Odds and Ends

Happy Lincoln's Birthday to you!

I went in to work today, eventhough CPS is closed. We figured that we'd get a day of meetings (and a group lunch) in. Next week, I'm certainly going to take President's Day off. I'm still up in the air on how exactly I ought to commemorate Pulaski day in March.

I learned that I'm pretty close to the maximum amount of vacation time that one can bank (we get ~ 2 weeks a year and can roll over to a max of ~ 3 weeks). I typically take a big-ish trip in august, but didn't last year so I'll need to burn a few vacation days in the next couple of months. I need a few in february to finish up some academic projects that have been lingering. I'm thinking of 4-5 day trip in march. If I can get the appropriate people in Seattle at the same time, that's plan A. DC always seems to be plan B whenever I start thinking of travel since I haven't been there since 1998. If I can ever get a hold of H2, a weekend in St. Louis could be a fun plan C.

The trip that I'd like to make, but isn't worth it enough for me to go on my own, is to the World Baseball Classic in Arizona. I'd get a kick out of seeing the South African team (pure nonsense if you ask me) play the Americans. If you could be interested in seeing baseball in early March in Arizona, get in touch with my people.

I like the new built-in chat features in gmail. Sometimes that's the level of contact that hits the spot. I'm hoping they support Safari soon (firefox and IE are supported currently), so that I can go back to my usual home computing routine.

This has all the makings of a slow week. I have a pair of big things due (both work and school) on Wednesday, so I might not be able to get my taxes started on tuesday (which would curtail an emerging tradition). If the week goes well, I might head out to the Subterranean late night on Thursday to catch the Primeridian.

I've been having migraines off and on the last two weeks... I decided to just catch up on sleep this past weekend.

Last few movies via netflix -- "Lord of War" was troubling on some level, but very well-made.... "Winter Light" I'm trying to watch some Ingmar Bergman films. The only director who I've ever really made a point to "study" is Akira Kurosawa (I'm a few movies short of adding Spike Lee to this list). Bergman might be a perfect contrast.... "Fear of a Black Hat" was funny in a should-I-be-laughing-at-this? kind of way.

(In case you're wondering, I am purposefully not writing about any current events issues. It's not an oversight, it's a decision.)

Posted: Mon - February 13, 2006 at 08:22 PM      
