Perspective & Essays
- An op-ed (Feb 2003) about reasons for accepting international limits on American military power [reviewed in 2007 by David Henderson and Eric Black].
- Comments on a book by George Soros (Feb 2004).
- Essay (July 2007) about game-theoretic benefits of restraint in deterrent strategies (and original notes for a talk at Chicago Humanities Festival 2006).
- Jerusalem talk [video] (May 2008).
- Questions for a moral economy (May 2012).
- A comment on the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize (Oct 2009).
- Short essays about building democracy in Iraq: an early proposal (May 2003) written as the occupation began, and a later discussion (June 2004) written as occupation ended. (Arabic version of the May 2003 proposal, published by Al Nahdhah, Baghdad.); Remarks about Iraq at Beth Emet, the Free Synagogue (June 2006).
- Essay on the importance of local democracy in Pakistan (June 2009).
- Short overview of the fundamentals of state-building (Oct 2009).
- Constitutional seminar in Buenos Aires (Oct 2009).
- Lessons on democracy from colonial America (Sept 2013).
- Blog posts from 2010 to 2012 at
- World Post essays at Huffington Post.
- My twitter posts.
- National Geographic Explorers video (with Jill Pruetz).
- Toward a moral economy (video) (May 2013).
- Two bits with Daniel Biss video (Aug 2016).
- VoxUkraine essay on decentralization (Aug 2015) [pdf].
- 2016 UChicago Booth video on advice to the next President.
- The post-conflict gap in American military strategy. WSJ article with J K Weston.
- 2016 Nobel economists' letter.
- Memo to the Democratic Party (Nov 2016).
- UBS Nobel perspectives.
- Nobel Prize Conversation with Adam Smith,
- Redefining national security priorities after a pandemic,
- How Joe Biden can achieve unity.
- Feb 2022 note on Ukraine and the Budapest Memorandum.
- Notes on Ukraine and the war in 2022: June, Sept, Oct, Nov, Dec; in 2023: Feb, Nov; in 2024: Jan, June, August.
- Postwar reconstruction assistance and local governments in Ukraine,
- 2023 Jean Monnet Lecture at the European Central Bank, lecture slides.
- How NATO can help end the Ukraine war, with T. Mylovanov and K. Sonin.
- Talk at Belfast Agreement 25 conference [video].
- 7-minute video of reflections about my career, edited by Richard Brotman from a longer (1:38) interview with Jacquelyn Swearingen in May 2023,
- Remarks on global environmental sustainability for a Harvard 50th reunion,
- Democratic Congressional liaisons for red states,
- my Bluesky posts,
- My blog posts at