Audiobook project, tennis, and the rest...

I was at the Harold Washington Public Library on Wednesday for a meeting and had a chance to visit the popular library downstairs to browse the selection of audiobooks available. I settled on Kazuo Ishiguro's "Never Let Me Go" and checked out both the audiobook (8CDs) and the hardcover version. I listened to the first 2 CDs while walking around and running errands on wednesday and thursday and then read the next third of the book on thursday night. I'll probably cue up the next part of the audiobook this morning and transfer it to my ipod before I go out to run some errands and see AK+KRT, M&JK for lunch today. I wouldn't like the audiobook as much if I didn't have the real book on hand to read certain chapters of, or if the story itself weren't so well-written (and thus conducive to being read aloud), or if the production of the audiobook wasn't as good (the narrator is fantastic). The first experiment with audiobooks and the ipod is going well, but the jury is still out.

DB and I played tennis outside in the late afternoon on Thursday. The weather was far from ideal, but there wasn't much wind which made it playable. If we get more dry windfree temperature-above-freezing days this winter, there will probably be more off-season outdoor tennis.

I made use of the CPL's interlibrary loan for the first time. A computer called me to let me know that Rushdie's "Shalimar the Clown" was available for pick-up at my local library branch (Sulzer). Fantastic. I have a few more light days before what I expect to be a high-stress 4 months (Jan-April), so I might as well get some reading in before I start complaining that there's no opportunity to make time for literature.

Hung out with AK+KRT, JK&M, BWK last night at Guthries. Fun times, good to catch-up with folks. Am planning on borrowing my grandfather's car and heading out to Orland Park for D's bday tonight, and then chilling w/ DB&KR et al. on new years eve and then seeing my folks on new years day (it's my father's birthday).

I ran out of upload bandwidth on my free flickr account for the month, hence the lack of updating of the picture segment. I'm reconsidering whether or not flickr is the way to handle this (or if I'm better off just dealing with it manually), but for the time being it won't update until sunday.

Posted: Fri - December 30, 2005 at 11:14 AM      
