Future Musings...

I go through these intervals of time when it is as if there is a cloud of obfuscation between my present and my future. Where tomorrow is difficult to imagine, much less to see with any clarity, and it is pure folly to make any committments. Not unlike taking a step blind, with no guarantee that there exists solid ground to recieve you.

That sense of blindness lingers about me for days or weeks (most recently months) but passes, so let me tell you what I see now in vague terms.

I'll be in SF/Fremont for H2's wedding in mid-September. I'd guess that TS and SD from the peace corps will make their way there. Hopefully that time will work with SB's schedule, and I'll be able to make a trip out of it.

Lollapalooza is in early august. It was fun last year, and I'm certainly going back this year. SV will definitely be in on that, and quite possibly some others will join in this year.

July, I only see work. If things at work happen according to the odds.

June is light and relaxing. if people were to visit chi-town, that would be optimal. TS at least is thinking about it.

May is intense. Certainly quite a bit of pressure. Our exposition is at the end of may, and every year more and more of it is my responsibility.

April is DB's wedding. Also, I'll have confirmation about our project's financial standing for the next school year. Coachella is still a possibility, but new developments at work make the timing less than ideal now.

The second half of march is a good time for me to take a trip somewhere. DC has moved to the top of the list. I just need to coordinate weekends with the O's and SD. The first half of march is when I have to put a few long-standing responsibilities to bed. The remainder of feb is similarly charged.

I'm going to move to a different apartment this year. Not quite change for changes sake, but not not so. My lease expires at an inconvenient time, so I'll have to negotiate to have it expire either at the end of may (good) or the end of june (much better). Investment-sense aside, I'm not ready (emotionally) to buy a place... so it's just a different apartment. It's an even heat between lincoln square and hyde park right now.

If Cousin K makes it to LA this spring than visiting him (and AK+KRT) will get added to the summer plans.

I am resolved to spend a few weeks out of the country next year (2007). Early thoughts: mongolia, china, south africa, moscow, prague, or climb kilimanjaro. I am easy to travel with, so if you're interested in any of these have your people get in touch with mine.

Posted: Sun - February 19, 2006 at 06:18 PM      
