This section of the homepage contains versions of recently delivered unpublished papers, which are presently in progress. I would be glad of any input the reader would care to give on any aspect of the argument or the materials presented. The following 3 recent papers given Fall and Winter of 2001-2002 are here included.

The Disease of Language and the Language of Disease: Radcliffe Brown Memorial Lecture given at the British Academy, October 18, 2001. With Introductory Comments 9Overwords) and Prologue (A Revelatory Incident)

El Despertamiento Celtico y la Politica de la Cultura: Lección Inaugural. Consejo Superior de Investigación Científica., Madrid, 26 Noviembre 2001.

Rhetoric And the Moral Order: A Critique of Tropological Approaches to Culture, Keynote Talk at "Rhetoric and Culture" Conference, Institut für Ethnologie, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz. February 7th, 2002.


The Disease of Language

Celtismo and the Politics of Culture Rhetoric and the Moral Order