On friday night, I saw Peter Jackson's King Kong at the City North Theater w/ KR&DB.

The simple review is "it's a fun popcorn movie".

Perhaps the film was too long (I found a bit of the monster island segment to be too "buggy"), but I'd rather feel like the filmmaker gave me too much than not enough. I enjoyed the depression-era NYC parts of the film. It's funny, I think I had blocked out how the movie was going to end. I mean I knew it wasn't going to end well for the big guy, but as it was approaching I had this moment of shock when the realization hit. Also, I should say that it's not often enough that the out-of-place, misunderstood, hairy guy gets the girl... so we should all cheer for that.

Posted: Sat - February 4, 2006 at 07:21 PM      
