Me, Myself, and I

I spent Friday and part of the day Saturday at the North American Council for Online Learning's (NACOL) Chicago regional conference. Some interesting things, some networking with the Chicago folks. Caught up with SV who was there representing Devry.

Finished one of the 3 things I wanted to get done during the weekend. Caught up on alot of sleep though, which is a good thing.

The next week is the CPS break week, which means it's my chance to catch up on a few lingering things at work and to get to the point where I feel good about the planning for the Expo in late May. April and May are going to be the busiest I've been at work in my time there.

This week is also my chance to start looking for apartments in hyde park. June 1st. I'm starting to waver, it turns out that they won't be raising my rent by much here, but I know that I need a change and now's the time to do it.

Looking ahead. Taxes are due this week. Next weekend is a spring cleaning week. Hugh Masekela at the HotHouse. Paul Rusesabagina at UCHICAGO. The weekend after are DB's wedding festivities.

I like the sound of the new Flaming Lips album on the first listen. Also, I've dug out Roy Hargrove's "Habana" as part of my ongoing campaign to become more familiar with Jazz. Kudos to SB for helping me out with that project.

The Bulls are in the midst of a play-off run. The White Sox have gotten out to a slow start... I'm not panicking but would like the bullpen to give me something positive to work with.

Learned something about Huey P. Newton thanks to Spike Lee.

Posted: Sun - April 9, 2006 at 10:02 PM      
