Lame, Lame, Lame

I didn't make it to D's event (or the get-together at the Map Room that was going on at the same time) for the lamest of reasons. I fell asleep. Around 7.00p. Then I didn't wake until the wrong side of 10 and then didn't want to bother my grandfather to borrow his car to head out to the suburbs or to trek out in the rain on foot to get to the Map Room. So I stayed at home and did nothing particular on Friday night.

Friday in general: Caught up on some email for work, wandered about in Lincoln Square, browsed at the Book Cellar, lunched with AK+KRT, M& JK at Chicago's Pizza, finished reading Ishiguro's "Never Let Me Go", started Rushdie's "Shalimar the Clown", considered my mortality, reheated some pizza, migraines, painkillers, slept, browsed the internet, listened to some CDs, and slept again (not necessarily in that order).

Posted: Sat - December 31, 2005 at 10:59 AM      
