Ahmed Kathrada @ UCHICAGO

I went to the discussion* with Ahmed Kathrada (ANC BIO | SA History BIO) at the Oriental Institute after work today. He is touring behind his second book, "Memoirs", which looks at his involvement in the struggle against Apartheid, his imprisonment on Robben Island, and offers us insight into the lives and personalities of the other jailed leaders of the ANC.

It was a good discussion, well worth staying in HP for a while after work for.

I liked how Kathrada was passionate about the social justice issues that South Africa has faced and still needs to overcome. Like all the great SA leaders of his generation he has a wisened elegant humanity about him when it comes to the issues of truth, reconciliation, and the decisions to try to build a new society together (as the natural counter-balance to a society built on keeping people apart).

I talked briefly with the folks from the SA consulate office and AW afterwards.

*The discussion was moderated by AW a former hendersonian who now works for WBEZ.

Posted: Mon - March 27, 2006 at 10:25 PM      
