Kanit Kuevibulvanich


I am currently an Assistant Instructional Professor in Economics and the College at the University of Chicago, Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics.

My research interests are macroeconomics, international economics, monetary economics, and open-economy macroeconomics.

Office Address:

Saieh Hall for Economics 012

5757 S University Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637 USA

Mailing Address:

Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics

The University of Chicago

1126 E 59th Street, Chicago, IL 60637 USA

Office Tel: + 1 (773) 834 3056

Walk-in Advising Office Hours:    

Autumn Quarter 2019

Mondays and Wednesdays, 10:30am-12:00pm,

By appointment

Email Address: kanit@uchicago.edu