The following is a list of published books and papers as well as available but unpublished dissertations using the Urban Communes Data Set.  The list is not complete, and we will add to it shortly.  In addition, there are a large number of working papers and project reports that are available from the authors:  if you are interested in seeing a list of such papers, please contact us.  All references are listed in reverse chronological order.


Carlton-Ford, Steven Lewis. 1993. The Effects of Ritual and Charisma: The Creation of Collective Effervescence and the Support of Psychic Strength. New York: Garland Publishing.

Bradley, Raymond Trevor. 1987.  Charisma and Social Structure.  New York:  Paragon House.

Zablocki, Benjamin. 1980.  Alienation and Charisma:  A Study of Contemporary American Communes.  New York:  The Free Press.


Arceneaux, Taniecea A.  2012.  Resilience of Small Social Networks.  Princeton University.  

Looney, J. Anna. 2005. New Perspectives on Past Commitments: Mid-Life Reflections on Past Experience in Young Adulthood.  Rutgers University.

Martin, John Levi.  1997.  Power Structure and Belief Structure in 40 American Communes.  University of California at Berkeley.

Carlton-Ford, Steven Lewis. 1986. The Effects of Ritual and Charisma: The Creation of Collective Effervescence and the Support of Psychic Strength.  University of Minnesota.

Church, Nathan.  1981.  Modernity, Meaning, and Eastern Spiritual Movements:  An Empirical Sociology of Knowledge Analysis.  Rutgers University. 

Zinn, Helen.  1981.  The Re-Integration of Religious Cultural Commune Members into Society.  Rutgers University. 

Aidala, Angela Ann. 1980.  Ideological Systems:  Norms, Values and Ideology in Sixty Urban Communal Living Groups. Columbia University.

Bradley, Raymond T.  1980.  Pyramids of Power and Communion:  The Structural Properties of Charismatic Communes.  Columbia University.


Beckwith, Cary. 2019.  Who Belongs? How Status Influences the Experience of Gemeinschaft. Social Psychology Quarterly 82: 31–50.

Rawlings, Craig M. and Noah E. Friedkin.  2017.  The Structural Balance Theory of Sentiment Networks: Elaboration and Test.  American Journal of Sociology 123: 510-548.

Habinek, Jacob, John Levi Martin, and Benjamin Zablocki. 2015“Double-Embeddedness:  Spatial and Relational Contexts of Tie Persistence and Re-Formation. Social Networks 42:  27–41.

Martin, John Levi, Tod van Gunten and Benjamin D. Zablocki. 2012 . “Charisma, Status and Gender in Groups with and without Gurus.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 51:20-41.

Vaisey, Stephen. 2007. “Structure, Culture, and Community: The Search for Belonging in 50 Urban Communes.”
American Sociological Review 72: 851-873.

Martin, John Levi and King-To Yeung. 2006. "Persistence of Close Personal Ties Over a Twelve-Year Period." Social Networks 28:331-362.

Martin, John Levi. 2005. "Is Power Sexy?." American Journal of Sociology 111:408-446.

Yeung, King-To. 2005. "What Does Love Mean? Exploring Network Culture in Two Network Settings." Social Forces 84: 391-420.

Martin, John Levi and Sylvia Fuller. 2004. "Gendered Power Dynamics in Intentional Communities." Social Psychology Quarterly 67: 369-384.

Yeung, King-To and John Levi Martin. 2003. "The Looking Glass Self: An Empirical Test and Elaboration." Social Forces 81:843-879.

Fuller, Sylvia and John Levi Martin. 2003. "Women’s Status in Eastern NRMs." Review of Religious Research 44:354-369.

Martin, John Levi. 2002. "Power, Authority, and the Constraint of Belief Systems." American Journal of Sociology 107:861-904.

Martin, John Levi, King-To Yeung, and Benjamin D. Zablocki. 2001. "The Urban Communes Data Set: A Gold Mine for Secondary Analysis." Connections 24:54-59.

Zablocki, Benjamin D.  2001.  “Vulnerability and Objectivity in the Participant Observation of the Sacred.”  In Reflexive Ethnography:  Remembering For Whom We Speak.  Greenwich CT: JAI Press.

Martin, John Levi.  1999.  “Entropic Measures of Belief System Constraint.”  Social Science Research 28:111-134.

Martin, John Levi. 1999.  “A General Permutation-Based QAP Analysis for Dyadic Data from Multiple Groups.”  Connections:  22(Spring).

Martin, John Levi.  1998. “Structures of Power in Naturally Occurring Communities.”  Social Networks 20:197-225.

Carlton-Ford, Steven L.  1992.  “Charisma, Ritual, Collective Effervescence, and Self-Esteem.” Sociological Quarterly 33: 365-387.

Zablocki, Benjamin D., Angela Aidala, Stephen Hansell, and Helne Raskin White. 1991. “Marijuana Use, Introspectiveness, and Mental Health.”  Journal of Health and Social Behavior 32: 65-89.

Zablocki, Benjamin D. and Angela Aidala.  1991.  “The Communes of the 1970s:  Who Joined and Why?”  Journal of Family Issues 87-116.

White, Helene Raskin, Angela Aidala, and Benjamin Zablocki.  1989.  “A Longitudinal Investigation of  Drug Use and Work Patterns  Among Middle-Class, White Adults.”  Journal of Applied Behavioral Science 24:455-469.

Aidala, Angela Ann.  1988.  “Lifestyle Innovators Revisited:  Marriage and Lifestyle Choice Among Former Members of Communal Groups.”  Journal of Family Issues.

Aidala, Angela Ann. 1985.  “Social Change, Gender Roles, and New Religious Movements.”  Sociological Analysis 46: 287-314.

Aidala, Angela. 1984.  “Worldviews, Ideologies and Social Experimentation.”  Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 23:242-261.

Zablocki, Benjamin D.  1978.  “Other Choices:  A Sociologist Explores Alternatives to the Contemporary American Family.”  In The American Family, edited by Israel Zwerling.  Philadelphia:  Smith, Kline and French.

Zablocki, Benjamin D.  1978.  “Communes, Encounter Groups, and the Search for Community.”  In In Search of Community, edited by Kenneth Boch.  Denver:  American Association for the Advancement of Science Symposia.

Ferrar, Jane W.  1977.  “Marriages in Urban Communal Households:  Comparing the Spiritual and the Secular.”  Pp. 409-419 in The Family: Functions, Conflicts, and Symbols, edited by Peter J. Stein, Judith Richman, Natalie Hannon. Reading, Mass: Addison-Wesley.