Curriculum Vitae: Work on African Religion and Religious Movements


1964 "The Sound of Bells in a Christian Country--In Quest of the Historical Schweitzer."  The Massachusetts Review, Vol. 5, No. 3, spring 1964, pp. 537-562.

1965 "Homage to the Reverend Benjamin Griswold--Class of 1837."  Dartmouth Alumni Magazine, December 1965, pp. 28-30

1966 "Schweitzer and Suicide."  Transition, Vol. 24, February 1966, pp. 8-10.

1961 "Christian Acculturation and Fang Witchcraft."  Cahiers d'Études Africaines, Paris, Vol. II, No. 6, pp. 244-277.

1963 "The Idea and Symbol of the Saviour in a Gabon Syncretist Cult."  International Review of Missions, Vol. LIII, No. 211, pp. 281-189.

1964b "African Religious Movements, Types and Dynamics."  Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. III, No. 4, pp. 428-446.

1965a "Politics and Prophecy."  Practical Anthropology, Vol. 12, pp. 71-75.

1965b "Symbolic Consensus in a Fang Reformative Cult."  American Anthropologist, Vol.  67, No. 4, August 1965, pp. 902-927.

1966a "Unbelievably Subtle Words--Representation and Integration in the Sermons of an African Reformative Cult."  Journal of History of Religions, Vol. 6, No. 1, August 1966, pp. 43-69.

1966b "Revitalized Words from the Parrot's Egg and the Bull Who Crashes in the Krall."  Proceedings of the American Ethnological Society for 1966, pp. 53-64.

1967a Divinations, Confessions, Testimonies--Confrontations with the Social Superstructure Among Durban Africans.  Occasional Papers of the Institute for Social Research, University of Natal, winter-spring 1967, pp. 10-14.

1967b "The Shaka Complex."  Transition (Kampala), No. 29, spring 1967, pp. 10-14.

1967c "La Notion et le symbole du Sauveur dans unce culte syncretiste gabonaise."  Reprint in Flambeau, Vol. 16, Yaounde, Cameroun.

1969b Microcosmogeny and Modernization in African Religious MovementsOccasional Papers, Center for Developing Area Studies, McGill University, 35 pp.

1969c "African Independent Christianity, Its Study and Its Future."  Journal of Asian and African Studies, Vol. IV, No. 2, pp. 132-147.

1969f "African Religious Movements--Confluents of Inquiry."  Expanding Horizons in African Studies, Proceedings of the Twentieth Anniversary Conference, Gwendolyn Carter, ed., pp. 27-45.  Evanston:  Northwestern University Press.

1969g "Preying Among Priests and Prophets:  Oral Data in the Study of Religion."  Journal of the Folklore Institute, Vol. 6, Nos. 2-3, August-December 1969, pp. 200-217.  Bloomington:  Indiana University Press.

1970b "The Affirmation of Things Past: Alar Ayong and Bwiti as Movements of Protest in Central and Northern Gabon," in Protest and Power in Black Africa, Robert I. Rotberg and Ali A. Mazrui, eds., pp. 427-457.  New York:  Oxford University Press.

1970c Rededication and Prophetism in Ghana, Monograph on the Apostle's Revelation Society, in Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines, Paris, Vol. X, No. 2, June 1970, pp. 228-305.

1971b "Zulu Zionism."  Natural History, Vol. 80, No. 6, June-July 1971, pp. 44-51.

1972c "Tabernanthe Iboga:  Narcotic Ecstasis and the Work of the Ancestors," in Flesh of the Gods:  The Ritual Use of Hallucinogens, Peter T. Furst, ed., pp. 237-260.  New York:  Praeger.

1972d "Equatorial Excursions--The Folklore of Narcotic Inspired Visions in an African Religious Movement," in African Folklore, Richard M. Dorson, ed., pp. 341-361.  Garden City:  Doubleday and Co.  (Text accompanying article:  "Gabon:  Fang Visions" collected by J.W. Fernandez, pp. 511-521)

1973a "The Precincts of the Prophet:  A Day with Johannes Galilee Shembe."  Journal of Religion in Africa, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 23-53, 1973.

1973b "Zulu Zionism."  Reprinted in Man's Many Ways, Natural History Reader in Anthropology, Richard A. Gould, ed., pp. 326-335.  New York:  Harper and Row.

1975a "The Ethnic Communion:  Inter-Ethnic Recruitment in African Religious Movements."  Journal of African Studies, Vol. 2, pp. 131-147.

1975b "On the Symbol."  Current Anthropology, Vol. 16, pp. 476-478.

1975c "On Reading the Sacred into the Profane:  The Dramatic Fallacy in the Work of Victor Turner."  Journal for the Scientific Study of Religions, June 1975, pp. 191-197.

