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Paul-Yves Colle, who taught AA French language
and literature. An intellectual, a passionate thinker
and teacher, a shining example. Not responsible
for AA's bad French.

    This page contains those of AA's papers that are in French.

      The French version of AA's paper on Linked Ecologies. From Les professions et leurs sociologies edited by Pierre-Michel Menger, 2003, Edition de la Maison des sciences de l'homme. This version antedates the published English version, in Sociological Theory in 2005. It is AA's translation of an earlier English conference paper.

      AA's paper on description as it relates to temporality. . From Enquetes #3, Pratiques de la description edited by Giorgio Blundo and Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan. 2003, EHESS. This is a French original. There is no English paper.

      A translation of the first chapter of AA's book Chaos of Disciplines. From Enquetes #5, Qu'est-ce qu'une discipline? Edited by Jean Boutier, Jean-Claude Passeron, and Jacques Revel, 2006, EHESS. Translated by Maxime Drouet and reviewed by AA

      AA's paper on Concepts of Social Order in the Chicago School. From Modernité de Robert Ezra Park edited by Suzie Guth. 2008. L'harmattan. This is an AA translation (hence pretty bad) of a paper not available in English. It should be read in parallel with the paper (on the "edited volumes" page) about concepts of social order in general. both were written at the same time, in early 2005.

      A translation of AA's paper on the concept of turning point. From Bifurcations Edited by Marc Bessin, Claire Bidart, and Michel Grossetti, 2010 La Découverte. Translated by Bernard Convert and Catherine Négroni. This paper appears in English in Time Matters as well as in Vol 16 of Comparative Social Research

      AA's Conférence d'ouverture at the meetings of the Association Française de Sociologie, 5 July 2011 Translated by Etienne Ollion and edited/revised by AA. The English original is considerably longer and more detailed, but not yet ready for prime time.

      The Epilogue from AA's book Time Matters. From Terrains et Travaux, #19, 2011, Décrire et Compter, edited by Claire Lemercier and Carine Ollivier. Translated by Claire Lemercier and Carine Ollivier and reviewed by AA.

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