Nadja Insel

        - Postdoctoral  scholar


tectonics AND climate

The task to correctly differentiate between tectonically and climatically driven processes and their influence on denudation and topographic evolution is one of the major challenges in Earth Sciences. My research integrates numerical modeling of climate, stable isotopes, topography, and erosion as well as field work, and sample analysis to investigate the interactions between tectonics, climate and Earth surface processes. I am particularly interested in understanding the mechanisms that link mountain surface uplift and regional climate, and the role of climate variability in shaping landscapes. My research aims to better understand the coupled processes involved, such as the role of mountain growth in climate dynamics and water isotope cycles and conversely the influence of climate change on active tectonic processes and landscape evolution.

To better understand these processes my work involves

  1. evaluating dynamical and physical atmospheric changes associated with variations in mountain heights

  2. quantifying changes in δ18O associated with surface uplift and/or climate change

  3. reconstructing and analyzing spatial and temporal variations in erosion rates over different timescales and their sensitivity to climate change, and

  4. investigating the response of glaciers to variations in climate.

Change is the only constant - Heraclitus