Curriculum Vitae - Asturian Ethnography
1974a "The Mission of Metaphor in Expressive Culture"--With Comments and Rejoinder. Current Anthropology, Vol. 15, No. 2, June 1974, pp. 119-145.1976c "La Poesia en Moción: Siendo Displazado por Diversiones, por Burlas y por la Muerte en el País Asturiano." Temas de Anthropología Española, C. Lison Tolosana, ed., pp. 131-157. Madrid: Akal.
1976d (with R.L. Fernandez) "El Escenario de la Romeria Asturiana," in Expresiones de la Cultura del Pueblo, C. Lison Tolosana, ed., pp. 230-261. Madrid: Centro de Estudios Sociales del Valle de Los Caidos.
1977c "Poetry in Motion: Being Moved by Amusement, by Mockery, and by Mortality in the Asturian Countryside." New Literary History, Vol. VIII, 1976-77, pp. 459-483.
1979c "Syllogisms of Association: Some Modern Extensions of Asturian Deepsong," in Folklore in the Modern World, R. Dorson, ed., pp. 183-206. The Hague: Mouton.
1980b "Reflections on Looking into Mirrors." Semiotica, Vol. 30, Nos. 1-2, pp. 27-39.
1983a "Consciousness and Class in Southern Spain," Review Article, American Ethnologist, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 165-173.
1983b Foreword to Belmonte de los Caballeros: Anthropology and History in an Aragonese Town, C. Lison Tolosana. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
1984a Reply to "Comment on Fernandez's 'Consciousness and Class in Southern Spain'," by Carrie B. Douglas. American Ethnologist, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 188-189.
1984d "Convivial Attitudes: The Ironic Play of Tropes in an International Kayak Festival in Northern Spain," in Text, Play, and Story: The Construction and Reconstruction of Self and Society, 1983 Proceedings of the American Ethnological Society, Edward M. Bruner, ed., pp. 199-229. Washington, D.C.: American Ethnological Society.
1984f "En torno a una vaca ratina (Metáforas vivas y la cultura que ello implica)." Lletres Asturianes-13, Boletin Oficial de l'Academia de la Llingua Asturiana Pincipau d'Asturies, pp. 45-53. Oviedo.
1985b "Campos Léxicos (Desplazamiento Semántico y Movimiento Regionalista)." Lletres Asturianes-18, Boletin Oficial de l'Academia de la Llingua Asturiana Principau d'Asturies, pp. 55-69.
1986a "Folklorists as Agents of Nationalism: Legends Asturian Mountain Villagers Tell Themselves (and others) about Themselves and the Problem of Local, Regional and National Identity," New York Folklore, Vol. 11, Nos. 1-4, pp. 135-147. See also: "Folklorists as Agents of Nationalism: Asturian Legends and the Problem of Identity" in Ruth Bottigheimer ed. Fairy Tales and Society. Philadelphia Univ. Penn. Press. 1986. pp. 133-146.
1986e "Lo Comun en la comunidad rural en Asturias: Diferencias de parecer. Divergencias de lectura," in Culturas Populares: Diferencias, Divergencias, Conflictos, Coloquio Hispano-Frances: 1984. Madrid: Casa de Velazquez. pp. 185-195.
1987b "Fieldwork in Southwestern Europe" Anthropology and Fieldwork: Responses to Llobera (Part I). in Critique of Anthropology, Vol VII. No. 1. 1987. pp 83-85.
1988a "The Call to the Commons: Decline and Recommitment in Asturias Spain" in B. McCay and J. Acheson (eds). The Question of the Commons: the Culture and Ecology of Communal Resources. Tucson: Univ. of Arizona Press.1988. pp. 266-284.
1988b "Andalucia on Our Minds: Two Contrasting Places in Spain As Seen in a Vernacular Poetic Duel of the Late 19th Century". Cultural Anthropology. Vol 3. No. 1. pp. 21-35.
1988d. "El dominio del tropo: Poesia popular y convivencia social. Gracian y Costa en el campo. Anales de la Fundación Joaquin Costa, No. 5. Madrid 1988. pp. 21-35.
