Click, Clack, Moo (Cows that Type)

At an elementary school library's book sale, I found myself reading Doreen Cronin's "Click, Clack, Moo -- Cows that Type".

Don't be fooled by the absurdist concept (of cows typing) or fanciful illustrations!

There is quite a story transpiring here. Cows, unhappy with their working conditions, petition their employer (the farmer) for better working conditions (an electric blanket!) and are rebuked! What follows is a negotiation, a strike, more negotiation, and finally compromise. Along the way, youngsters learn about the give-and-take nature of the employer/employee relationship, get to see cows type, a farmer fume, and thrill to the unpredictable antics of chickens and ducks.

Posted: Thu - February 9, 2006 at 09:58 PM      
