A Brief Discussion of Dimensional Analysis and Survival Skills

by David C. Kitchen

In the physical sciences, and life in general, the numerical part of a measurement is meaningless if there are no units reported with it. If you tell someone you just ran 26, they have no idea if you mean meters, miles, or something else. It is for this reason that all physical measurements in this course and all your other courses need to include units as part of the answer. Dimensional analysis, or the balancing of units, is one of the easiest ways to do a fast check of mathematical calculations because if the units in the final answer don't make sense, then the numerical part is also probably incorrect. For example, if you are calculating the density of a saline solution and finish with units of cm/sec, you have made a big mistake somewhere. Dimensions are the physical nature of a quantity (e.g. mass, length, time, etc.), are treated just as algebraic quantities, and can, and should, be carried through all equations. You can only add or subtract physical quantities if their dimensions (and preferably their units of measure, but more on this in a moment) are the same. Just like you cannot further simplify apples + oranges, you cannot add or subtract two quantities with different dimensions, say length and mass.

Your text has a brief discussion of dimensional analysis in Appendix B under the heading of unit conversion. Unit conversion is very important because you are often given a measurement in a units that are not those you need to work the problem. In this case you must convert the units so you can properly carry the dimensions through the problem, and/or you may need to report your answer in units other than those with which you finish the calculation. There are examples of this aspect of dimensional analysis on pages A11-A12 of your text, and this point will not be expounded on further here other than to indicate unit conversions are of the form


where C is a constant. This allows you to multiply or divide parts of equations by factors of the form

since they are equal to one.

There is more to dimensional analysis, however, than simple unit conversion. Many units are combinations of dimensions and their respective units. For example, the SI unit of measure for force is the Newton (N) and is defined as (kgms-2). There are other derived units of measure that you will regularly encounter, and knowing the basic units that comprise them will greatly help the solving of problems. Knowing the proper units and dimensions can also help you recall the ordering of some basic formulas by simply making sure the units cancel properly. A sample problem is included at the end of this handout, solved with three different, but equivalent, systems of notation, just so you are familiar with each.

With all that in mind, I would just like to conclude with a word of advice. The largest problem students have with this course and other similar courses is that they only develop a passive understanding of the material. Most students have little problem understanding the basic concepts presented in some general form. The difficulty comes at test time for one reason or another--sometimes it's just an off day, or you run out of time, or something else. Most commonly, however, the problem is the lack of an active understanding of the material. An active understanding involves using the material in new situations not identical to the example or homework problems. All too often you hear students say "Oh, that's easy," after someone explains a test problem to them. This is the classic sign of a passive understanding of the material. Homework problems are the key to overcoming this problem, and the more problems you work, the more easily you will be able to adapt the material to new situations. To this end, if you are experiencing difficulty, it will be useful to work more problems than just those assigned As an aid the answers to all odd numbered problems are in the back of your text. The importance of this cannot be over stressed, but ultimately you just need to find what works best for you.


A certain object has 10.0 cal of kinetic (translational) energy and is moving at a rate of 3.00x104 cm/s. What is the mass of this object in grams?


The formula with which to solve this problem is
where Ek is the translational energy in Joules, m is the mass in kilograms, and v is the velocity in m/s. Since m is the unknown, the first step is to rearrange the equation:

Now simple substitution and canceling of units will give the desired result. There are three general ways to keep track of the units in this equation:

  1. substitute for Ek and v with units

    use unit conversion factors and derived units to get the needed units to cancel

    make sure units cancel

    simplify and give answer in proper units with proper number of sig. figs.

10.0 cal
4.184 J
(100 cm)2
103 g
(3.00104 cm)2

Note the conversion of Joules to its basic units using the relation J=kgm2s-2 and the other three simple unit conversions. Also note the use of significant figures.

Funding supported by the Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation special grant program in the chemical sciences and by a subcontract under NSF grant number DUE-9455972.