1977b "The Performance of Ritual Metaphors," in The Social Use of Metaphor, J.D. Sapir and J.C. Crocker, eds., Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 100-131.

1978a "African Religious Movements:  The Worst or the Best of All Possible Microcosms."  Issue:  A Quarterly Journal of Africanist Opinion, Vol. VIII, No. 4, winter 1978, pp. 50-52.

1978b "African Religious Movements."  Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. VII, pp. 195-234.

1979a "Africanization, Europeanization, Christianization."  History of Religions, Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 284-292.

1979b Foreword to The New Religions of Africa, Bennetta Jules-Rosette, ed., pp. i-iv.  Norwood, New Jersey:  Ablex.

1979e "On the Notion of Religious Movement."  Social Research, Vol. 46, No. 1, pp. 36-62.

1980b "Reflections on Looking into Mirrors."  Semiotica, Vol. 30, Nos. 1-2, pp. 27-39.

1982b Bwiti:  An Ethnography of the Religious Imagination in AfricaPrinceton:  Princeton University Press.  731 pp.  M.J. Herkovits Prize for 1983 of the African Studies Association.

1982e "The Cultural Status of a West African Cult Group:  On the Creation of Culture," in African Religious Groups and Beliefs:  Papers in Honor of William R. Bascom, Simon Ottenberg, ed., pp. 242-260.  Delhi:  Archana Publications.

1984b Foreword to The Language of Secrecy, Beryl L. Bellman.  New Brunswick, New Jersey:  Rutgers University Press.

1984c "Emergence and Convergence in Some African Sacred Places," in Place:  Experience and Symbol, Miles Richardson, ed., pp. 31-42, Vol 24 in Geoscience and Man.  Baton Rouge, Louisiana:  Geoscience Publications, Louisiana State University.

1984e Foreword to Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion:  An Anthropological Study of the Supernatural, Arthur C. Lehmann and James E. Myers, pp. xi-xii.  Palo Alto:  Mayfield Publishing Co.

1986c "Location and Direction in African Religious Movements: Some Deictic Contours of Religious Conversion". History of Religions, Vol 25, No. 4. pp. 352-367.

1990b "The Body in Bwiti: Variations on a Theme by Richard Werbner."

Journal of Religion in Africa, XX. 1. pp. 92-111.

1990c "Enclosures: Boundary Maintainence and Its Representation Over Time in Asturian Mountain Villages (Spain)" In E. Ohnuki Tierney ed. Symbols Through Time. Stanford Univ. Press. Fall 1990. pgs. 94-127.

1991a Beyond Metaphor: The Theory of Tropes in Anthropology. J. W. Fernandez ed. Stanford Univ Press. Summer 1991. Preface and Introduction.

1991b "Afterword" in African Divination Systems:Ways of Knowing, Philip M. Peek, ed. Bloomington: Univ. of Indiana Press. 1991. pgs. 213-221.

1991d Deborah Durham and J.W. Fernandez, "Tropical Dominions: The Figurative Struggle Over Domains of Belonging and Apartness in Africa" in J.W. Fernandez ed. Beyond Metaphor: The Theory of Tropes in Anthropology. Stanford: Stanford Univ. Press. pgs. 179-208.

1991f "Embodiment and Disembodiment in Bwiti," in Anita Jacobson-Widding (ed), Body and Space: Symbolic Models of Unity and Division in African Cosmology and Experience, Stockholm: Almquist and Wiksell. 1991. pgs. 315-334.

1992a "What it is like to be a Banzie!": On Sharing the experience of an Equatorial Microcosm," On Sharing Religious Experience, J. D. Gort, H. M. Vroom et al. (eds), Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. pgs. 125-135.

1992d "What I learned from "The Parrott's Egg" and "The Bull Who Crashes in the Kraal:" The Senses of Time Binding and Turn Taking in Being With the Other." in Dialectical Anthropology: Essays in Honor of Stanley Diamond. Vol II. The Politics of Culture and Creativity: A Critique of Civilization. Christine Ward Gailey (ed). Gainesville: University of Florida Press, pgs 209- 216.

1995b. "Africa" --The New African Corridors of the Field Museum. African Arts Vol. XXXVIII. (2) Spring 1995. pgs. 90-92.

1997c "An Anthropologist’s View of Dechristianization and Secularization," in Helmut Lehmann (ed) Säkularisierung, Dechristianisierung, Rechrisianisierung im neuzeitlichen Europa, Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht. Pgs. 67-75.

1998c "Trees of Knowledge of Self and other in Culture: On Models of the Moral Imagination," in Laura Rival and Maurice Bloch (eds), The Social Use of Trees, Oxford: Berg. Pgs 81-110.