Curriculum Vitae - Work on Art and Architectonics


1966c "Principles of Opposition and Vitality in Fang Aesthetics."  The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, Vol. XXV, No. 1, fall 1966, pp. 53-64.

1966e The Influence of Culture on Visual Perception, by Marshall H. Segall, Donald T. Campbell.  James W. Fernandez, Collaborator.  New York:  Bobbs-Merrill.

1968b "Principles of Opposition and Vitality in Fang Aesthetics."  Reprint in Morton H. Fried, Readings in Anthropology, 2nd edition, New York.

1969b Microcosmogeny and Modernization in African Religious Movements.  Occasional Papers, Center for Developing Area Studies, McGill University, 35 pp.

1970a "The Exposition and Imposition of Order:  Artistic Expression in Fang Culture," in Sociology of Art and Literature, M.C. Albrecht, M.C. Barnett and Mason Griff, eds.  New York:  Praeger.

1971a "Principles of Opposition and Vitality in Fang Aesthetics."  Reprint in Art and Aesthetics in Primitive Societies, Carol F. Jopling, ed., pp. 356-373.  New York:  E.P. Hutton (paper).

1971c "Bantu Brotherhood:  Symmetry, Socialization and Ultimate Choice in Two Bantu Cultures," in Kinship and Culture, Proceedings of the 1966 Wenner-Gren Conference, Francis L.K. Hsu, ed., pp. 339-366.  Chicago:  Aldine.

1973c "The Exposition and Imposition of Order:  Artistic Expression in Fang Culture."  The Traditional Artist in African Societies, Proceedings of the 1965 SSRC-ACLS Lake Tahoe Conference, Warren d'Azavedo, ed., pp. 194-220.  Bloomington:  Indiana University Press.

1973e RECORD:  Music from an Equatorial Microcosm:  Fang Bwiti Music (with Mbiri Selections).  Recorded and annotated by J.W. Fernandez, Ethnic Folkways Records, FE--4214 (New York, Folkways Records).

1976b "Dance Exchange in Western Equatorial Africa."  CORD Dance Exchange Journal, Vol. VIII/1, fall-winter 1975-76, pp. 1-7.

1976e (with R.L. Fernandez) "Fang Reliquary Art:  Its Quantities and Qualities," in Cahiers d'Etudes Africaines, Vol. XV, No. 60, spring 1976, pp. 723-746.

1977a Fang ArchitectonicsOccasional Papers, Institute for the Study of Human Issues, Philadelphia, fall 1976, 38 pp.

1977b "The Performance of Ritual Metaphors," in The Social Use of Metaphor, J.D. Sapir and J.C. Crocker, eds., Philadelphia: Univ. of Pennsylvania Press. pp. 100-131.

1979d "The Feeling of Architectonic Form:  Residual and Emergent Qualities in Fang Cult and Culture," in The Visual Arts:  Plastic and Graphic, Justine Cordwell, ed., pp. 103-137.  The Hague:  Mouton

1983c "Fang Architectonics."  Reprinted in The Princeton Journal:  Thematic Studies in Architecture, Vol. l, Julia Bourke, ed., pp. 68-82.  Princeton:  Princeton Architectural Press.

1984c "Emergence and Convergence in Some African Sacred Places," in Place:  Experience and Symbol, Miles Richardson, ed., pp. 31-42, Vol 24 in Geoscience and Man.  Baton Rouge, Louisiana:  Geoscience Publications, Louisiana State University.

1986b "The Argument of Images and the Experience of Returning to the Whole," in The Anthropology of Experience, Victor W. Turner and Edward M. Bruner, eds., pp. 159-187. Urbana: University of Illinois Press.

        1986c "Location and Direction in African Religious Movements: Some Deictic Contours of Religious   Conversion". History of Religions, Vol 25, No. 4. pp. 352-367.

1988d. "El dominio del tropo: Poesia popular y convivencia social. Gracian y Costa en el campo. Anales de la Fundacion Joaquin Costa, No. 5. Madrid 1988. pp. 21-35.

1992b "Architectonic Inquiry: Review Article," Semiotica. Vol 89 (1-3): 215-226.

1992c "The Conditions of Appreciation: Contemplating A Collection of Fang (and Kota) Mobiliary Art," in Kings of Africa: Art and Authority in Central Africa, Erna Beumers and Hans-Joachim Koloss eds. Maastricht: Foundation Kings of Africa. 1992. pgs. 29-32.

1993c "Ceferino Suarez: A Village Versifier," in Creativity in Anthropology Smadar Lavie, Kirin Narayan and Renato Rosaldo (eds), Ithaca: Cornell Press. pgs. 11-29.

1994a "The Muses of Time Past and Time Passing," in Dangerous LiaisonsEssays in Honour of Greg Dening. Donna Merwick (ed). Melbourne: the Univ. of Melbourne Press. pgs. 283-293.

1995b. "Africa" --The New African Corridors of the Field Museum. African Arts Vol. XXXVIII. (2) Spring 1995. pgs. 90-92.

1996c A Patrolling the Border: Experiments on the Frontiers of Poetics@ B American Anthropologist Vol. 98 (4) December: 853-856.

1997b "L’art d’aplegar els propis pensaments. Sinestésia, estética, I relacions part-conjunt en la cultura," (The art of collecting one’s thoughts: synesthesia, esthetics and part-whole relations in culture) in Ricardo San Martin Arce (ed), Revista d’Etnologia de Catalunya. Numero 10. Abril. Pgs. 46-59.