Photographs and artwork, 1935-1940. Page 3.

Pictures of showgirls from a bar in Kansas. 1938

Washington, D.C.

Girl sitting alone in the Sea Grill, a bar and restaurant waiting for a pickup.

"I come in here pretty often, sometimes alone, mostly with another girl, we drink beer, and talk, and of course we keep our eyes open--you'd be surprised at how often nice, lonesome soldiers ask Sue, the waitress, to introduce them to us".

The Shadow: The Masked Lady

October 15, 1939

She was wearing a mask made from a blue bandanna handkerchief. Only her eyes were visible, through two slits in the cloth, for the bandanna formed a triangle point down to her chin. Her eyes looked darkish, there were tufts of blond hair at each side of the mask; but those details were scarcely important at the moment. In her hand, the girl held a small revolver. Whether by chance or design, she had the gun trained straight toward The Shadow, whose cloaked form was plainly visible in the glow from the well-lighted office.

Such was The Shadow's first meeting with the unknown girl who was beginning her career as the Masked Lady.

It threatened to be his last, as well!