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Chicago Price Theory: An Introduction
Part I: Prices and Substitution Effects
Chapter 1: Utility Maximization and Demand
Chapter 2: Cost Minimization and Demand
Chapter 3: Relating the Marshallian and Hicksian Systems
Chapter 4: Price Indices: Consumer Theory Guides Measurement
Chapter 5: Nudges in Consumer Theory
Chapter 6: Short- and Long-Run Demand, with an Application to Addiction
Part II: Market Equilibrium
Chapter 7: Discrete Choice and Product Quality
Chapter 8: Location Choice: An Introduction to Equilibrium Compensating Differences
Chapter 9: Learning by Doing and On-the-Job Investment
Chapter 10: Production, Profits, and Factor Demand
Chapter 11: The Industry Model
Chapter 12: The Consequences of Prohibition
Chapter 13: A Price-Theoretic Perspective on the Core
Chapter 14: Multiple-Factor Industry Model
Expanded Edition Ch 1: Difference-in-Differences in the Marketplace
Part III: Technological Progresss and Markets for Durable Goods
Chapter 15: Durable Production Factors
Chapter 16: Capital Accumulation in Continuous Time
Chapter 17: Investment from a Planning Perspective
Chapter 18: Applied Factor Supply and Demand 1: Technological Progress and Capital-Income Tax Incidence
Chapter 19: Applied Factor Supply and Demand 2: Factor-Biased Technological Progress, Factor Shares, and the Malthusian Economy
Chapter 20: Investments in Health and the Value of a Statistical Life