For security reasons, we no longer have active links to the data.  To receive the data, please follow the "email us" link, and indicate that you have read and agree to the terms of use below.


 UCDS Terms of Use

 The data herein are made public to any and all analysts at accredited colleges or universities who wish to use them.  We only ask the following:

  1. That a faculty member take primary responsibility for the security of the data. 

  2. That all persons using the data understand that, although it lacks identifiers, it is not fully public and cannot be shared with third parties.

  3. That you send us copies of any finished papers or other works using these data (reprints of published articles, final copies of conference or working papers).

  4. That you consent to share with us (and thereby others) any constructed variables (as well as documentation regarding their creation) that have proved enlightening, on our request.  (Examples would be latent variables, change variables, or compound variables.)

  5. That you bring to our attention any possible inconsistencies in the data as soon as they are found.

We note that we are unable to make all of the data immediately public; in addition, there are records that are difficult to transcribe while preserving anonymity.  While in no case will such records be made public, we will entertain requests for additional data, should funding permit.