Swirling around so much is

So, let me write merely about this weblog for the time being.

I removed the "Word Wall" on the sidebar. Tagcloud was a great idea, but just didn't update anywhere near often enough.

In it's place is a section called "Contemporaries" which displays new articles from blogs I read that have an RSS feed out (You bloggers should really add that feature to your productions. Feedburner and Atom are easy to set-up and play well with blog systems that don't have this functionality built in). Thanks to the google reader for adding the functionality to do this repurposing.

I'm also playing around with CafePress, and have made some text-based t-shirts inspired by my week off available for your perusal/purchase at ye olde weblog shoppe. (Note: No markup as of now. Maybe when/if the designs become intricate)

BTW: Kudos to CLJO for adding a flickr photostrip to his site, and to DV$ for adding last.fm data. No kudos for you people who recently added a sitemeter. That's so 2003.

Posted: Wed - March 22, 2006 at 04:21 PM      