1988e "Under One Roof: Household Formation and Cultural Ideals in an Asturian Mountain Village" With Renate L. Fernandez. Journal of Family History" Vol 13:1. 1988. pgs.123-142.
1989a "La Territorialidad de las palabras. Meditación del Regionalismo en su Aspecto Léxico" in Lengua y Cultura: Aproximación desde Una Semántica Antropológica, José A. Fernandez de Rota y Monter (Ed.) A Coruña: Edicios do Castro. pgs. 155-164.
1989b "La esclavitud de las vacas. La antropología como vocación entre campos en crisis" in Actas do II Coloquio de Antropoloxía Santiago de Compostela, xuño 1984. pgs. 35-42.
1990a "Huecos léxicos y revitalización lingüística en el asturiano moderno," in Lletres Asturianes - 35. January-February, 1990. pgs. 51-66. (Reprinted in Literatura, San Sebastian, Vol 8-9. 1990. pgs. 124-152.)
1990c "Enclosures: Boundary Maintainence and Its Representation Over Time in Asturian Mountain Villages (Spain)" In E. Ohnuki Tierney ed. Symbols Through Time. Stanford Univ. Press. Fall 1990. pgs. 94-127.
1991c "Al Servicio del Sistema: El Estúdio de la Cultura Ibérica desde Dentro y desde Fuera" in España y Los Españoles - Vista Por los Anthropólogos. Maria Cátedra ed. Barcelona: Akal. 1991. pgs 126-160.
1993c "Ceferino Suárez: A Village Versifier," in Creativity in Anthropology Smadar Lavie, Kirin Narayan and Renato Rosaldo (eds), Ithaca: Cornell Press. pgs. 11-29.
1993d "Emergencias Etnográficas: Tiempos Heroicos, Tiempos Ironicos y la Tarea Etnográfica," Lección Inaugural - VI Congreso de Antropólogos Españoles, Tenerife. in Joan Bestard i Camps (Coord). Despues de Malinowski. La Laguna: Dirección General de Patrimonio Historico. pgs. 33-67.
1993e "El ciclo fecal: Comentario Al Artículo "Betanzos, Siglos XVI-XX: Suciedad Aldeana y Limpieza Urbana," Por José Antonio Fernández de Rota. Historia y Fuente Oral No 9. Historia y Etnología. 1993. pgs 87-89.
1994d "Presentación," Antropoloxia Llinguistica: Cultura, Llingua y Etnicidá, Uvieu: Academia de la Llingua Asturiana. 1994. pgs 9-10.
1994f "The dilemmas of provincial culture and the framing of anthropological inquiry," in Ricardo Sanmartin (ed) Antropología sin fronteras: Ensayos en Honor a Carmelo Lisón, Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas. 1994: 71-91.
1996a "Amazing Grace: Meaning Deficit, Displacement and New Consciousness in Expressive Interaction," in Questions of Consciousness," Anthony P. Cohen and Nigel Rapport (eds), ASA Monograph 33. London: Routledge. pgs. 21-40.
1996b Campos Léxicos y Vida Cultural N'Asturies Uviéu: Academia de la Llingua Asturiana.
1997a "Vitalidad Cotidiana, Recursos Léxicos y Lenguage Expresivo (Un enfoque especial en el asturiano moderno) CONFERENCIA INAUGURAL in Xaquín Rodríguez Campos (Coordinador) As linguas e as identidades: Ensaios de etnografía e de interpretación antropolóxica. Santiago: Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. Pgs. 23-43.
1998a "The North-South Axis in European Popular Cosmologies and the Dynamic of the Categorical," in Michael Herzfeld (ed.) Provocations of European Ethnology," American Anthropologist, Vol 99. (4): pp. 713-730..
1998c "Trees of Knowledge of Self and other in Culture: On Models of the Moral Imagination," in Laura Rival and Maurice Bloch (eds), The Social Use of Trees, Oxford: Berg. Pgs 81-110.
1999a "Peripheral Wisdom," in Anthony Cohen (ed), Signifying Identities: Anthropological perspectives on Boundaries and Contested Values. London and New York: Routledge. Pp. 117-144.