My favorite things to do outside . . . .

Hiking. This picture was taken at Starved Rock in Utica, Illinois. Most of the Chicago area is flat as a pancake, but Starved Rock has valleys and peaks, all carved by glaciers and the Illinois river. It's a great place to start training for the Appalachian Trail, my next big goal. I must confess, part of my interest in walking the AT comes from reading A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson. If you haven't read it, I highly recommend it. I won't be able to take out several months to thru-hike, but I'm starting to plan short trips along the Trail and hope that one day I'll have hiked the whole 2100+ miles.

But, if I had to pick an outdoor activity that I'm willing to invest a lot of time and much more money than I can afford in, it would have to be kayaking. Everyone should kayak! The question is not whether, but "what kind" and "where." There's not a lot of whitewater in Chicago, so the Chicago Whitewater Association is a really industrious group of people who are used to long car rides and sleep deprived Mondays for the thrill of a few hours out on the water. If you live here in the city and aren't ready yet for the rigors of river running, the Lincoln Park Boat Club is the perfect solution. Seakayaking on Lake Michigan is relaxing, beautiful and a good workout. Best of all, the seakayaking season begins when the lagoon is passable (mid-March was when I went out last year) and ends when the lagoon freezes over. Between the LPBC and river trips (and winter pool sessions) with the CWA, there is really quite a bit of kayaking in Chicago. Of course, we can all dream . . . .

Where to get gear:


Dagger is one of the biggest names in kayaking. I have a Dagger kayak.
Savage V
Current Designs

Kayaking Gear

Lightning Paddles. I have a Lightning Paddle.
Werner Paddles.
NRS. Retail boats, paddles, clothes, gear
Wasatch Paddle Sports Retail boats, paddles, clothes, gear
Stohlquist. PFDs and drysuits, mostly

Kayaking Magazines

Canoe & Kayak