John Levi Martin



Okay, so this is a public service that comes because there are some things I really hate, and they don't fall into standard categories, and I am too embarrassed to tell people in detail about all of them.  So here they are for consultation when planning events.


Hates:  Most dead animals, or recognizable portions of the same (though little burnt up slivers add something to any vegetable dish).  Especially steak and fish including all blobs with eyes and tentacles.  No exceptions here.  Cream sauces of all types.  Sun dried tomatoes.  Goat Cheese.  Blue cheese.  Gorgonzola.  Walnuts and kin.  Wine.  Eggplant and squash and all their unpleasant kin. Mayonnaise.  Sour cream.  Cottage and cream cheese.  Avocado.  Cranberries.  Any one of these is sufficient to ruin a decent meal.

Likes:  Pizza.  Turnip cake pad thai.  Broccoli rabe.  Rice cake.  Poblano peppers. 





















Now because of a retinal migraine I can't read so I will free associate until it wears off


Hates:  Things over $10.  Film.  Dance.

Likes:  Tractor pulls.  A very few movies.  To give you an idea, here are what I consider to the best movies I can remember (post Marx bros). in no order.

1) Brain Donors:  If you like the marx brothers and you live in the modern world you will like this

2) Undercover Brother: It's funny because it's true

3) Mystery Men: Even Ben Stiller was unable to ruin this.

4) Meet the Stupids:  More than just a vehicle for Tom Arnold* as if that weren't enough

5) Spirit of 76:  Best cast in history, and a highlight of the most important genre in art history, two-stoned-guys (ranks ahead of Bill and Ted, Biodome, and is up there with the good parts of the Jay and Silent Bob movies)

6) Ice Station Zebra.  Howard Hughes watched it every day and for good reason.

7) God of Gambles (variously translated): A gentle self-spoof of Chow-Yun Fat's Hard-Boiled character.

FAVORITE POEM:  I read this once.  I don't know who wrote it.

"Insert a coin

and I will lay an egg

with a nice present

inside for you."

FAVORITE MUSIC:  I don't know what it is called.  It is placed by a toy spaceship from China called "Spaceship Playset" when you touch these metal strips on its side.  But I also really like Art Van Damme.


* Soul Plane has just given the words "Vehicle for Tom Arnold" new meaning.