John Levi Martin



So one of the many excellent things about having teenage boys is the stream of gem videos that come my way

in an average day.  To see them, click this VEGEMATATION link; other key links below....

Book Happy                                     Sandbox Automatic                Chick Factor                       

Indian Books                                    Greasy Kid Stuff                    A Different Chick Factor       

Norton Owners Club                        Airline Accidents as of 1996    Nut Music                           

1966 Charger Info                            FM Osaka                            Maddox Vs. Kids

Guns and Dope Political Party            Shari Elf                              Donovan's Isle                                     

Despair                                            Hang on the Box                    PeepsShow

Bush or Chimp?                               They are here                        Jackalopes

Antichrist                                           Jack Sarfatti                        Lisa Suckdog

Kooks museum                                Peter Pan                               Gas Tank Orchestra

The Man with F.E.E.E.T.              Dog Names (and lots of them)   V-Day

Powerpuff Girls                                Evil House of Cheat                Marxist Archive

Queens County Cycle                     Get Your War On                    Slipper 17

Don't You Look at Me!                    Are You Still Here?                 Ten Fat Tigers

Dictionaroake                                There are Tubes on Mars         Hippie Coco Diner

"Big Joe" Martin                            My New Filing Technique          How Cold is it in Madison Today?

The Bodhisattva's Guide                    Train Wrecks                        Madison Chicken Underground

The Enchanted World (TM)              RbrtAntnWlsn                        Lone Star Swan & a screed 1 2

Fun Things to Do with Microwave Ovens  -- or --    Lighting Things on Fire in Microwaves for Science

Demonic Tots                                Thus Spake Frank                   UFOART

Mexican Cheese                            Big Things                                Ship Wrecks

Songs to Wear Pants To                Love Lenny and Squiggy            Dawn of the Knitted Dead

 Cats in Sinks                                 The Back Up                            Bad Doggie

 Just a Little Guy                             Timesheets




"This is the cause of my laughter,

The cause of my laughter at the one who is hard up,

The one who points about for his ancestors that are chiefs.

The puny ones have no ancestors who were chiefs,

The puny ones have no names coming from their grandfathers,

The puny ones who work,

The puny ones who work hard,

Who make mistakes, who come from insignificant places in the world.

This only is the cause of my laughter."

-Kwakiutl Song