Printer's Row and 57th Street Art Fair

A good weekend for the culturati.

I spent part of saturday at the 57th Street Art Fair, which has grown quite a bit since the last time I attended (2002?). Some stunning art. Unfortunately the bulk of it was too pricey for me (truly a shame since I have so many walls to fill in the new place). Nevertheless, the 57th Street Art Fair is one of those fantastic Chicago events that every Chicagoan should at some point spend some time at.

I spent a good part of Sunday morning at the Printer's Row Book Fair. I was joined by AMR, SV and his friend dan, and later on by CLR & NP. Good times. A few books were purchased but the general slowness of the unpacking clearly put the breaks on the kind of frentetic book buying that has typified years past. Again, a fantastic event that every chicagoan should partake in at least once. Very rarely do you get such license to talk about books! While the book buying was minimal, I did, buy some pieces of art to hang on the walls in the new place. Next stop, the frame shoppe!

Posted: Sun - June 4, 2006 at 06:35 PM      
