US Peace Corps - Military Unlinked (for the next fiscal year)

The "Department of Defense Authorization Act" for FY06 includes language that removes the Peace Corps from the National Call to Service military recruitment program. The bill is expected to be signed into law by President Bush. Long-time readers of this weblog will recall past debates about the effectiveness/dangers of formal linkages between the military and the peace corps. Now that this debate is in the rearview (for a year at least), the Peace Corps can return it's focus to bettering and modernizing it's program.

My Peace Corps "credentials": I was a Peace Corps Volunteer (South Africa '99-01), was a member of the NPCA for a pair of years, and have been a member of CAPCA for several years. I have spoken to umpteen persons interested in pursuing service in the Peace Corps over the years, many from the University of Chicago.

Posted: Fri - December 23, 2005 at 08:13 AM      
