell, Fiona Greig, and Chris Wheat)
Reject and Resubmit, American Economic Review
**Updated Version** Working Paper (4/2023)
- An Experimental Evaluation of Deferred Acceptance: Evidence from Over 100 Army Officer
Labor Markets
(with Jonathan Davis and Kyle Greenberg)
Reject and Resubmit, Econometrica
Ungated Version
NBER Working Paper No. 31612
- Incentives and Habit Formation in Health Screenings: Evidence from the Illinois Workplace Wellness Study
(with David Molitor and Julian Reif)
Ungated Version
NBER Working Paper No. 32745
- The Economics of Exclusions Restrictions in IV Models
NBER Working Paper No. 21391
- Time-Inconsistency and Saving: Experimental Evidence from Low-Income Tax Filers
(with Aprajit Mahajan)
NBER Working Paper No. 21272
- Tracing the Color Line: An Overview of Black-White Economic Inequality in the United States
(with Dania Francis, Fern Ramoutar, and Bradley Hardy)
Part of Series: Uncovering Inequality, Ira A. Lipman Center for Journalism on Civil and Human Rights, March, 2023
- Health and Wealth Inequality in America: How COVID-19 Makes Clear the Need for Change
Written testimony prepared for a House Committee of the Budget's Hearning, June 23, 2020
- How the IRS could save time -- and money -- for millions of taxpayers
Washington Post Op-Ed, April 17, 2018
- Withholdings, Salience and Tax Policy
SIEPR Policy Brief, January, 2010
- Are Wellness Programs Any Good
SIEPR Policy Brief, July, 2010