OK, finally (by popular request) a few more recent photos -- these from a family road-trip in July and August (upstate NY, Maine, Vermont, Montreal), and from an unusually long and beautiful Chicago autumn.

Katy on the beach in Maine with cousin Sadie.

Sea-kayaking in Tenant's Harbor, Maine.

Benjamin and Katy and I, before the tide comes in.

Benjamin by the Saint Lawrence River.

Back at home, Katy plays guitar.

Oh, man, you have no idea how much Benjamin loves baseball...

... and he's also really good at soccer.
(We're totally mystified about where his athleticism comes from.)

Waiting for the Great Pumpkin.

Would you believe it if I said she's as sweet and good-natured as she is cute...?


Ready for trick-or-treating.

How lucky can a guy get...?

(Click here for earlier pictures)

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