
Friday afternoon. Got out of work a little early today. Packed my laptop, a book to read, and a notebook, and then rode my bike to the planetarium. Beautiful early summer day. First time that I've taken the new bike all the way downtown along the lake shore drive bike path. They've done some nice work with the pathways and the south lake front in general. It feels like a few lifetimes ago, in the spring of 1994, when ETL and I walked from hyde park downtown. I remember some parts of the trail being sketchy (to say the least).

This is a part of how i expect the summer to go. Lots of time outside on the lake. Most of the reading or writing that I manage (this is being written on the laptop on the planetarium lawn with the skyline in the foreground) will probably happen outside. I'll get to enjoy the summer weather (there's something special about chicago in the spring and early summer) and get my exercise in riding the bike.

I've been asked a couple of times now how i'm enjoying the new routine. I have to say it's right for me. Part II of the move (things still at my parents place, a few things that i need to buy still) won't happen until the sunday after father's day, so I'm not entirely set-up in the new place. But it's good. I'm doing alright for myself. I've even started to recycle.

The job is going well. I've gone from feeling like I was a little old for the work I was doing to feeling like I'm too young for the work at hand. Which is entirely where I want to be. The job itself is a good mix of new things that I'm ridiculously good at and new things that I have to work to figure out. JL used to say that "flow" occurs when our skills and challenges are roughly in proportion to each other and maintain some kind of sensible linear relationship. So, you could say that I'm in flow.

Addendum: Met up with FM to see Xmen III at River East. A good fun film. As a fan, I have some issues with the caricatures of some of the characters, but nothing severe enough to detract from my ability to enjoy the film. Took the metra back. Easy way to get back to HP from downtown late.

Posted: Sat - June 17, 2006 at 02:53 AM      
