[___] Skin A Point and Click Storybook


A Final Project for ENGL 25945 - Digital Storytelling by Freddy Bendekgey, Zoë Smith, and Walter Zhang.


[___] Skin (Donkeyskin) performs the slow development of fairytales from old dinosaur bones to elaborate contemporary genre pieces. Click through the digital storybook/puzzle adventure game to watch the adaptation/reclamation process of one of the West’s cruelest fairytales.


Freddy Bendekgey is a fourth year Interdisciplinary Humanities major.

Zoë Smith is a fourth year English major.

Walter Zhang is a fourth year Physics major.


Year: 2016

Language English

Keywords Story, Visual Studio, Fairytale

Technical Details: PC Game, uses Visual C#

Academic Response

"I'm excited by the prospects of this project." - Professor Jagoda on our Abstract Submission.

<Laughter> - Hannah Brooks-Motl on our enthusiastic Elevator Pitch.

"Great!" - Hannah Brooks-Motl on our impromptu author statement.


PC Version Download v0.3.1 - Donkeyskin and Bearskin

Hints: Click to Explore, Double-Click to Interact

For those with other operating systems, please refer to Game Transcripts.