This and That

I'm not much for instant messaging, but a few weeks ago I made an AIM account to communicate with ETH in Ghana and today decided to check-in with AK in california. I used the site which was cool because I didn't have to download the IM software. It's especially useful if you work on the move and might have to use multiple workstations or public computers for stretches of time.

SV sent an email asking for a term to describe the moment of realizing that you didn't actually send the attachment you claimed you were including in the email. My first take: "Cantachment!". If you've got a better one, leave a comment.

CPS has been closed this week and consequently I've been stuck at my desk at work. It was driving me crazy. I'm not accustomed to sitting in one place for that long anymore. This may have ramifications for future employment searches. I was a good soldier and staffed the bunker for three consecutive quiet days, but am going to work from home on friday.

A consequence of being deskbound is that idle time went towards internet research. Some of the byproducts of that research can be seen here. That CES is going on this week only fueled the speculative imagination of what the future will bring.

Good talk with folks at CSPP yesterday, I might be able to finish up earlier than I had figured.

Good talk with D today about all manner of topics. Chicken Wings at BW3 on Lincoln.

Nothin' doin' for the weekend as of yet. Will spend most of saturday morning/afternoon at a library getting some school work in. Might catch a movie. Next week: definitely will see Albie Sachs at uchicago, possibly will go to a GB talk about Bellow's "The Adventures of Augie March"

Posted: Thu - January 5, 2006 at 11:47 PM      
